Pleśnie i produkty pleśni w kiszonkach
Bauer J.
Mikotoksyny i grzyby pleśniowe zagrożenia dla czlowieka i zwierząt, 165-176

Stoffwechselprodukte von Pilzen in Silagen: Einflüsse auf die Gesundheit von Nutztieren
Bauer J, Meyer K.
Übersichten zur Tierernährung, 2006; 27-55

Effects of mycophenolic acid on inosine monophosphate dehydrogenase I and II mRNA expression in white blood cells and various tissues in sheep
Dzidic A, Prgomet C, Mohr A, Meyer K, Bauer J, Meyer H H D, Pfaffl M.
J. Vet. Med. ,2006; 163-169

Distribution and elimination of fumonisin analogues in weaned piglets after oral administration of Fusarium verticillioides fungal culture.
Fodor J, Meyer K, Riedlberger M, Bauer J, Horn P, Kovacs F, Kovacs M.
Food Additives and Contaminants, 2006; 492-501

The distribution and alimination of fumonisins after oral administration of Fusarium verticillioides fungal culture.
Fodor  J, Meyer K, Riedlberger M, Bauer J, Pósa R, Horn P,  Kovács F, Kovács M.
Hungarian Veterinary Journal, 2006; 334-342

Determination of macrocyclic trichothecenes in mouldy indoor materials by LC-MS/MS
Gottschalk Ch, Bauer J., Meyer K.
Mycotoxin Research, 2006; 189-192