

Best Short Paper Award

Our ISMAR 2014 paper Semi-Dense Visual Odometry for AR on a Smartphone (Schöps, Engel, Cremers) received the Best Short Paper Award. Originally posted by:[more]

Category: Publication


Extended abstract accepted to IROS 2014 Workshop

Congratulations to Karinne Ramirez Amaro and Gordon Cheng for having an extended abstract accepted on the 2014 IROS Workshop on AI and Robotics, IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems , 14-18 Sept. 2014. Chicago, Illinois, USA. Originally...[more]

Category: Publication


Two papers accepted to 3DV 2014

We have two papers accepted to the International Conference on 3D Vision 2014. Originally posted by:[more]

Category: Publication


Prof. Greg Hager receives IAS Hans-Fischer-Senior-Fellowship

We are very delighted to announce that our international collaborator Greg Hager has been selected to receive the prestigious IAS Hans Fischer Senior Fellowship. This Fellowship is named after TUM Professor Hans Fischer (1881-1945), who was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry...[more]

Category: Miscellaneous


Paper presented at European Control Conference (ECC), 2014

Viki's recent work was presented at European Control Conference (ECC), held in Strasbourg, France, June 24-27, 2014. Vasiliki Koropouli, Azwirman Gusrialdi, Dongheui Lee: ESC-MRAC of MIMO Systems for Constrained Robotic Motion Tasks in Deformable...[more]

Category: Publication


Paper accepted to ICDL-EPIROB 2014

Congratulations to Erhard Wieser and Gordon Cheng for their paper being accepted at the ICDL-EPIROB 2014: IEEE International Conference on Development and Learning and on Epigenetic Robotics. Originally posted by:[more]

Category: Publication


Prof. John S. Baras is appointed TUM-IAS Hans Fischer Senior Fellow hosted by ITR

It is our great pleasure to welcome Prof. John Baras (University of Maryland) at our Chair as Hans Fischer Senior Fellow. Professor Baras is a distinguished professor from the University of Maryland (USA). He will join us for several months within the next three years. His first...[more]

Category: Miscellaneous


One abstract accepted to Bernstein Conference 2014

Congratulations to Andreas Holzbach and Gordon Cheng for having one abstract accepted to Bernstein Conference 2014, September 3, Göttingen. Originally posted by:[more]

Category: Publication


Report on Expert Forum: Ertüchtigen Agenten Produktionsanlagen für Industrie 4.0?

A report on the Expert Forum "Agents within the context of Industry 4.0" was published in openautomation 03/2014. The report can be obtained by following this link. Originally posted by:[more]

Category: In the media


Opening ceremony of FIFA World Cup: Paralyzed person kicks the first ball

TUM technology endows brain-controlled exoskeleton with sense of touch.[more]

Category: Press release