Mobile Apps

Mobile Device Applications have extremely gained importance lately. Smartphones or Tablets of major brands may easily be extended with various Apps by using their integrated App-Store. The variety of apps is almost endless and covers everything, from simple Fun-Apps, Games or useful office applications to advanced controlling and measurement apps.
Most of these apps are provided for free, but still create a huge benefit because of the vast amount of users.
One challenge in developing mobile applications is the great variety in devices and operating systems of the smartphones and tablets available on the market. Clever strategies are in demand for e.g. being able to run one developed application on various devices.
One major point of research therefore are smartphones based on iOS and Android as well as new web-technologies like HTML5 for developing platform independent mobile Apps. In this context we participate in the research project "webinos", which is founded by the European Comission.
Research Highlights:
- Mobile App Platforms
- The Contextual Map
- HTML5 based Web-Apps