TUM ASIA SUMMER SCHOOL: Industrie 4.0 – As a disruptive Innovation

Widely discussed as the 4th Industrial Revolution, Industrie 4.0 could boost productivity in the manufacturing sector worldwide. Singapore is tackling challenges with increasing labour costs, stagnant productivity and a slow global economy. The opportunities from Industrie 4.0 will bring about changes in Singapore’s manufacturing sector and lead to a revitalization of the industry.

This 5-Day Summer School Programme will comprise of a series of lectures, case studies and discussions conducted and facilitated by leading faculties in the “Industrie 4.0” domain from the Technical University of Munich (TUM) and the Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg. The Summer School is conducted in collaboration with the Collaborative Research Center CRC / SFB 768 Committee at TUM. The Summer School will take place on 24th – 30th August 2017 in Singapore.

For more information about this event click here.