Teams, Staff & Partners

On the part of TUM, current research projects are processed by members of the Catalysis Research Center (CRC), together with other industrial partners especially in the case of funded project clusters.

In particular, such project clusters requiring different research groups as the iCCO2-chemistry project cluster, the LOC (Lower Olefins Cluster, founded by the Bavarian Ministry of Economy), the 3DCat cluster for manufacturing of shaped catalysts (founded by the Bavarian Research Foundation) as well as the cluster for hydrogenation of special substates such as CO2 catalyze the interdisciplinary cooperation and the creative teamwork, e.g. "Industry @ Campus."

Following TUM-chairs of the CRC support the current MuniCat projects with their expertise, assets and labor:

Inorganic Chemistry (Prof. K. Köhler)
Physical Chemistry (Prof. U. Heiz)
Technical Chemistry TC I (Prof. K.-O. Hinrichsen)
Technical Chemistry TC II (Prof. J. Lercher)
WACKER-Chair for Macromolecular Chemistry (Prof. B. Rieger)
Theoretical Chemistry (Prof. K. Reuter)
Inorganic and Metal-Organic Chemistry (Prof. R. A. Fischer)