Philippe Rochat. Emory University, USA (Cognitive psychology). Self in development.
Katerina Fotopoulou. University College London, UK (Cognitive neuroscience). Self and agency in humans.
Verena Hafner, Humboldt University of Berlin, Germany. (Robotics). Self-exploration for body representation.
Yukie Nagai.National Institute of Information and Communications Technology, Japan. (Developmental robotics). The social self through predictive learning.
Invited speakers
Justin W. Hart, University of Texas, USA. Self-modelling in robots.
Serena Ivaldi, INRIA Nancy Grand-Est, France. Incremental active perception.
Miriam Kyselo, Technical University of Berlin, Germany. The enactive approach to self.
Lorenzo Jamone, Queen Mary University of London, UK. How a body schema can support self-perception and goal-oriented actions in robots.
Pablo Lanillos, Technical University of Munich, Germany. Self/other synthetic approach for interaction.