Design in Crisis: Sensing like an animal WS 17/18






Prof. Farías, Dr. Criado, Felix Remter

Projekt MA

MA Architektur/ MA Urbanistik

Tuesdays, 10:00 - 15:00 Uhr



Building a more convivial world with animals does not only entail ethical or political commitments, but different design practices and toolkits. Hence, in this project, students will collectively explore what happens to architectural practice when we ‘sense like an animal ’. During the semester, on a weekly basis students will (a) experiment with a multi-sensorial approach to urban environments that centre-stages bodily experiences beyond the gaze and that is supported by different sensing devices, (b) reflect upon how such an approach to animals puts many of the tools, strategies, aims and goals of architectural design in crisis; and (c) reimagine how a multi-sensorial animal-inspired architectural practice could look like. Accordingly, we will, first, undertake a collective exploration of animal sensory practices, in order to re-appreciate the city and the built environment in a different light. This exploration will involve site visits, perception experiments, documentation exercises, and collective readings and discussions. Second, using a case-scenario approach, we will learn from these critical experiences to collectively prototype a new architectural toolkit: that is, a set of devices, methods, and skills necessary to re-equip our practice and make us ‘design like animals.’
ObjectiveLearning to develop animal sensory skills and capacities of designers beyond the use of the gaze, as well as learning to become affected by the multi-sensory aspect of the situations in which animals design, and how we could learn to design with them.
Teaching and Learning MethodWorkshop - The course will operate on weekly workshops, including site visits, perception experiments, documentation exercises, collective readings and discussions, building and prototyping exercises. Attendance to all sessions will be compulsory to pass the course.