Subproject A10: Supporting innovation of PSS through model-based assessment of PSS use phase information
The objective of subproject A10 is to enable PSS providers to shape future innovation based on the cyclic interactions during the use-phase of PSS. The use phase modeling processes enables effective cycle management of PSS and aids in extracting implications for future innovation from cyclic interaction during the use phase (e.g., changing user needs, changes in the environment of the PSS, etc.). The ultimate goal is to identify potential for improving PSS and to provide input (e.g., design guidelines, requirements or parameters) for the development phase of future generations using a model-based systems engineering approach.
- Development of a holistic sociotechnical design approach for PSS
- Integration of the sociotechnical perspective in PSS development requires a design methodologies that can handle complexities instigated by the sociotechnical nature of PSS
- The use-phase of PSS is a driving force for innovation that if properly understood can increase the effectivity of PSS and offer better product and service solutions
- Need to develop a systematic approaches to iteratively exchange information between the PSS use phase and PSS development phase
Results of funding period 2
- Use-case-based procedural approach for model development
- Supports modeling of high-level sociotechnical logical and physical architectures of PSS
- Identification of stakeholders connected to system architecture
- Meta-model for describing the sociotechnical perspective
- Classification of elements in the social sphere
- Description of relevant technical components as well as services in the technical domain
- Dynamic system models to describe behavioral properties over time
- Development of system dynamic models and agent based models to analyze dynamic relationships and predict performance
- Key Performance Indicator (KPI) Framework
- Design of a process to derive KPIs from PSS goals
- Identification of Critical Success Factors (CSF) by considering both the product and service strategies
Prospective results of funding period 3
- Development of a systemic process model to model the use phase and to identify innovation potentials for future generations analyzing use phase information and a model based systems engineering approach
- Objectives and of the use phase modeling process:
- Systemic identification of external cyclic influences that impact PSS during use phase
- Specification of requirements of use phase product and service models
- Definition of interfaces between use phase model and real-world PSS
- Development and application of key performance indicators for a targeted shaping of innovation
- Derivation and assessment of analysis scenario portfolios of PSS use phase
Selected publications
- Hollauer, C.; Wilberg, J.; Maisenbacher, S.; Omer, M.: Towards a meta-model for the description of the sociotechnical perspective on Product-Service Systems. In: Industrial Product-Service Systems Conference, 2015, Grenoble (France).
- Hirth, N.; Maisenbacher, S.; Kasperek, D.; Hollauer, C.; Maurer, M.: An Approach to Reveal Starting Points for PSS Design Support with Dynamic Models. In: Industrial Product-Service Systems Conference, 2015, Grenoble (France).
- Omer, M.; Behncke, F. G. H.; Ganguly, A.; Hollauer, C.: A Complexity Driven Approach for Risk Evaluation in Use-Oriented Product- Service Systems Supply Chains: An Integrated Supply Chain for Usage Oriented PSS. In: IEEE System of Systems Engineering Conference, 2014, Adelaide (Australia).
- Wilberg, J.; Hollauer, C.; Omer, M.: Supporting the Performance Assessment of Product-Service Systems during the Use Phase. In: Industrial Product-Service Systems Conference, 2015, Grenoble (France).

Dr. Mayada Omer
Subproject A10
Institute of Product Development and Leightweight Design

Jakob Trauer, B.Sc.
Subproject A10
Institute of Product Development and Lightweight Design
Tel. +49 89 289 16175