Subproject A4: Collaborative Requirements Engineering for Product-Service Systems
Subproject A4 is concerned with the question how cycle-oriented collaboration in requirements engineering for product service systems can be organized. The central issue in this context is that the development of product service systems involves various disciplines and stakeholders. Insufficient or unsystematic collaboration between stakeholders causes many delays in the requirements engineering process. A comprehensive approach for requirements engineering for product service systems therefore needs to consider collaborative aspects. For this reason, subproject A4 develops models, methods and tools for designing organizational structured, business processes and information systems that support coordination, communication and cooperation in the area of collaborative requirements engineering.
- The goal of requirements engineering is to translate complex customer needs into detailed requirements
- Requirements engineering for PSS is a collaborative process that involves various stakeholders
- Collaboration consists of Coordination, Communication and Cooperation
- Existing approaches for collaborative requirements engineering do not fulfill the special challenges of PSS development
- Complex network of stakeholders involved
- Cross-disciplinary development
- Different lifecycles of hardware, software and service components
Results of funding period 2
- PSS-Integration Framework (developed in a cooperation of the subprojects A4, A6 and C2)
- Cross-disciplinary approach for integrating heterogeneous models and artifacts of PSS development
- Cycle-oriented Traceability Model for PSS Requirements
- Structural model of artifacts and semantic relationships (trace links) that are relevant in PSS development
- Traceability-Process Model and Method Toolkit
- Specification of activities that are required to ensure traceability
- Description of methods for performing those activities
- Software prototype of a traceability support system
- Automated model transformations and linkages
- Features for analyzing trace links
Prospective results of funding period 3
- Comprehensive Approach for Requirements Engineering in cycle-oriented Innovation Processes of Product Service Systems, consisting of:
- Reference model for collaborative Requirements Engineering
- Governance instrument to support coordination
- Communication toolkit to support communication
- Approximation method for defining the overall PSS goals to support cooperation
- Software prototype of a collaborative Requirements Engineering system
Selected publications
- Wolfenstetter, T.; Bründl, S.; Füller K.; Böhm, M.; Krcmar, H.: Towards a Requirements Traceability Reference Model for Product Service Systems. In: 6th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Systems Management, Sevilla, 2015.
- Wolfenstetter, T.; Bründl, S.; Böhm, M.; Krcmar, H.: Why Product Service Systems Development is Special. In: 6th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Systems Management, Sevilla, 2015.
- Wolfenstetter, T.; Floerecke, S.; Böhm, M.; Krcmar, H.: Analyse der Eignung domänenspezifischer Methoden der Anforderungsverfolgung für Produkt-Service-Systeme. In: 12. Internationale Tagung Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI2015), Osnabrück, 2015.
- Wolfenstetter, T.; Kernschmidt, K.; Münzberg, C.; Kammerl, D.; Goswami, S.; Lindemann, U.; Vogel-Heuser, B.; Krcmar, H.: Supporting the Cross-disciplinary Development of Product-service Systems Through Model Transformations. In: Proceedings of the 2014 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, Meeting Matters International, Kuala Lumpur, 2014.
- Chucholowski, N.; Wolfenstetter, T.; Wickel, M.; Krcmar, H.; Lindemann, U.: Towards Cycle-Oriented Traceability in Engineering Change Management. In: Proceedings of the DESIGN 2014 13th International Design Conference, Design Society, Cavtat - Dubrovnik, Croatia, 2014.

Prof. Dr. Helmut Krcmar
Subprojects A4, C1, D1 and T5
Chair for Information Systems
Tel.: +49 (0) 89 289 19530

Dr. rer. nat. Markus Böhm
Subprojects A4, C1 and D1
Chair for Information Systems
Tel.: +49 (0) 89 289 19528

Mohammadreza Basirati M. Sc.
Subprojects A4 and D1
Chair for Information Systems
Tel.: +49 (0) 89 289 19500

Julia Eggers, M.Sc.
Subprojects A4 and C1
Chair for Information Systems
Tel.: +49 (0) 289 19587