

BBC reports on CAMP’s Medical Augmented Reality

BBC Horizons program features a report on Medical Augmented Reality, showcases CAMP’s technology and interviews with Prof. Nassir Navab: For scientific background see the...[more]

Category: In the media


TV-Beitrag mit Dr. Florian Röhrbein

Vortrag von den „Münchner Wissenschaftstagen 2014“ auf ARD-alpha[more]

Category: In the media


A TED talk by Dongheui Lee

TEDxTUM 2015: FACETS will take place on Saturday October 24 in the TUM Audimax. Dongheui Lee will give a talk at TEDxTUM on 24.10.2015. The program is available online. Originally posted by:[more]

Category: In the media


Journal paper in Artificial Intelligence

Congratulations to Karinne Ramirez Amaro, Michael Beetz and Gordon Cheng: their Artificial Intelligence Journal paper was published! The paper "Transferring skills to humanoid robots by extracting semantic representations from observations of human activities"...[more]

Category: Publication


New video online

We put a new video only on our YouTube channel. IT shows our robot TOMM that is sorting oranges at the IROS conference 2015 in Hamburg, which took place from September 29- October 1, 2015. Robot TOMM that is able to sort oranges. The oranges are sorted by their quality....[more]

Category: Publication


Successful RAMCIP Project Meeting in Munich

The 3 rd Plenary Meeting of the RAMCIP Project on October 14-15, 2015 was held in Munich and hosted by the Chair of Information-oriented Control (TUM)[more]

Category: Research


Presentation at Humanoids 2015

At the IEEE International Conference on Humanoids 2015 in Seoul Korea, Mohsen Kaboli will present a paper on "In-Hand Object Recognition Via Texture Properties with Robotic Hands, Artificial Skin, and Novel Tactile Descriptors" by Mohsen Kaboli, De La Rosa T...[more]

Category: Publication


Two new journal papers accepted

We have two new journal papers accepted: "Humanoids Learn Touch Modalities Identification via Multi-Modal Robotic Skin and Robust Tactile Descriptors" by Mohsen Kaboli, Alex Long, and Gordon Cheng, Advanced Robotics, 2015.  Link to paper. "New ...[more]

Category: Publication


Article on Prof. Cheng's research in "Die Welt"

The German newspaper "Die Welt" published an article on Prof. Cheng's research. The article is called "Sensibelchen unter Robotern" and is only available in German. Originally posted by:[more]

Category: In the media


VMV 2015 Best Paper Award

Our VMV 2015 paper Point-wise Map Recovery and Refinement from Functional Correspondence (Rodolà, Möller, Cremers) received the Best Paper Award. Originally posted by:[more]

Category: Publication