On 06.03.2018 the Chair of Automation and Information Systems invited Prof. Alexander Egyed to a fruitful discussion. Prof. Egyed is Vice Rector for Research at the Johannes Kepler University in Linz (Austria). His research interests include software and system design modeling, consistency management, traceability, and product line engineering. With more than 150 books, journal articles and conference contributions as well as more than 5000 citations, Prof. Egyed makes a relevant contribution in his field of research on an international level.
In his lecture on "Multi-disciplinary Engineering", he identified some similarities with the SFB 768, for example in the different approaches to diagnosing and resolving inconsistencies as well as the target-oriented visualization of model dependencies. Thus, the intersections with the corresponding subprojects in the SFB 768 were quickly identified (T3, D1 and D2), which also presented their current research work. In the future, a closer cooperation will be investigated.