Post-Neoliberal Cosmopolitics: Articulating Earthly Forces and Urban Processes in Chile
Accessibility Values: Disability Rights Movements, Policy Regulations & Smart Devices in Designing Urban Democracy in Europe
City by Proxy: a Study of Digital Urbanism at the Public Interface
How Planners Plan: Knowledge, Devices and Imaginaries in Planning Cycling Infrastructures
Sanitation as ‘Imagined Order’: Knowledge Production of Urban Sanitation Infrastructures in Jakarta
Stadtteillabor - Gemeinsam Gegenwart Gestalten
Times Square and the infrastructures of the public


The professorship for Participatory Technology Design is based at the Munich Center for Technology in Society and the TUM Department of Architecture, where is part of the Research focus area Urban and Landscape Transformations. Its research focus lies on the current transformations of urban environments. Two observations are here crucial: The first is that one of the most significant technological challenges for contemporary collectives lies in the design, maintenance and integration of urban infrastructures. If politics is understood as the making of decisions that are collectively binding, then infrastructures are thoroughly political not only because they allow for new forms of collective bonds and ways of live to emerge, but also because they might be impeding or blocking the existence of others.  The second observation is that the complexity of urban transformations makes traded understandings of participation obsolete. Infrastructural projects often involve variegated forms of expertise throughout the spectrum of the life, technical and social sciences, as well as new forms of citizen, activist and users’ expertise. Hence, we are particularly interested in understanding the current forms in which  participation is being reshaped into different forms of collaboration with and between heterogeneous publics.