In the media

These are articles published in German or international media featuring the TUM robotic reseachers:


Interview about eyetracking with Dr. Michael Dorr

An Interview with the Leader of the International Junior Research Group VESPA, Dr. Michael Dorr, on the subject "Eyetracking and Google Glass" was published in January 2015 in the Scientific American, 01/2015 ...[more]

Category: In the media


Industrie 4.0 - Solange es keine Standards gibt, wollen wir sie ersetzen

The article "Solange es keine Standards gibt, wollen wir sie ersetzen" was published on 21 November 2014 in VDI Nachrichten (number 47/2014). Originally posted by:[more]

Category: In the media


Elektronik Praxis - Industrie 4.0 und Cyber Physical Systems – ganz oder gar nicht?

The article "Industrie 4.0 und Cyber Physical Systems – ganz oder gar nicht?" was published on 26 September 2014 in Elektronik Praxis. Originally posted by:[more]

Category: In the media


Faszination Forschung: "Exoskeleton Enables Paraplegic Man to Walk"

The first kick of the 2014 soccer World Cup in Brazil was taken by a paraplegic man wearing a mind-controlled robotic suit known as an exoskeleton. Prof. Gordon Cheng, head of the TUM Institute for Cognitive Systems, played a key...[more]

Category: In the media


Faszination Forschung: "Nano Spray with a Spark"

Why complicate something so simple? This was the question posed by researchers at TUM’s Institute for Nanoelectronics. The group led by Prof. Paolo Lugli wanted to replace complex and expensive coating methods using exotic...[more]

Category: In the media


RoboCon – Bauen mit Robotern | Thomas Bock | TEDxStuttgart

This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. Originally posted by:[more]

Category: In the media


Report on Expert Forum: Ertüchtigen Agenten Produktionsanlagen für Industrie 4.0?

A report on the Expert Forum "Agents within the context of Industry 4.0" was published in openautomation 03/2014. The report can be obtained by following this link. Originally posted by:[more]

Category: In the media