Short Term Scientific Missions (STSM)

What is the purpose of an STSM ?

Short Term Scientific Missions (STSM) are aimed at strengthening existing Networks and fostering collaborations by facilitating Researchers participating in a given COST Action to visit an Institution or laboratory in another Participating COST Country / an approved NNC Institution or an approved IPC Institution. A STSM should specifically contribute to the Overall scientific objectives of the COST Action, whilst at the same time enable eligible Researchers to learn new techniques or gain access to specific expertise, instruments and/or methods not available in their own institutions.  

The selection of applicants is based on the scientific scope of the STSM application that must be in line with the Action objectives. STSMs can take place according to the following rules :

  • Minimum duration of 5 days
  • Maximum duration of 90 days
  • Early Stage Researchers (ESR) may extend the duration of the STSM beyond 90 days, the maximum duration is 180 days
  • All travels must be completed during the grant period of the Action
  • The home and host Institution should be located in different countries. STSMs within the same countries are not allowed

Financial Support

A STSM grant (maximum EUR 2 500) is a fixed contribution based on the budget requested by the applicant and the evaluation of the application by the MC Chair /STSM Coordinator or Committee. The aim of this grant is to support the costs associated with the exchange visit. This grant will not necessarily cover all expenses; it is intended only as a contribution to the travel and subsistence costs of the participant.

The MC can approve differentiated country rates for daily subsistence, based on the cost of living in the respective country.

Who is eligible to partake in STSM and how to apply ?  

A STSM applicant must be engaged in a Research Programme as a PhD Student or a postdoctoral fellow or can be employed by , or affiliated to, an Institution or legal entity which has within ist remit a clear associatioin with performing scientific Research.

Always satisfying the above requirement, whether a Researcher is eligible to receive a STSM grant depends on which country their primary affiliation is held. Once this has been established, eligibility can be determined by adhering to the stipulations in the following 3 categories :

1. Reseachers holding their primary Affiliation at an Institution located in a Participating COST country are eligible to perform a STSM in another Participating COST country. A list of Participating COST countries can be found on the respective COST Action Webpage.  

2. For Researchers holding their primary Affiliation in a Near Neighbour Country(NNC), the consideration for being eligible to receive a STSM grant is linked to whether their Institution has been formally approved onto the Action or not - The eligibility Status of Researchers located in NNC is restricted to those affiliated to approved NNC institutions. The complete list of NNC can be found here.

3. For Researchers holding their primary Affiliation at a European RTD Organisation, the consideration for being eligible to receive a STSM grant is linked whether their Institution has been formally approved onto the Action or not. The eligibility Status of Researchers located in European RTD Organisations is restricted to those affiliated to approved European RTD Organisations.

For more Information : Guide for STSM Applicants  

STSM from 2018

Name (Home Institute)Host Institute PeriodTopic
Mr. Marcus SCHIERE (Bern University of Applied Science)TU München (DE)22.1 -2.2.2018Improved understanding of the response of reinforced and unreinforced structures in varying ambient climate conditions
Dr. Robert JOCKWER (ETH Zurich)TU Eindhoven (NL)19.2 - 2.3.2018Load-deformation behaviour and stiffness properties of lateral connections with multiple dowel type fasteners
Mr. Romain LEMAITRE (University of Lorraine)Linnaeus University (SE)26.2 -23.3.2018Works on different numerical modelling approach to predict the load distribution in timber joints
Dr. Vasileios TSIPIRAS (itech) Graz University of Technology (AT)18.3 . 6.4.2018Creep factor kdef for CLT loaded out-of-plane, analysed in dependency of CLT layup and layer as well as lamination properties
Dr. Boris AZINOVIC (Slovenian National Buiding and Civil Engineering Institute)Lund University (SE)1.3 - 30.4.2018Numerical modelling of glued-in rods in CLT
Mr. Simon MÖNCH (University of Stuttgart)University of Coimbra 14.4 - 30.4.2018Influence of friction on the performance of TCC structures
Mr. Konstantinos VOULPIOTIS /ETH Zürich)NTNU (NO)6.6 - 21.6.2018Robustness of Tall Timber Buildings: from theory to practice
Dr. Carmen SANDHAAS (KIT)University of Navarra (ES)16.9 - 29.9.2018Parametric studies assessing models predicting ultimate capacity and failure modes of joints loaded parallel-to-grain, including different materials and fastener types
Mr. Dag PASCA (Trento University)NTNU (NO)

2.9 - 5.11.2018

Assessment of the Overstrength Factor for CLT Structures using Structural Reliability Methods
Mr. Angelo ALOISIO (University of L'Aquila)NTNU (NO)10.10 - 27.10.2018Probabilistic Assessment of CLT Panels Seismic Resistance
Ms. Sara FLORISSON (Linnaeus University)Materials Testing Institute, University of Stuttgart (DE)11.11 - 17.11.2018Experimental Study on Timber Beams with Mechanical Connections subjected to Mechanical Load and Climate Variation
Ms. Coralie AVEZ (University of Mons)Fraunhofer-Institut für Fertigungstechnik und Angewandte Materialforschung IFAM (DE)11.11 - 16.11.2018Prediction of the Probabilistic Strength of Glued-in Perforated Steel Plates set in CLT Panels

STSM from 2017

Name (home Institution)Host InstitutionPeriodTopic
(Ukrainian National Forestry University)
Eberswalde University of Sustainable Development (DE)14.4 -  30.4.2017The Short-Term Wood Creep Test by Means of DMA

(Brandenburg University of Technoloy)

NTNU Trondheim (NO)9.5 - 19.5.2017Development of an Approach for the Evaluation of Existing Timber Constructions with Special Reference to Probabilisitic Analysis
Dr. Kurt de PROFT (Belgian Institute for Wood Technology)KIT, Karlsruhe (DE)20 - 30.6.2017Properties of Stamples

STSM from 2016

Name (Home Institution)Host Institution PeriodTopic (Final Report)
Mr. Andreas RINGHOFER (TU Graz)KIT, Karlsruhe (DE) 11.1 - 12.2.2016"Stiffness Properties of Axially Loaded Self-Tapping Screws"
Dr. Robert JOCKWER (ETH Zurich)TUM; München (DE)8.2 - 26.2.2016"Review of Design Recommendations for Connections Loaded Perpendicular to the Grain"
Dr. Wendel SEBASTIAN (University of Bristol)University of Coimbra (PT)13.3 - 27.3.2016"Simplified Modelling for Multi-Span Continuous Timber Concrete Composite Floors"
Dr. Simone ROSSI (University of Trento)Lund University (SE) 1.4 - 30.4.2016"Load-Bearding Capacity of Steel-To-Timber Dowelled Joints with Multiple Slotted-in-Plates"
Mr. Michael SCHWEIGLER (Vienna University of Technology) Linnaeus University (SE) 9.5 - 27.5.2016 "Experimental Characterization and Parameterization of the Load-to-Grain Angle Dependent Embedment Behaviour of Dowel-Type Fasteners in Laminated Veneer Lumber (LVL)"
Mr. Michael MIKOSCHEK (Institut für Holzbau, Augsburg)NTNU (NO)9.9 - 2.10.2016Calibration and Simplification of Eurocode Safety Formats for Structural Timber Design
Mr. Mario JELEC (University of Osijek)Lund University (SE) 1.9 - 14.10.2016Structural Analysis of In-Plane Loaded CLT Beams with Holes or Notches
Dr. Andrii BIDAKOV (Kharkiv National University)KIT, Karlsruhe (DE) 10.10 - 27.10.2016Strength Properties of CLT by Tension Perpendicular to the Grains
Dr. Almudena MAJANO-MAJANO (Technical University of Madrid)Unviersity of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro (PT)9.11-16.12.2016"Splitting Capacity of Hardwood Connections Loaded at an Angle to the Grain"

STSM from 2015

Name (Home Institution)Host InstitutionPeriod Topic (Final Report)
Mr. Matteo IZZI (University of Trieste)TU Graz (AT)1.3-31.5.2015 "Numeral Simulations of Single-Joints for CLT Structures under Monotonic and Cyclic Conditions"
Mr. Reinhard BRANDNER (TU Graz) TU München (DE) 1.6-31.7.2015 "Evaluation of Combined Test Results and Modelling of CLT Diaphragms"
Mr. Haoyu HUANG (University of Bath) Arup Berlin (DE) 17.6-1.7.2015 "Measuring Wind-Induced Vibration of Tall Timber Buildings and Towers"
Ms. Katrin KUDLA (University of Stuttgart) University of Coimbra (PT)21.9-30.10.2015 "Notched Connections for TCC Structures as a Part of the Standard"
Ms. Elke MERGNY (Université Catholique de Louvain)KIT, Karlsruhe (DE)16.11-13.12.2015"Properties of Single Fasteners"

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