Research Projects
The aim of this project is an efficient exploration of hard-to-reach terrain in Valles Marineris on Mars. Due to limitations of classical robotic platforms on steep terrains, we aim to develop a hominid robotic platform with proprioceptive and visual sensors for...[more]
A²L-Mobilius - Affordable and Adjustable Living and MOBILity for sustainable Integrated Urban Systems in Egypt
The project's goal is to develop a pleasant living and working environment into existing and individual living environment by an intelligent, modular automated robotic building system which is able to evolve and transform over time. As key element a compact, prefabricated unit...[more]
UnCoVerCPS - Unifying Control and Verification of Cyber-Physical Systems
Cyber-physical systems are very hard to control and verify because of the mix of discrete dynamics (originating from computing elements) and continuous dynamics (originating from physical elements). We present completely new methods for deverticalisation of the development...[more]
Adaptive Communication Channels for teleoperated spacecraft
Determine potential to save on-board resources during teleoperated control of a spacecraft. Further information can be found on Details Institute: Astronautics, Department of Mechanical EngineeringContact: Dr.-Ing....[more]
vCar - Formal Verification of Collision Avoidance Systems for Road Vehicles
Research on planning and formal verification for a driving assistant system. Details Institute: Robotics and Embedded Systems, Department of InformaticsProfessor: Prof. Matthias AlthoffFunding Source: Deutsche ForschungsgemeinschaftFunding Period: 04/2014...[more]
LISA Habitec - Robotic Micro Rooms
The research project LISA Habitec - Living Independently in Südtirol Alto-Adige through an Integration of Habitat, Assistance, Bits and Technology by a value System based on local Resources - investigates the possibilities to embed mechatronic, assistive functions and...[more]
CON-HUMO focuses on novel concepts for automatic control, based on data-driven human models and machine learning. This enables innovative control applications that are difficult if not impossible to realize using traditional control and identification methods, in particular in...[more]
SMART-E - Sustainable Manufacturing Through Advanced Robotics Training in Europe
This project aims to bring robotics into advanced manufacturing. At TUM we focus on formal guarantees in trajectory planning, and control and optimal assembly of modular robots. Further information can be found...[more]
Our starting point are the European SMEs, and the robot related technologies that are being developed at different institutions and companies around Europe. Development and installation times and thus the associated costs of current robotic systems are usually not absorbable by...[more]
ECHORD PLUS PLUS - The European Coordination Hub for Open Robotics Development
The robotics research project ECHORD++ (The European Coordination Hub for Open Robotics Development) will promote the interaction between robot manufacturers, researchers and users. It is the follow-up project of ECHORD (European Clearing House for Open Robotics Development,...[more]