Production-orientated product development in metal forming
The aim of this subproject is the generation and appropriate preparation of manufacturing know-how of sheet metal forming processes, to provide it to the product developer in the early stages of the product development process. The effect of his design decisions on the production process should be visualized in the CAD environment e.g. in form of highlighting surface segments and additional deposited information, so a timely counter measurement on potential problems of production implementation is possible.

Unlike previous approaches it is not the primary aim to execute a complete feasibility analysis, what currently can only be assessed as part of a process simulation. Instead the aim is to eliminate metal forming knockout criteria in order to improve the starting position of the subsequently planning process of metal forming. Currently available process knowledge cannot be fully integrated in the product design stage due to inadequate preparation of this knowledge, so that manufacturing know-how is only partly available in the product design stage. First relevant problems from the industrial production of sheet metal parts are identified and are mapped on reference geometries. Based on these reference geometries, parameter studies are carried out to generate a knowledge base and rules to analyze and assess any component geometry by the product developers without deeper process know-how. Thus the impact of design decisions on future product and process characteristics can effectively and efficiently be identified at an early stage of development and hence development time is reduced.
Partners from Industry
AutoForm Engineering GmbH
DYNAmore GmbH
FeynSinn EDAG GmbH & Co. KGaA
Otto Spanner GmbH
Technische Universität München
Lehrstuhl für Umformtechnik und Gießereiwesen

Dipl.-Ing. Sven Schreyer
Subproject 1
Leader WG Process Simulation