Hannah Varga

Hannah M. Varga studied material culture/design anthropology (MA) at the University College London (UCL) and Social and Cultural Anthropology at the University of Vienna before she worked at the MAK – Austrian Museum for Applied Arts /Contemporary Art at the design collection. There she contributed to exhibition and research projects such as “2051: Smart Life in the City” a project of the “Vienna Biennale 2015: Ideas for Change” or the anniversary exhibition: “Exemplary, 150 years of the MAK- From arts and crafts to design”. After that she joined the IDRV, Institute for Design Research Vienna. Currently, she is a PhD student, researching at the interface between STS and design. She also works in the EU founded Horizon 2020 project “Smarter Together” - Smart and Inclusive Solutions for a Better Life in Urban Areas.
Research Priorities
- STS & Design
- Social and Cultural Anthropology
- Architecture and Design Research
- DIY and counter culture
- Experimental design practices
- Museum and Curation
European Association for the Study of Science and Technology (EASST)
- Varga, H. (2018): Diseñar y crear con los STS/ On design and making with STS; In: Farías, I. & Sánchez Criado, T. (Eds.): Diseña (12). pp. 30-51 https://doi.org/10.7764/disena.12.30-51
Conference papers
- Co-design of smart city infrastructures - Towards an agenda. At 4S/EASST Conference 2016: Science + technology by other means. 31 August - 4 September 2016. Barcelona, Spain.
- Thinking with Sensors. Prototyping Publics for Technical Democracy. At Sensor Publics: The Politics of Sensing and Data Infrastructures TUM/Vorholzer Forum. 5 April – 7 April 2017. Munich, Germany.
Exhibition Projects (Assistance and Curatorial Work / A selection)
- SMART LIFE IN THE CITY (Vienna Biennale 2015: Ideas for Change). At MAK, Vienna/Austria. 2015.
- DESIGN SALON #04: DUNNE & RABY: The School of Constructed Realities. At Geymüllerschlössl, Vienna/Austria. 2015.
- DO IT YOURSELF DESIGN. At Museum für Gestaltung— Schaudepot, Zurich/Switzerland. 2015.
- EOOS. At MAK, Vienna/Austria. 2015.
- EXEMPLARY: 150 Years of the MAK: From Arts and Crafts to Design. At MAK, Vienna/Austria. 2014.
- MAK DESIGN LAB. At MAK, Vienna/Austria. 2014.
- London URBAN METHODOLOGIES by the Urban Lab, UCL. London. 2013.