Vision and objectives
The goal of cycle management for innovation processes is to create and mold the integrated development of product-service systems based on technical products. The following aspects are addressed:
Managing cycles
The methods and tools to be created will support companies in anticipating and reacting to cyclical internal and external influences.
Furthermore, the methods and tools will help to shape cycles, e.g. in strategic planning, in development processes, and in production facilities.
Managing innovation processes
A further objective of the SFB 768 is to plan and coordinate innovation processes. This requires the measurement of process variables, such as the current degree of attainment of development objectives, and if required the consequent definition of improvement measures.
Handling dependencies
PSS innovation processes contain a variety of dependencies, for example between the different subprocesses involved in creating products or services, between the individual products and services within a PSS, or between different PSS generations. These dependencies must be identified and their interconnections actively shaped on this basis.
Strengthening solution orientation
PSS are created in order to meet specific customer needs. The methods and tools of cycle management for innovation processes bring about an intermeshing of customer requirements and the creation of products and services. For this purpose, the various disciplines involved must be interconnected. As well as ensuring that the disciplines work closely together, cycle management also makes it possible to manage this coordination over time, as it consciously addresses the issue of temporal dependencies.
The overall goal of cycle management for innovation processes is to enable companies to develop and deliver more innovative product-service systems – and to do so faster, more efficient and more flexible.