Current research projects

enable - healthy choices in all stages of life (2. Förderperiode)

Ziel des Projekts ist es, das Ernährungsverhalten verschiedener Bevölkerungsgruppen hin zu einer gesünderen und geschmackvolleren Ernährung zu beeinflussen. In einem interdisziplinären Projektteam entwickeln die beteiligten Expertinnen und Experten zielgruppenspezifische Lösungen und evaluieren diese mittels eines Methodenmixes aus qualitativen und quantitativen Verfahren. Das Kompetenzcluster ENABLE wird vom Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung gefördert.

Fördergeber: Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF).

Förderdauer: September 2018 – August 2021

Fokusprojekt 6, Modul 2: Selbsterkenntnis als Interventionsstrategie für Ernährungsverhalten

Ziel des Projekts ist die Analyse, wie die Erkenntnis eigener physischer Reaktionen auf sensorische Effekte, in Verbindung mit Aussagen über die Selbstwahrnehmung in Bezug auf eigenes Ernährungsverhalten die individuellen Einkaufsmuster und den Konsum von Lebensmitteln verändert. Die Zielgruppen sind junge Erwachsene (18 bis 25 Jahre), Personen im mittleren Erwachsenenalter (40 bis 65 Jahre) und Seniorinnen und Senioren (65+ Jahre).

Many places. Everywhere? - questions about the institutionalization of STEM gender studies

In 2016 there are about 30 professorships at universities and colleges for applied sciences in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Nevertheless, 26 years after the introduction of the first professorship in Germany with a denomination in gender research, there is still no sustained institutionalization of gender studies in the STEM disciplines.

For the first time, the study systematically surveys professors on the aspects of the professorship, integration into the STEM disciplines and the assessment of prospects for the future, and compares the three locations Germany, Austria and Switzerland. The study focuses in particular on young scientists

GenderMINT4.0: Study choice, study entrance and study success of women (and men) in STEM

The study examines the effects of digitization and diversity-oriented structural changes at universities and companies on the study choice and study success of women in STEM.

Objectives: to recruit young women for high-tech strategy areas, to support their professional success and to contribute to the sustainable integration of women into digital change.

Longitudinal study on transitions from school to university education and professions related to Industry and Work 4.0: Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Electronics, Computer Science, Physics. Mixed methods of quantitative and qualitative social research.

The results lead to recommendations for the improvement of measures for gender-related recruitment of young people and serve the development of a specific further training format for actors in STEM fields.

Sponsor: Federal Ministry of Education and Research (FKZ: 01FP1608)

Duration: 01.10.2016 - 31.09.2019


The ForGenderCare research group examines the relationship between gender and care theoretically and empirically an interdisciplinary horizon. There are 12 projects at various Bavarian research centers.

Work Package 3: The role of gender and diversity-oriented technology development in the participation of seniors in demographic change

  • Gender and diversity-oriented communication and participation models
  • Suitable participatory models for the development of social change
  • Models of gender- and diversity-oriented technology design
  • Include the results in the design of gender- and diversity-oriented STEM studies and professions

For more information, visit the website.