Implementation concept

TUM.Mobility is established as an interdisciplinary research platform to facilitate work on complex issues related to the design of sustainable mobility in conjunction with the various relevant perspectives. The following points will be decisive for achieving this objective:

1. Preparing a strategic research concept

Based on the strategic objectives, TUM.Mobility will develop a program to implement inter- and transdisciplinary research in sustainable mobility and intelligent transportation systems. This concept will be continually adapted to reflect important issues and incorporate appropriate support options and updated on a yearly basis.

2. Networking with TUM

Targeted exchanges and interactions within our own institution are essential for ensuring multilateral inspiration among the diverse actors. Consequently, TUM.Mobility provides for regular encounters bringing together the participating scientists, for example in a monthly workshop with interested doctoral candidates, meetings of the members at least on a quarterly basis, and an annual strategy conference with the university leadership.

3. Regional and international cooperation

TUM.Mobility is an integral part of the ONE MUNICH strategy, which raises the cooperation with regional actors to a new level. This includes providing scientific support to the existing governance networks on questions of sustainable mobility in the Munich metropolitan region. In addition, TUM.Mobility hosts international scientific conferences and is present on regional stages and in national arenas. International contacts will be intensified and existing exchange programs such as those for TUM doctoral candidates and for guest scientists will be utilized by placing a focus on specific subject areas.

4. Inter- and transdisciplinary teaching: Master's, doctoral and continuing education programs

Right from the start, creative young talents from various scientific fields will be involved into cooperative research activities with industry partners and other practitioners to drive change and provide fresh ideas. Doctoral candidates will be offered the opportunity to join these efforts in the corresponding topic-specific program guidelines of the TUM Graduate School. TUM.Mobility is developing specific life-long learning programs for professionals.

5. Cooperative and co-creative research and development projects

The innovation program on sustainable mobility will be strengthened through the conventional funding options of the German Research Foundation (DFG), the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), and the European Union as well as research projects commissioned by industry and the public sector. Other financing concepts will be established for independently funded research initiatives such as internal TUM incentive systems and targeted fundraising, foundations or non-earmarked industry grants. All research results will be released internationally and made publicly accessible.

6. Experimental implementation in living labs and transferable strategies

Sustainable mobility requires the courage to try things out. Innovative research results should be put into practice as soon as possible and experiments should be conducted under real-world conditions to provide model solutions for traffic problems at the local level. The coronavirus pandemic has created new opportunities to use experimentation clauses for temporary implementation of innovative projects as an important contribution to sustainable development.

7. Implementation. of innovations through trageted entrepreneurship support

The most effective path for putting research results into practice is to implement them through company initiatives, start-ups and other forms of economic cooperation. With this in mind, innovative ideas are assessed right from the start in terms of economic potential and receive entrepreneurial support in cooperation with established partners. Hackathons, boot camps and incubator/accelerator programs are carried out in cooperation with strong partners such as UnternehmerTUM.

8. Public relations and societal value

The development of innovative solutions for pressing societal challenges is pushed forward in a dialog with the public and in cooperation with political actors. Citizens are included in this process through targeted media relations, public talks and discussion forums. Existing cooperative relationships such as the one with the Deutsches Museum transport branch and newly established formats such as the TUM Think Tank facilitate the transfer of scientific expertise into real-world decision-making processes.