Visiting Scholars

Julio Paulos
is a visiting fellow at the MCTS and PhD Candidate at the ETH Centre on Society, Architecture and the Built Environment (ETH CASE) in Zurich.In his thesis – supervised by Ignacio Farías – Julio explores by which means planning is being operated and mediated in city administrations, in order to understand how epistemic framings and ontological arrangements perform in the formation, displacement and translation of planning issues.Previously, he was an assisting researcher on the SNSF project "Rethinking Zones: A comparative study of planning cultures" and has conducted ethnographic research on situated planning practices.
Duration of stay: 02 - 09/2017

Angela di Fiori
holds a degree in Sociology, specifically in science and technology studies and in organization studies. She is currently a Ph.D. student in Computer Science at the University of Trento. Her research interest are in the CSCW field with a specific focus on requirements definition and dynamics of social appropriation of technology. Her research is in the healthcare and attempts to develop a knowledge management solution taking into account the contributions of participatory design, sociology of health and medical anthropology.
Duration of stay: 02 - 07/2017
Former Visiting Scholars

Gonzalo Correa
studied psychology at University of the Republic of Uruguay. In 2011, Master of Research in Social Psychology at the Autonomous University of Barcelona. Since 2009 teaching assistant at Programme of Psychology of Work and Organization, School of Psychology of University of the Republic (Uruguay).
Duration of stay: 04/2015 - 06/2015