Subproject C3: Designing the information exchange between users and producers: Co-evolution of user and producer capabilities for Open Innovation
The objective of subproject C3 is a better design of user-producer-interactions in PSS innovation processes. The overarching topic is the co-evolution of user and producer competence for Open Innovation. By mutual learning processes with users, PSS producers can improve the management and design of external users’ input cycles. Subproject C3 analyses how users and producers mutually empower themselves to innovative activities and reciprocal learning. In specific, the project investigates capabilities of innovative users as well as employees at company boundaries. These capabilities are essential for a successful shared development of innovative ideas. Subproject C3 explores possibilities for a better design of user-producer interactions. By focusing not only on cycles of external user inputs but also on mutual learning, concrete levers for practice are identified. Thereby PSS providers are enabled to pro-actively design external cycles, such as radical changes in customer preferences.
- User and producer have different but complementary knowledge
- User: Use-related knowledge of needs
- Producer: Technically oriented solution knowledge
- Producers benefit from the integration of users in PSS innovation processes
- Development of complex PSS requires integration of users’ and producers’ knowledge
- Improved design of user-producer interactions can be enabled by shared development and extension of competencies at the boundary of the firm
- Successful interaction with users as a method for management of external (market oriented) cycles
- Successful interactions based on essential capabilities of users and producers
- Focus on design of competencies at the intersection of PSS users and providers: Co-evolution of Open-Innovation capabilities (OI capabilities)
- Development of concrete levers for improvement of OI capabilities (z. B. feedback mechanism, reciprocity, specific tools)
Results of funding period 2
- Modelling of user-producer interactions as bidirectional flows of information
- Development and empirical validation of successful user-producer interactions model: Exploration of effective parameters of user-producer interactions and their impact on successful interaction in user-vendor relationships
- Modelling of flows of information from users to producers
- Definition of user knowledge and its relevance for PSS-innovation processes
- User knowledge of particular relevance in the early development and late use phases of the PSS-innovation process as well as for the development of services
- Successful utilization of user knowledge depends on absorptive capacity and coordination mechanisms of actors
- Modelling of information flows from producers to users
- PSS providers lead users through targeted feedback and influence them in innovation and purchase decisions
Prospective results of funding period 3
- Understanding of relevant skills of innovative users and employees at the enterprise edge, who are essential for successful shared development of innovative ideas.
- Exploration of mutual learning paths and dependencies.
- Opportunities for optimal design of user-producer interaction
- Development of concrete levers to enable PSS providers for pro-actively designing external cycles
Selected publications
- Gambardella, A., Raasch, C., von Hippel, E. A.: The User Innovation Paradigm: Impacts on Markets and Welfare. In: Management Science, 2015.
- Hagenmaier, M., Preißner, S., Raasch, C., Zaggl, M.: Die Integration des Kunden in den Innovationsprozess – Eine Untersuchung zu Mass Customization von Produkt-Service Systemen. In: Vogel- Heuser, B., Lindemann, U., Reinhart, G. (Hrsg.): Innovationsprozesse zyklenorientiert managen – Verzahnte Entwicklung von Produkt-Service Systemen. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer, 2014.
- de Jong, J.P.J.; von Hippel, E.; Gault, F.; Kuusisto, J.; Raasch, C.: Market failure in the diffusion of consumer-developed innovations: Patterns in Finland. In: Research Policy, 2015
- Schmidt, D.M., Preißner, S., Hermosillo-Martínez, J.A.; Quiter, M., Mörtl, M., Raasch, C.: Integration of user knowledge across the lifecycle of integrated product-service systems – An empirical analysis of the relevance for PSS development and management. In: International Conference on Engineering Design, 2015, Mailand (Italien).

Dr. Michael Zaggl
Subprojects C3 and C5
Dr. Theo Schöller-Stiftungslehrstuhl für Technologie- und Innovationsmanagement
Tel.: +49 (0) 89 289 25746

Claus Schöttl
Subprojects C3 and C5
Dr. Theo Schöller-Stiftungslehrstuhl für Technologie- und Innovationsmanagement
Tel: +49 (0)89 289 25796

Juliane Wissel M.Sc.
Subproject C3
Dr. Theo Schöller-Stiftungslehrstuhl für Technologie- und Innovationsmanagement
Tel.: +49 (0)89 289 28404