"Mimics Innovation Award 2017 - Second Prize EMEA Region" for the contribution entitled: Preoperative prediction of flap volume in breast reconstruction surgery based on CT angiography images.
Kovacs L, Eder M, Raith S, Jalali J, Volf A, Müller D, Papadopulos NA, Machens HG.
23rd Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics, 2-5 July 2017, Seville, Spain.
Research group CAPS receives Best Poster Award at the CURAC annual conference 2014. Title of poster: "Finite Element Simulation of Locking Compression Plates for Femur Fracture Treatment under Different Boundary Conditions".
Third prize at the TUM IdeAward 24.02.2014: The third prize to The TUM-IAS team (PD Dr. Thorsten Schantz, Prof. Dietmar Hutmacher, Dr. Maximilian Eder, Prof. Laszlo Kovacs) for the "Bio Breast”, innovative implant design.
Best Paper Award "Most Innovative Use of Simulation Technology" für den Beitrag: Parameter Identification for the Hyper-Elastic Material Modelling of Constitutive Behaviour of the Female Breast’s Soft Tissues Based on MRI Data, 3-D Surface Scanning and Finite Element Simulation
S. Raith, M. Eder, A.Volf, L. Kovacs, J. Jalali
NAFEMS World Congress 2013, June 9-12, Salzburg, Austria
Mimics Innovation Award 2010 - Category 1: Innovative implant design system and the development of innovative medical procedures - Priv.-Doz. Dr. med. L. Kovacs, Dr. med. M. Eder, Dipl.-Ing. S. Volf, Dipl.-Ing. S. Raith, Dipl.-Ing. M. Pecher, Dipl.-Ing. H. Pathak, Dipl.-Ing. C. Müller, F. Gottinger - TU München (Germany); F. Gottinger Orthopädietechnik (Germany); CADFEM GmbH Germany (Germany). Patient-Specific Optimization of Prosthetic Socket Construction and Fabrication Using Innovative Manufacturing Processes: A Project in Progress
"From the Automobile industry to the patient" award for research group CAPS
Prize-giving ceremony "Germany - Land of Ideas 2010" at the BMW World in Munich
"Gold Award" of the 2nd World Congress on Quality in Clinical Practice" , awarded by The 2nd World Congress on Quality in Clinical Practice - Quality of Medical Practice and Quality of Life, in Halkidiki, Greece, 2004, for the study "Clinical Outcome and Patients´ Satisfaction after Simultaneous Bilateral Breast Reconstruction with Free Transverse Rectus Abdominis Flap"
"Golden Camera Prize", awarded by The Association of German Plastic Surgeons (VDPC) for the best video presented at the joint 35th Annual Convention of The Association of German Plastic Surgeons and the 9th Annual Convention of The Association of German Aesthetic and Plastic Surgeons in Düsseldorf, September 22-25, 2004, titled: "Endoscopy assisted lifting of forehead and face"