

A new journal publication in Control Engineering Practice

Congratulations! The work of Vicky is accepted for publication in the journal Control Engineering Practice. Vasiliki Koropouli, Azwirman Gusrialdi, Sandra Hirche, and Dongheui Lee, Adaptive control for constrained robotic motion tasks: extremum-seeking based approach,...[more]

Category: Publication


New Publication

We have a new a new publication out in the journal Philosophical Transactions B of the Royal Society: Wykowska A, Chaminade T,Cheng G., Embodied artificial agents for understanding human social cognition. Phil.Trans. R. Soc. B 371: 20150375.2016....[more]

Category: Publication


Kick-off of EU Project Eden2020

We are happy to announce that on Monday the CAMP TUM team kicked-off the new European project Eden2020 at Imperial College London together with consortium partners across Europe. The goal of EDEN2020 is to develop an ehanced delivery ecosystem for Neurosurgery; more information...[more]

Category: Research


CAMP in the News!

CAMP is being mentioned in a newspaper article on Medical Big Data!  Originally posted by:[more]

Category: In the media


Neurorobotics Platform is now released

The Neurorobotics Platform is now released. Watch the recorded streams of introduction and the demo on our YouTube channel! Originally posted by:[more]

Category: Research


New journal publication

New publication in Journal of Sensors Sara El-Molla, Andreas Albrecht, Engin Cagatay, Philipp Mittendorfer, Gordon Cheng, Paolo Lugli, José F. Salmerón, and Almudena Rivadeneyra: "Integration of a Thin Film PDMS-Based Capacitive Sensor for Tactile Sensing in an Electronic...[more]

Category: Publication


Talk with Prof. Alois Knoll

An interesting and provacative talk with Prof Alois Knoll, read more on Robotics & Automation News and Robohub. Originally posted by:[more]

Category: Miscellaneous


Prof. Cremers received the Leibniz Award 2016

On March 1st 2016, Prof. Cremers received the Leibniz Award 2016, the biggest award in German academia. Originally posted by:[more]

Category: Miscellaneous


Radio broadcast on the Leibniz Award

Radio broadcast (in German) on the Leibniz Award (Bayerischer Rundfunk). Originally posted by:[more]

Category: In the media


Prof. Alois Knoll speaking at the Axel Springer Award

Prof Alois Knoll speaking at the Axel Springer Award (together with Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Peter Thiel and the EU parlament president Martin Schulz) Ceremony video , read more... Originally posted by:[more]

Category: Miscellaneous