Focus Areas


'Experimental' at the Associate Professorship of Architectural Design and Building Envelope entail working on architectural designs in the context of Additive Manufacturing. In a special design... [more]


The Associate Professorship of Architectural Design and Building Envelope in collaborationwith industry and Research Partners is investigating the use of membranes as thermally separate, light but ... [more]


Just as our natural environment is in a constant process of adaptive change, architecture can adapt to climatic requirements. With nature as the model, the Associate Professorship of Architectural... [more]


The activation of the outer surfaces of buildings of the productive use of solar energy is a key issue in our research and teaching at the chair. Central to this is the development of innovative ... [more]

One of the major tasks for the future is the  renovation of existing buildings. About 90 % of the construction activities in Europe are concerned with Alteration to existing building stock. In terms of... [more]