Software for computing the neighbor discovery latency in BLE-like protocols
Overview and Scope
This software implements the model described in the paper "Neighbor Discovery Latency in BLE-Like Protocols". It can compute the discovery latencies of periodic interval-based protocols. The model produces exact, theoretically proven results for the ideal problem (i.e., one devices scans with an interval Ts, another device advertises with an interval Ta). Therefore, it is usable for ANT/ANT+ and STEM-B without any modifications. It does not account for the multi-channel discovery scheme and random advertising delay of Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE). However, for most parametrizations, the model is an excellent approximation also for BLE.
Using the model
The MATLAB-function
[dAvg, dMin, dMax, o] = getDiscoveryLatency(Ta,Ts,dA,ds,il)
computes the minimum (dMin), maximum (dMax) and mean (dAvg) discovery latency. In addition, the highest process order (o), as defined in the paper, is computed. The function expects the following input values.
Ta: Advertising interval in seconds
Ts: Scan interval in seconds
dA: Packet transmission duration in seconds. For BLE, this is the number of bytes to send x 8 x 10⁻6 s/byte.
ds: Scan window length in seconds
il: Iteration limit - number of orders to process. Set to something high (e.g., 1000).
The package contains an example file (viz., createFigure.m). It demonstrates the usage of the model by plotting latencies over sweeping values of Ta.
Our model can be downloaded here.
Please consider citing our paper Neighbor discovery latency in BLE-like protocols (IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, to appear) if you make use of our model in you research.
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