
In May 2018 Prof. Dragan Djurdjanovic (University of Texas at Austin, USA) gave a lecture for SFB 768 in the context of a guest professorship at the Chair of Automation and Information Systems on "Integrated simulation-based optimization of operations in manufacturing systems". ... [more]

In November 2017 Prof. Chun-Hung Chen and Prof. Edward Huang visited SFB 768 and conducted a workshop. Both professors teach and conduct research at the Faculty of Systems Engineering & Operations Research at George Mason University, USA. Prof. Chen is known and respected... [more]

The Scientific Colloquium of Collaborative Research Center 768 will take place on 20th August 2018 in Munich. It will be co-located with CASE 2018 at the Technical University of Munich Campus Garching. For more information to the colloquium please click here. [more]

Dr.-Ing. Daria Ryashentseva is the new managing director of the SFB 768 since the end of 2017. [more]

On 28.11. Professor Tyson Browning once again visited the Product Development Department. Prof. Browning teaches and researches at Texas Christian University on topics such as operations management, risk management and project management. Prof. Browning provides major... [more]

The focus of the Collaborative Research Center 768 is the design and proactive management of cycles in innovation processes. The transfer of research results to industry is very important. The 4th Forum for Industry and Science 2017 represents an exchange platform in which, on the... [more]

TUM ASIA SUMMER SCHOOL: Industrie 4.0 – As a disruptive Innovation Widely discussed as the 4th Industrial Revolution, Industrie 4.0 could boost productivity in the manufacturing sector worldwide. Singapore is tackling challenges with increasing labour costs, stagnant productivity... [more]

 We like to invite you to the presentation by Prof. Dr. Michael Dowling with the topic Disruptive Innovations. Prof. Dowling is named to the Professorship for Innovation and Technology Management at the University of Regensburg. His research topics are: strategic management of... [more]

 The CRC 768 offers to  an fireside chat with Dr. Figalist, manager of the development  in  division digital factory (Siemens). Dr. Figalist talks about  „strategic control of prefield using the example of division digital factory“ room 5530.EG.003 TUM GS18:30 to 20:30 pm ... [more]

Tanja Lichtenegger M. Sc. is the new managing director of the SFB 768. She will be supported by Michael Metzenmacher M. Sc. Her predecessor, Dipl.-Ing. Konstantin Kernschmidt, will leave the SFB 768 at the end of this year, as he finishes his Ph.D. [more]