Energy and Power Management

An increasing amount of energy consumption in current and future automotive systems, is accounted to electrics/electronics (E/E). This is both because of an increasing number of new assistance or multimedia systems as well as an increasing electrification of existing systems.
In a joined cooperation, the BMW Group Research together with the Technical University of Munich have formed the CAR@TUM initiative. As part of the initiative, novel energy and power management mechanisms are under investigation. The goal is to find combined approaches to
- minimizing total energy consumption in distributed (automotive) systems, while,
- maintaing supply voltage stability at all times.
Minimizing the E/E energy consumption has direct impact on CO2 exhaustion, as well as vehicle range. Maintaining a certain minimal supply voltage level is important in preventing malfunction of safety critical systems. The results shall be incorporated in new methods that assist in the design of future E/E architectures.
Research Highlights:
- Energy and power management as part of the operating system
- Partitioning of functions from an energetic point of view
- Supply voltage stability
Cooperation Partners:
This research endeavor is part of the CAR@TUM initiative of the BMW Group and the Technical University of Munich. Project partners on the TUM side are the Institute for Integrated Systems headed by Prof. A. Herkersdorf und the Institute for Energy Conversion Technology headed by Prof. H.G. Herzog, both at the faculty for electrical engineering.