Bamboo Connection Systems

The high technical and economic potential of bamboo in various construction processes is inadequately developed. Precise engineering and manufacturing techniques suitable for economical mass production are completely lacking. The technically difficult handling of the raw product, whole bamboo straws, inhibits their use as structural components in construction. The rapid growth and outstanding ecological and structural properties of bamboo material remain largely unutilised.
In the project, a construction system will be developed to exploit the mentioned potentials of bamboo. The system based on beams and joints enables a dimensionally stable and force-fitting joining of demountable bamboo trusses. In the development, special attention is paid to a simple and economical production method. The connection can be scaled and thus generally serve all stalk sizes. The areas of application thus range from trade fair construction to sophisticated lightweight construction in the commercial sector to extensive industrial warehouses..
The aim of the project is the production of robust and testable prototypes (M1: 1) using a manufacturing method to be developed in cooperation with the Technical Centre. The result of the project are various prototypes of the construction system as well as application examples. In addition, appropriate production methods are to be examined.