Edited Collections

Selected Articles
Ignacio Farías 2017 “An Idiotic Catalyst. Accelerating the Slowing Down of Thinking and Action”. Cultural Anthropology, Vol. 32(1): 34-40 2016
Ignacio Farías & Anders Blok 2017 "STS in the City“. In: Miller, Clark A./Felt, Ulrike/Fouché, Ray/Smith-Doerr, Laurel (Eds.) Handbook of Science and Technology Studies. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press
Ignacio Farías & Anders Blok 2016 “Introduction: Technical Democracy as a Challenge for Urban Studies". CITY: analysis of urban trends, culture, theory, policy, action, Vol. 20, Issue 4: 539-548
Manuel Tironi & Ignacio Farías 2015 "Building a park, immunising life: Environmental management and radical asymmetry“, Geoforum, Vol. 66: 167-175