Congratulations - International Symposium Awards

Congratulations to Mehmet Sacma (Ulm, Best Speedtalk) and Theresa Sippenauer (Munich, Best Poster Award) at the International Symposium FOR2033-The hematopoietic Niches in Munich 2019.

Nanni Schmitt, the PhD student of Daniel Nowak, receives the poster award for her PhD project at the DGHO.

The junior scientists Rouzanna Istvanffy, PhD and Tim Ammon, PhD from Munich, Susann Rahmig from Dresden and Tony Müller, PhD from Freiburg received the Young Investigator Award from the Research Unit FOR2033/2.
Top left: Rahmig Susann and Istvanffy Rouzanna; Bottom left: Mueller Tony and Ammon Tim
Prof. Dr. Claudia Waskow receives the „GSCN 2016 Female Scientist Award" from the german stem cell network

Prof. Dr. Andreas Trumpp was awarded with the Till and McCulloch Award by the International Society of Experimental Hematopoiesis (ISEH), Kyoto, Japan

Claudius Klein (Project B1, group leader Dr. Christine Dierks) was awarded for this abstract "Ptch2-/- activates the canonical and alternative Hedgehog signalling pathway in HSC niche associated with myeloproliferation, loss of stemcells and acceleration of myeloproliferative diseases" in a plenary session of the joint annual conference of the German, Austrian and Swiss Societies of Hematology and Medical Oncology in Hamburg with "Best Abstract" and was recipient of the award of "Anne Liese Gaebel-Prize foundation".