"Integrated Simulation-Based Optimization of Operations in Manufacturing Systems" - Visit of Prof. Dragan Djurdjanovic

In May 2018 Prof. Dragan Djurdjanovic (University of Texas at Austin, USA) gave a lecture for SFB 768 in the context of a guest professorship at the Chair of Automation and Information Systems on "Integrated simulation-based optimization of operations in manufacturing systems".

Prof. Dragan Djurdjanovic


In the lecture he highlighted the need for Intelligent Maintanance. He showed the challenges of maintenance and operational decision making and presented his concept "Integrated Product Sequencing and Maintenance Scheduling in flexible manufacturing systems".

Since the research topic is of great importance nowadays, his presentation was also very interesting for other chairs of the SFB768 team. During his presentation the employees from the subprojects A3, A7, D1, T3 participated with great interest.

We thank Prof. Dragan Djurdjanovic for his visit and wish him all the best and much success in the professional field.