Climate Active Bricks

Linked Modules: Basics of Robotic Fabrication - Adaptive Building Envelopes
Basics of Robotic Fabrication: 6 ECTS
Adaptive Building Envelopes:  6 ECTS

Kick Off:                                   23.04.2020 | 09:45h | Room 4170A    
Courses on Thursdays:           09:45 h - 12.00 h and 13:15 h -16:30 h   
Final Presentation:                  23.07.2020 | 09:45h | Room 4170 A 


The course endeavors to go beyond the standard building constructions and fabrication techniques and explores innovative approaches and technologies for potential use in façade and envelope constructions made out of bricks to improve urban micro climate of hot urban surroundings. For this course, work will be carried out in groups, with each group working on projects exploring the potential of adaptive or adaptable strategies for building envelopes.

The ability of the building to improve urban outdoor comfort by an intelligent geometry is a starting point for the design development of a case study construction. Based on a deeper research on thermal responsive building envelopes and their impact on urban micro climate as well as digital assembly of bricks an urban intervention is to be worked out. Addressing an adaptive and performative envelope improving comfort conditions of outdoor spaces.

The course is divided in two phases:


Phase 1 — Research-by-Design Phase


Phase 2 - Design Project 
"Climate Active Furniture"


Phase 2 — Production Phase Fabrication of selected demonstrator objects