Subproject A8: Managing cycles in teams and networks: Diagnosis, intervention and evaluation
Innovations of PSS require the collaboration of agents in teams and complex networks, which are required to effectively manage cyclic events in their work environment (e.g., technological innovations) as well as cyclic processes during the teamwork itself (e.g., reoccurring coordination activities). The goal forfunding period 3 is to develop approaches for organisational development based on the results of funding period 2, which are aimed at enhancing the capacity of teams and complex networks to manage these cycles. The approaches for organizational development will be based on scientific results on the one hand and applicable in practice on the other hand. The psychological approaches of subproject A8 will be linked to technical and sociotechnical aspects through collaborations within the SFB 768.
- The complexity and dynamics of PSS innovations require the collaboration of agents in teams and complex networks, which need to effectively manage cyclic events in their work environment
- Central research question: Which aspects of team collaboration determine the success of PSS innovations?
- Need for research-based and applicable approaches for organizational development based on the results of funding period 2, which are aimed at enhancing the capacity of teams and complex networks to manage these cycles
Results of funding period 2
- Model of management of cycles of teams and complex networks, which explains the performance of teams and complex networks in the innovation process; central components of the model are:
- Team processes: (a) Processes of anticipation, fostered through cognitive representations of cycles, (b) cycles of adaptation and (c) standardization of cyclical processes
- Team emergent states: Dynamic properties of teams, that are related to the processes
- Effective management of cycles enhances the innovation of teams and complex networks
- Empirical studies (qualitative and quantitative) for the development of the model and it`s preliminary validation
- Integration of technical and socio-technical aspects by cooperating with other subprojects within the SFB 768
Prospective results of funding period 3
- „Design“ in terms of Organizational Development: Development of approaches for organizational development which aim at optimizing of the management of cycles of teams and complex networks:
- Diagnostic instruments
- Intervention approaches, including measuring criteria
- Evidence-based prediction of consequences (e.g. innovation, productivity) of the management of cycles, based on the model developed in funding period 2
- Application and evaluation of one field intervention
- Development of psychological theories and conduct of empirical (qualitative and quantitative) studies, using multi-level approaches and longitudinal designs
- Further cooperation with other subprojects for the integration of technical and socio-technical aspects
- Central results: A validated theoretical model of psychological factors which explains the success of PSS innovations and provides leverage points for the design of organizational development
Selected publications
- Fink, S.; Kasperek, D.; Reif, J. A. M.; Kugler, K. G.; Brodbeck, F. C.; Maurer, M.: Application of DSM in the field Organizational Psychology. In: International Dependency and Structure Modeling Conference, 2015, Fort Worth (USA).
- Georganta, E.; Kugler, K. G.; Brodbeck, F. C.; Reif, J. A. M.: Team Adaptation: An empirical test of the dynamic process. In: EAWOP Small Group Meeting: Dynamics of team cognition and team adaptation, 2014, Lissabon (Portugal).
- Kugler, K. G.; Gerhardinger, F.; Brodbeck F. C.: Characteristics of Effective Leadership in Multiteam Systems. To be presented at the Annual Conference of the Society of Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 2016, Anaheim, CA (USA).
- Kugler, K. G.; Reif, J. A. M.; Behncke, F.; Brodbeck, F. C.; Lindemann, U.: Business Processes in Complex Environments. In: Conference of the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology, 2013, Münster (Germany).
- Kugler, K. G.; Reif, J. A. M.; Ponschab, A.; Gonnermann, I.; Brodbeck, F. C.: Managing time in teams implicitly and explicitly: the interaction between shared temporal mental models and temporal leadership. In: 17th Congress of the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology, 2015, Oslo (Norway).
- Kugler, K. G.; Stahl, B. W.; Diepold, K. J.; Reif, J. A. M.; Lohmann, B.; Brodbeck, F. C.: Zyklische Teamprozesse und Innovationsleistung – eine auf Fuzzy Logik basierte Modellierung wechselseitiger Beziehungen verschiedener Prozessphasen. In: Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie, 2014, Bochum (Germany). § Reif, J. A. M.; Kugler, K. G.; Brodbeck, F. C.: Teamprozesse als erfolgskritische Faktoren im Zyklenmanagement. In: B. Vogel-Heuser, U. Lindemann, G. Reinhart (Eds.), Innovationsprozesse zyklenorientiert managen (pp. 77-89), 2014, Berlin: Springer.
- Reif, J. A. M.; Kugler, K. G., Brodbeck, F. C.: Managing cyclical dynamics in organizations – foundations of a theoretical model. In: Congress of the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology, 2015, Oslo (Norway).

Prof. Dr. Felix C. Brodbeck
Subproject A8
Chair of Economic and Organisational Psychology
Tel.: +49 (0) 89 2180 5201

Dr. Katharina Kugler
Subproject A8
Chair of Economic and Organisational Psychology
Tel.: +49 (0) 89 2180 5239

Dr. Julia Reif
Subproject A8
Chair of Economic and Organisational Psychology
Tel.: +49 (0) 89 2180 5920

Josef H. Gammel M.Sc.
Subproject A8
Chair of Economic and Organisational Psychology
Tel.: +49 (0) 89 2180 5897

Eleni Georganta M. Sc.
Subproject A8 (Member of CRC 768)
Chair of Economic and Organisational Psychology
Tel.: +49 (0) 89 2180 5204