Simulation setup by knowledge processing
In this project the expert knowledge of experienced simulation engineers is captured, stored and made available to design engineers in an appropriate manner to support and automate the setup of accurate simulation models. To acquire the necessary knowledge and establish a comprehensive knowledge base modern techniques in the field of Knowledge Discovery in Databases (KDD) are applied, such as Text and Data Mining. The required knowledge is, for example, acquired from existing simulation reports and validated computational models exemplarily provided by simulation departments of the industry partners.

The coupling of CAD and computational models is carried out by integrating semantics, CAD Features and simulation methods in CAE Features. Thus, frequently recurring modeling steps are automated and components are directly transferred into accurate simulation models. The practical applicability is shown by implementing a software demonstrator. This intuitive CAD-based FEA assistance system navigates the design engineer through the modeling process by applying the rules stored in the knowledge base and the developed CAE Features. Thereby, less experienced users are enabled to ensure product characteristics by design accompanying simulations.
Partner from Industry
B&W Software GmbH
Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
Lehrstuhl für Konstruktionstechnik

Dipl.-Ing. Philipp Kestel
Subproject 6
Leader WG Knowledge Management