Mobile society
Governance and participation
The future of mobility involves both technological and social implications. Mobility decides where we live and work, how we live together, and which aspects of life are open to which members of society. Aspects of mobility are at the heart of many societal challenges and the approaches to tackling them, for example with respect to the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations.
At the same time, innovations in mobility create new challenges for policy makers and society: How can we test and regulate autonomous driving? Do the different groups in society have equal access to shared mobility services? How can we make innovations compatible with the needs of society. How can we build inclusiveness, co-creativity and a sense of responsibility into innovation processes? What kind of mobility do we want in the future and how can we keep the disruptions of transformation processes to a minimum?
With its unique focus on technology-oriented social sciences, TUM is capable of systematically studying and shaping mobility as a socio-technological phenomenon.
The TUM School of Management and the School of Social Sciences, currently being established, have numerous methodological competencies at their disposal in inter- and trans-disciplinary research and broad expertise in such areas as:
- participative and co-creative innovation processes
- societal transformation processes
- comparative studies on mobility systems, user behavior and regulation
- interrelationships between mobility, sustainability, climate and social justice
- technology assessment and new regulatory approaches social responsibility in research and development