Subproject A3: Shaping the dynamics of sociotechnical systems using the example of user innovation communities
The subproject A3 is engaged in the modelling and analysis of sociotechnical systems and with the shaping of its dynamics. The innovation process is herein treated as a system of this class, containing both technical system components (e.g. machinery along a production line), as well as social components (e.g. operators of the machinery). Methods are developed and tested in the early phase on the example of user innovation communities, and are generalised later for arbitrary sociotechnical systems.
- Innovation process as a sociotechnical system containing
- Technical system components
- Social system components
- Modelling of the sociotechnical system by
- Fuzzy logic based methods
- Machine learning
- Shaping the dynamics by control and optimisation
Results of funding period 2
- Development of transition-adaptive Fuzzy-Systems, allowing a transparent adaption of the system dynamics
- Integration of data in the modelling process
- Data collected during field studies
- Using fuzzy clustering to create fuzzy models
- Deduction of linguistic, logical rules from the fuzzy model
- First approaches to optimisation and complexity handling
Prospective results of funding period 3
- Modelling and shaping of the dynamics of user innovation communities
- Identification of relevant system inputs
- Modelling of the dynamics, e.g. using fuzzy logic based methods
- Shaping and analysis of the system dynamics in cooperation with Subproject A7
- Development of methods for control and optimisation of sociotechnical systems
- Optimisation of the dynamics under uncertain boundary conditions
- Improvement of methods for control of the mathematical model
- Development of a guideline on the handling and control of the dynamics of sociotechnical systems
- Development of a procedure model for the effective application of the evaluated methods
Selected publications
- Greitemann, J.; Stahl, B.; Michels, N. V.; Lohmann, B.; Reinhart, G.: Quantitative Model of the Technology Lifecycle for Forecasting the Maturity of Manufacturing Technologies. In: IEEE International Conference on Management of Innovation and Technology, 2014, Singapur, S. 290-294.
- Lohmann, B.; Stahl, B.; Diepold, K.: Systemtheoretische Grundlagen zyklengerechter Modellbildung. In: Vogel-Heuser, B.; Lindemann, U.; Reinhart, G. (Hrsg.): Innovationsprozesse zyklenorientiert managen. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer 2014, S. 45-62.
- Stahl, B.; Zhong, Z.; Plehn, C.; Reinhardt, G.; Lohmann, B.: Fuzzy expert system based evaluation framework for management procedure models. In: IFAC Symposium on Information Control in Manufacturing (INCOM), 2015, Ottawa (Kanada).

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Boris Lohmann
Subprojects A3 and A7
Chair of Automatic Control
Tel.: +49 (0) 89 289 15610

Ertug Olcay, M.Sc.
Subproject A3
Chair of Automatic Control
Tel: +49 (0) 89 289 15664