Subproject C2: Future oriented development of PSS with respect to external cycles
In subproject C2 a methodical approach to forecasting of external cycles affecting the product development is drawn up. So, companies and their functional unit development are enabled to react to trends and carry out the design of future robust PSS. For this, existing approaches of scenario planning and strategy definition will be adapted to match the cyclic nature of relevant factors. In addition, methods of control technology are applied to create cyclic future images describing expected cycles. Based on these cyclic visions scenarios and the functional strategy can be defined.
You can watch a video to this topic here.
- External cycles influence the PSS development
- Existing approaches from strategy planning:
- Consideration of external factors, however, their cyclical behavior is not processed
- While approaches describe the cyclical behavior as relevant, they do not provide concrete measures for analyzing cyclical behavior
- Analyzing cyclical behavior of external cycles
- Identification of interdependencies relevant for development strategy
- Facilitating the synchronization between positively/negatively interacting interdependencies, e.g., user acceptance of an innovation and purchasing power
- Definition of a development strategy
- Strategy as an reaction on forecasted external cycles
Results of funding period 2
- Decision-making process for PSS planning: Methods for supporting decisions
- Identifying and weighting decision criteria: checklist for decision criteria, block model for weighting criteria and decisions
- Compatibility analysis: Checking the compatibility between PSS element within a PSS concept
- Quantifying uncertainties: Determining uncertainties of PSS elements based on the decision criteria, enables early identification of measures for changes
- Evaluating quality features: Determining the degree of performance for quality features based on the customer perception
- PSS-Planungsmodell
- Knowledge basis for the decision process of PSS planning
- Covers the entire PSS portfolio (requirements, functions, structure of components…)
- Modularization and support for variant management
- Consideration of multiple planning horizons (short-term, medium-term, long-term planning)
Prospective results of funding period 3
- Procedure for defining a cycle-aware development strategy
- Ontology of external influences as a reasonable tool for identifying relevant influences
- Method for creating future projections of external cycles
- Defining future images of external cycles as a basis for the development strategy
Selected publications
- Schmidt, D. M.; Malaschewski, O.; Fluhr, D.; Mörtl, M.:Customer-oriented Framework for Product-Service Systems. In: Proceedings of the 7th CIRP Conference on Industrial Product-Service Systems (IPS²), Saint-Etiénne, France, 2015.
- Kammerl, D.; Malaschewski, Schenkl, S. A., Mörtl, M.:Decision Uncertainties in the Planning of Product-Service System Portfolios. In: ICoRD – Research into Design Across Boundaries Volume 2 (pp. 39-48), Springer, 2015.

Dr.-Ing. Markus Mörtl
Subproject C2
Institute of Product Development and Leightweight Design
Tel.: +49 (0) 89 289 15152

Dominik Weidmann M.Sc.
Subproject C2
Chair of Product Development and Leightweight Design
Tel +49 (0) 89 289 15140