Dengler, C.; Weidmann, D.; Lohmann, B.; Mörtl, M.: Modeling and Analyzing Cycle Networks in Product-Service System Development using System Dynamics. Procedia CIRP, Elsevier B.V., 2019CIRP Conference on Industrial Product-Service Systems [11th, Zhuhai, China, 2019], 38-43 mehr…
Feldmann, Stefan and Kernschmidt, Konstantin and Wimmer, Manuel and Vogel-Heuser, Birgit: Managing Inter-Model Inconsistencies in Model-based Systems Engineering: Application in Automated Production Systems Engineering. Journal of Systems and Software 153, 2019 mehr…
Füller, Kathrin; Weking, Jörg; Böhm, Markus; Krcmar, Helmut: Leveraging Customer-integration Experience: A Review of Influencing Factors and Implications. Communications of the Association for Information Systems (CAIS) 44 (4), 2019 mehr…
Gammel, Josef; Koltun, Gennadiy D.; Buchholz, Johan; Drewlani, Tobias; Wissel, Juliane; Hollauer, Christoph; Kugler, Katharina; Zaggl, Michael; Vogel-Heuser, Birgit: A Framework Integrating Technical, Social, and Managerial Aspects of Effective Knowledge Management. 20th European Conference on Knowledge Management (ECKM), 2019 mehr…
Hermes, Sebastian; Böhm, Markus; Krcmar, Helmut: Business Model Innovation and Stakeholder Exploring Mechanisms and Outcomes of Value Creation and Destruction. 14th International Conference on Wirtschaftsinformatik, 2019Siegen, Germanymehr…
Kattner, Niklas; Shakirov, Eldar; Lindemann, Udo: An approach to assess engineering change effort retrospectively utilizing past engineering change information. IFIP 16th International Conference on Product Lifecycle Management, 2019 mehr…
Kattner, Niklas; Bauer, Harald; Basirati, Mohammad R.; Zou, Minjie; Brandl, Felix; Vogel-Heuser, Birgit; Böhm, Markus; Krcmar, Helmut; Reinhart, Gunther; Lindemann, Udo: Inconsistency Management in Heterogeneous Models - An Approach for the Identification of Model Dependencies and Potential Inconsistencies. Proceedings of the Design Society: International Conference on Engineering Design, Cambridge University Press (CUP), 2019 mehr…
Li, Huaxia; Tian, Long; Vogel-Heuser, Birgit: Automatic Synchronization of Mechanical CAD Models and a SysML-based Mechatronic Model using AutomationML. IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (IEEE SMC 2019), 2019 mehr…
Li, Huaxia; Zou, Minjie; Hogrefe, Georg; Ryashentseva, Daria; Sollfrank, Michael; Koltun, Gennadiy D.; Vogel-Heuser, Birgit: Application of a multi-disciplinary design approach in a mechatronic engineering toolchain. Automatisierungstechnik 67 (3), 2019, 246-269 mehr…
Meyer, Uli: [in press] Industrie 4.0 als technologische Zukunftsvorstellung. Zur Bedeutung von organisationaler Sinnerzeugung und -stiftung. Soziale Welt, 2019 mehr…
Olcay, E.; Gabrich, K.; Lohmann, B.: Optimal Control of a Swarming Multi-agent System through Guidance of a Leader-Agent. IFAC Workshop on Distributed Estimation and Control in Networked Systems (NecSys 2019)[8th., Chicago, 2019], Elsevier Ltd. , 2019IFAC PaperOnLine , pp. 1-5 mehr…
Olcay, E.; Lohmann, B.: Extension of the Cucker-Dong Flocking with a Virtual Leader and a Reactive Control Law. European Control Conference (ECC), Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2019[18th., Naples, Italy, 2019]; Category number CFP1990U-ART; Code 150820, pp. 101-106 mehr…
Olcay, E.; Lohmann, B.; Akella, M. R.: An Information-Driven Algorithm in Flocking Systems for an Improved Obstacle Avoidance. 45th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON), IEEE, 2019, pp. 298-304 mehr…
Olcay, E.; Schöttl, C.; Khalid, S. A.; Zaggl, M.; Lohmann, B.: An Agent-Based Model of an Online Collaboration Community by using Fuzzy Logic. 9th IFAC Conference on Manufacturing Modelling, Management and Control (MIM), Elsevier, 2019IFAC-PapersOnLine, pp. 665-670 mehr…
Pantförder, Dorothea; Vollenweider, Eric; Leitner, Florian: Interactive visualization of model dependencies in a transdisciplinary environment. 14th IFAC/IFIP/IFORS/IEA Symposium on Analysis, Design, and Evaluation of Human-Machine Systems (HMS), 2019 mehr…
Vogel-Heuser, Birgit; Fantuzzi, Cesare; Wimmer, Manuel; Böhm, Markus; Fay, Alexander: Herausforderungen in der interdisziplinären Entwicklung von Cyber-Physischen Produktionssystemen. Automatisierungstechnik 6 (67), 2019, 1-10 mehr…
Weking, Jörg; Böttcher, Timo; Hermes, Sebastian; Hein, Andreas: Does Business Model Matter for Startup Success? A Quantitative Analysis. 27th European Conference on Information Systems, 2019Stockholm-Uppsala, Swedenmehr…
Wissel, J.; Zaggl, M. A.: Tackling dilemmas in company-involved open source software development – an organizational perspective. Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, 2019 mehr…
Wissel, Juliane; Zaggl, Michael; Lindberg, Aron: How Companies Govern Their Open Source Software Contributions: A Case Study. Proceedings of the 40th International Conference on Information Systems , 2019Munich, Germanymehr…
Zaggl, Michael A.; Schweisfurth, Tim G.; Herstatt, Cornelius: The Dynamics of Openness and the Role of User Communities: A Case Study in the Ecosystem of Open Source Gaming Handhelds. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 2019, 1-12 mehr…
Zou, Minjie; Ocker, Felix; Huang, Edward; Chen, Chun-Hung; Vogel-Heuser, Birgit: Effiziente Initialisierung von Steuerungsparametern für Cyber-Physische Produktionssysteme via Multi-Ebenen-Optimierung. Automatisierungstechnik 67 (6), 2019, 477-489 mehr…
Basirati, Mohammad; Zou, Minjie; Bauer, Harald; Kattner, Niklas; Reinhart, Gunther; Lindemann, Udo; Krcmar, Helmut; Vogel-Heuser, Birgit: Towards systematic inconsistency identification for product service systems. 15th International Design Conference (DESIGN2018), 2018 mehr…
Becerril, Lucia; Hofmann, Bastian; Reif, Julia A. M.; Kattner, Niklas; Lindemann, Udo: Challenges with Implementing Processes, Methods and Tools in R&D. The ISPIM Innovation Forum 2018, 2018 mehr…
Brandl, Felix J.; Kagerer, Moritz; Reinhart, Gunther: A Hybrid Innovation Management Framework for Manufacturing – Enablers for more Agility in Plants. Procedia CIRP 72, 2018, 1154-1159 mehr…
Dengler, C.; Lohmann, B.: Positionswechsel eines Inversen Pendels auf Rädern mittels eines Neuronalen Netzes. Proceedings 28. Workshop Computational Intelligence, 2018 mehr…
Dengler, C.; Lohmann, B.: Actor-critic reinforcement learning for the feedback control of a swinging chain. 2nd IFAC Conference on Modelling, Identification and Control of Nonlinear Systems (MICNON), 2018 mehr…
Drewlani, Tobias; Seibt, David: Configuring the Independent Developer. Journal of Peer Production (12), 2018, 96-114 mehr…
Held, Maximilian; Weidmann, Dominik; Kammerl, Daniel; Hollauer, Christoph; Mörtl, Markus; Omer, Mayada; Lindemann, Udo: Current challenges for sustainable product development in the German automotive sector: A survey based status assessment. Jornal of Cleaner Production (195), 2018, 869-889 mehr…
Hollauer, C.; Lang, C.; Wilberg, J.; Weking, J.; Dengler, C.; Böhm, M.; Krcmar, H.; Lohmann, B.; Omer, M.: Data-Based Development of an Agent-Based Simulation to Support the Design of Bicycle-Sharing Systems. International Dependency and Structure Modeling Conference, DSM, Lehrstuhl fur Produktentwicklung und Leichtbau, 2018[20th., 2018, Trieste, Italy]; Code 143963, pp. 117-127 mehr…
Kattner, N.; Brandl, F.; Becerril, L.; Reinhart, G.; Lindemann, U.: Systemic Change Management – Managing Technical Changes in Products and Production Systems. INCOSE EMEASEC 2018 CONFERENCE, 2018 mehr…
Kattner, N.; Mehlstaeubl, J.; Becerril, L.; Lindemann, U.: Data Analysis in Engineering Change Management – Improving Collaboration by Assessing Organizational Dependencies Based on Past Engineering Change Information. IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM 2018) , 2018 mehr…
Kattner, Niklas; Trepatschko, Aleksej; Assmann, Gert; Becerril, Lucia; Lindemann, Udo: Retrospective Analysis of Engineering Change Iterations - A Case Study on Reducing Engineering Changes by Defining Target Values for Engineering Design. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering , Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. , 2018, 321 - 331 mehr…
Kernschmidt, Konstantin; Feldmann, Stefan; Vogel-Heuser, Birgit: A model-based framework for increasing the interdisciplinary design of mechatronic production systems. Journal of Engineering Design 29 (11), 2018, 617-643 mehr…
Koltun, Gennadiy D.; Kolter, Moritz; Vogel-Heuser, Birgit: Automated Generation of Modular PLC Control Software from P&ID Diagrams in Process Industry. 4th IEEE International Symposium on Systems Engineering (ISSE) 2018, 2018 mehr…
Koltun, Gennadiy D.; Mäurer, Franziska; Knoll, Adrian; Trunzer, Emanuel; Vogel-Heuser, Birgit: Information Retrieval from redlined Circuit Diagrams and Its Model-Based Representation for Automated Engineering. 44th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON), 2018 mehr…
Koltun, Gennadiy D.; Neumann, Eva-Maria; Kattner, Niklas; Bauer, Harald; Lindemann, Udo; Reinhart, Gunther; Vogel-Heuser, Birgit: Cyclic Management of Innovative PSS Changes: An Integrated and Interdisciplinary Engineering View. 4th IEEE International Symposium on Systems Engineering (ISSE) 2018, 2018 mehr…
Li, Huaxia; Sollfrank, Michael; Zou, Minjie; Ryashentseva, Daria; Vogel-Heuser, Birgit: Consistent Automated Production Systems Modelling in a Multi-disciplinary Engineering Workflow. 44th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON), 2018 mehr…
Li, Huaxia; Vogel-Heuser, Birgit; Gallasch, Andreas: Kopplung des mechanischen Konstruktionsmodells in einem SysML4Mechatronics-Anlagenmodell zur Verbesserung des interdisziplinären Engineerings. 15. Fachtagung EKA -- Entwurf komplexer Automatisierungssysteme (EKA), 2018 mehr…
Loch, Frieder; Koltun, Gennadiy D.; Karaseva, Victoria; Pantförder, Dorothea; Vogel-Heuser, Birgit: Model-based training of manual procedures in automated production systems. Mechatronics, 2018 mehr…
Meyer, Uli: Digitalisierung ohne Technik? Das Beispiel eines Praxislabors zu Arbeit 4.0. Arbeits- und Industriesoziologische Studien 11 (2), 2018, 229-246 mehr…
Olcay, E.; Dengler, C.; Lohmann, B.: Data-driven System Identification of an Innovation Community Model. 16th IFAC Symposium on Information Control Problems in Manufacturing (INCOM) , 2018 mehr…
Schönmann, A.; Dengler, C.; Reinhart, G. ; Lohmann, B.: Anticipative strategic production technology planning considering cyclic interactions. CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology, 2018 mehr…
Tale-Yazdi, A.; Kattner, N.; Becerril, L.; Lindemann, U.: A Literature Review on Approaches for the Retrospective Utilisation of Data in Engineering Change Management. IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM 2018) , 2018 mehr…
Weidmann, D.; Seibel, F.; Becerril, L.; Kattner, N.; Lehr, J.; Mörtl, M.; Lindemann, U.: Integration of Scenarios in Product-Service System development - Combining Scenarios, Use Cases and Requirements Traceability. IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM 2018), 2018 mehr…
Weidmann, D.; Winkler, S.; Mörtl, M.: Integration of Scenario-Based Requirements Forecast into Model-Based Product-Service System Planning. IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM 2018), 2018 mehr…
Weking, Jörg; Brosig, Christoph; Böhm, Markus; Hein, Andreas; Krcmar, Helmut: Business Model Innovation Strategies for Product Service Systems – An Explorative Study in the Manufacturing Industry. Twenty-Sixth European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2018), 2018Portsmouth, UKmehr…
Weking, Jörg; Hein, Andreas; Böhm, Markus; Krcmar, Helmut: A hierarchical taxonomy of business model patterns. Electronic Markets (in press), 2018 mehr…
Weking, Jörg; Stöcker, Maria; Kowalkiewicz, Marek; Böhm, Markus; Krcmar, Helmut: Archetypes for Industry 4.0 Business Model Innovations. Twenty-fourth Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 2018), 2018New Orleans, LA, USAmehr…
Wissel, J.; Zaggl, M. A.: Tackling dilemmas in company-involved open source software development – an organizational perspective. Open and User Innovation Conference, 2018 mehr…
Wolfenstetter, Thomas; Basirati, Mohammad R.; Böhm, Markus; Krcmar, Helmut: Introducing TRAILS: A tool supporting traceability, integration and visualisation of engineering knowledge for product service systems development. Journal of Systems and Software 144, 2018, 342-355 mehr…
Zaggl, M.: Decentralized vs. Centralized Opportunity Selection: The Cumulative Development of Technical System Architectures. Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, 2018Chicago, Illinois, USAmehr…
Zaggl, M.: Decentralized vs. Centralized Opportunity Selection: The Cumulative Development of Technical System Architectures. Open and User Innovation Conference, 2018New York City, USAmehr…
Zaggl, M.: Decentralized vs. Centralized Opportunity Selection: The Cumulative Development of Technical System Architectures. Strategy Science Conference, 2018Philadelphia, USAmehr…
Zaggl, M. A.: Opportunity Selection in Self-Managing Organizations: The Limits of Crowds. 39th International Conference on Information Systems, 2018 mehr…
Zaggl, M. A.; Schweisfurth, T.; Schöttl, C. P.; Raasch, C.: Hierarchical Distance and Idea Evaluation in Enterprise Crowdfunding. 39th International Conference on Information Systems, 2018San Francisco, USAmehr…
Zaggl, Michael A.; Hagenmaier, Markus A.; Raasch, Christina: The choice between uniqueness and conformity in mass customization. R&D Management, 2018 mehr…
Zou, Minjie; Lu, Boyang; Vogel-Heuser, Birgit: Resolving Inconsistencies Optimally in the Model-Based Development of Production Systems. 14th IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE), 2018 mehr…
Zou, Minjie; Ocker, Felix; Huang, Edward; Vogel-Heuser, Birgit; Chen, Chun-Hung: Design Parameter Optimization of Automated Production Systems. 14th IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE), 2018 mehr…
Becerril, Lucia; Knoll, Marvin; Kattner, Niklas; Lindemann, Udo: Visualizing Information Flow in Engineering Change Management Processes. Proceedings of the 19th International DSM Conference Espoo (Finland), 11–13 September 2017, 2017 mehr…
B. Vogel-Heuser, J. Fischer, S. Feldmann, S. Ulewicz, S. Rösch: Modularity and Architecture of PLC-based Software for Automated Production Systems: An analysis in industrial companies. Journal of Systems and Software (JSS) 131, 2017, 35–62 mehr…
Bauer, Harald; Schoenmann, Alexander; Reinhart, Gunther: Approach for model-based change impact analysis in factory systems. 2017 IEEE International Systems Engineering Symposium (ISSE), IEEE, 2017 mehr…
Becerril, Lucia; Heinrich, Veronika; Böhmer, Annette; Schweigert, Sebastian; Lindemann, Udo: Engineering Change Management within agile Product Development – A Case Study. 6th International Conference on Reseach into Design (ICoRD´17) , Springer Nature Singapore , 2017 mehr…
Dengler, Christian; Schönmann, Alexander; Lohmann, Boris; Reinhart, Gunther: Cycle-oriented Evaluation of Production Technologies: Extending the Model of the Production Cycle. Procedia CIRP 61, 2017, 493-498 mehr…
Feldmann, Stefan; Hauer, Florian; Pantförder, Dorothea; Pankratz, Frieder; Klinker, Gudrun; Vogel-Heuser, Birgit: Management of Inconsistencies in Domain-Spanning Models - An Interactive Visualization Approach. 19th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, 2017 mehr…
Feldmeier, C., Reif, J. A. M., Kugler, K. G., & Brodbeck, F. C.: Explorative und exploitative Innovation – ein Trainingskonzept. 10. Tagung der Fachgruppe Arbeits-, Organisations- und Wirtschaftspsychologie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie, 2017 mehr…
Georganta, E., Kugler, K. G., Reif, J. A. M., & Brodbeck, F. C.: The Dynamic Process of Team Adaptation: An Explorative Study. Industrial/Organizational & Organizational Behavior Conference, 2017 mehr…
Greitemann, Josef; Zaggl, Michael A.; Hehl, Martin; Raasch, Christina; Reinhart, Gunther: Technology lifecycle-oriented search for production technologies. CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology 16, 2017, 21-33 mehr…
Höhn, Manuel; Hollauer, Christoph; Wilberg, Julian; Kammerl, Daniel; Mörtl, Markus; Omer, Mayada: Investigating usage data support in development processes - A case study. ICED17 21st International Conference on Engineering Design, 21-25 August, 2017, 2017, 91 - 100 mehr…
Jeongsik Lee and Hyunwoo Park and Michael Zaggl: I'm Doing This For You (and For Me): Career Concern as Motivation in Online Collaboration Communities. Academy of Management , 2017Atlanta, USmehr…
Kammerl, Daniel: Modellbasierte Planung von Produkt-Service-Systemen. Dissertation, 2017 mehr…
Kammerl, Daniel; Echle, Stefan; Mörtl, Markus: Gathering and analysing external influences on the product design - a case study. International Conference on Engineering Design - ICED 2017, 2017 mehr…
Kattner, Niklas; Lindemann, Udo: Performance Metrics in Engineering Change Management: Towards a Methodology to Investigate the Efficiency of Handling Engineering Changes. 2017 Proceedings of PICMET '17: Technology Management for Interconnected World, Portland International Center for Management of Engineering and Technology, 2017 mehr…
Koltun, Gennadiy D.; Feldmann, Stefan; Schütz, Daniel; Vogel-Heuser, Birgit: Model-Document Coupling in aPS Engineering: Challenges and Requirements Engineering Use Case. Proceedings of the 2017 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICIT), 2017 mehr…
Lee, J.; Park, H.; Zaggl, M. A.: I'm Doing This For You (And Me!): Career Concern as Motivation in Online Collaboration Communities. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2017Proceedingsmehr…
Olcay, E.: Datengetriebene Systemidentifikation eines Innovation Community Modells. In: Lohmann, B.; Roppenecker, G. (Hrsg.) (Hrsg.): Methoden und Anwendungen der Regelungstechnik. Shaker Verlag, 2017, S. 11-22 mehr…
Reif, J. A. M., Drewlani, T., Gammel, J. H., Kugler, K. G., Schöttl, C., Zou, M., Karaseva, V., Schönmann, A., Zaggl, M., & Brodbeck, F. C.: Innovation auf verschiedenen Ebenen – ein integratives, interdisziplinäres Modell. 10. Tagung der Fachgruppe Arbeits-, Organisations- und Wirtschaftspsychologie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie, 2017 mehr…
Reif, J. A. M., Olcay, E., Kugler, K. G., Georganta, E., Lohmann, B., & Brodbeck, F.: Die Bedeutung von Teamprozess-Sequenzen im Innovationsprozess. 10. Tagung der Fachgruppe Arbeits-, Organisations- und Wirtschaftspsychologie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie, 2017 mehr…
Reif, J. A. M., Stockkamp, M. T., Kugler, K. G., Hollauer, C., & Brodbeck, F. C.: Evaluation of Business Processes: Development of a Scale. Congress of the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology, 2017 mehr…
Reif, Julia; Drewlani, Tobias; Gammel, Josef; Kugler, Katharina; Schöttl, Claus; Zou, Ming; Karaseva, Victoria; Schönmann, Alexander; Zaggl, Michael: Innovation auf verschiedenen Ebenen -- ein integratives, interdisziplinäres Modell. 2017 mehr…
Reif, Julia; Koltun, Gennadiy D.; Drewlani, Tobias; Zaggl, Michael; Kattner, Niklas; Dengler, Christian; Basirati, Mohammad; Bauer, Harald ; Krcmar, Helmut; Kugler, Katharina; Lohmann, Boris; Meyer, Uli; Reinhart, Gunther; Vogel-Heuser, Birgit: Modeling as the Basis for Innovation Cycle Management of PSS: Making Use of Interdisciplinary Models. IEEE International Symposium on Systems Engineering (ISSE) 2017, 2017 mehr…
Reinhardt, R., Zaggl, M., Walsh G., & Hagenmaier, M.: Highly Involved and Loyal Customization Toolkit Users are less likely to Purchase Self-Designed Products. Jahrestagung TIE, 2017 mehr…
Reinhardt, R., Zaggl, M., Walsh G., & Hagenmaier, M.: Highly Involved and Loyal Customization Toolkit Users are less likely to Purchase Self-Designed Products. IPDMC, 2017 mehr…
Ronny Reinhardt: The Limits of Mass Customization: Why highly Involved and Loyal Users are Less Likely to Purchase Self-Designed Products. 24th Innovation and Product Development Management Conference (IPDMC), 2017Reykjavikmehr…
Sabine Spinnarke (Interview mit Frau Prof. Vogel-Heuser): Störfälle:das Ringen um die IT. Produktion Technik und Wirtschaft für die deutsche Industrie (44), 2017 mehr…
Sabine Spinnarke (Interview mit Frau Prof. Vogel-Heuser): Innovativ, innovativer, am innovativsten. Produktion Technik und Wirtschaft für die deutsche Industrie (43), 2017 mehr…
Schönmann, Alexander; Dengler, Christian; Intra, Carsten; Reinhart, Gunther; Lohmann, Boris: Cycle management of manufacturing resources: identification and prioritization of investment needs. Production Engineering 11 (1), 2017, 51-60 mehr…
Tim Schweisfurth; Michael Zaggl; Claus Schöttl: Does similarity between evaluator and creator affect the evaluation of ideas? Academy of Management, 2017Atlanta, USmehr…
Tim Schweisfurth; Michael Zaggl; Claus Schöttl: Does similarity between evaluator and creator affect the evaluation of ideas? DRUID 2017 Conference, 2017New York, USmehr…
Zaggl, Michael A.: Manipulation of explicit reputation in innovation and knowledge exchange communities: The example of referencing in science. Research Policy 46 (5), 2017, 970-983 mehr…
Zou, Minjie; Vogel-Heuser, Birgit: Feature-based Systematic Approach Development for Inconsistency Resolution in Automated Production System Design. 13th Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE 2017), 2017 mehr…
Jeongsik Lee and Hyunwoo Park and Michael Zaggl: I'm Doing This For You (and For Me): Career Concern as Motivation in Online Collaboration Communities. , 7th Asia-Pacific Innovation Conference. , 2016 mehr…
Feldmann, S.; Wimmer, M.; Kernschmidt, K.; Vogel-Heuser, B.: A Comprehensive Approach for Managing Inter-Model Inconsistencies in Automated Production Systems Engineering. 12th IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE), 2016 mehr…
Becerril, Lucia; Sauer, Michael; Lindemann, Udo: Estimating the effects of Engineering Changes in early stage product development. Proceedings of the 18th International DSM Conference , USP - Sao Paulo, 2016 mehr…
Dengler, Christian: Entwurf nichtlinearer Beobachter, basierend auf Takagi-Sugeno-Darstellungen, für ein Viertank-System. GMA 1.40 „Theoretische Verfahren der Regelungstechnik“, 2016 mehr…
Feldmann, Stefan; Hauer, Florian; Ulewicz, Sebastian; Vogel-Heuser, Birgit: Analysis Framework for Evaluating PLC Software: An Application of Semantic Web Technologies. IEEE 25th International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE), 2016 mehr…
Feldmann, Stefan; Kernschmidt, Konstantin; Vogel-Heuser, Birgit: Applications of Semantic Web Technologies for the Engineering of Automated Production Systems---Three Use Cases. In: Biffl, Stefan; Sabou, Marta (Hrsg.): Semantic Web Technologies for Intelligent Engineering Applications. Springer International Publishing, 2016, 353--382 mehr…
Füller, Kathrin; Böhm, Markus; Krcmar, Helmut: Designing for Positive User Experience in Product Design: A Qualitative Analysis of Toolkit Design Elements and their Implications on Emotional Reactions and Perceptions. Hawaii International Conference on Systems Sciences, 2016 mehr…
Gammel, J. H., Kugler, K. G., & Brodbeck, F. C.: Wissensaustausch und Innovationen in vernetzten Teams: Entwicklung und Validierung eines Modells effektiver transaktiver Wissenssysteme in Multiteam-Systemen. 50. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie 2016 Leipzig, Deutschlandmehr…
Greitemann, J., Hehl, M., Wagner, D., Reinhart, G.: Scenario and roadmap-based approach for the analysis of prospective production technology needs. Production Engineering, 2016 mehr…
Hehenberger, P.; Vogel-Heuser, B.; Eynard, B.; Horvath, I.; Bradley, D.; Tomiyama, T.; Achiche, S.: Trends on Design, Modelling, Simulation and Integration of Cyber Physical Systems: Methods and Applications. Computers in Industry (82), 2016, 273-289 mehr…
Jeongsik "Jay" Lee and Hyunwoo Park and Michael Zaggl: I'm Doing This For You (and For Me): Career Concern as Motivation in Online Collaboration Communities. Open and User Innovation Conference, 2016Boston, USmehr…
Kammerl, Daniel; Novak, Gabriel; Hollauer, Christoph; Mörtl, Markus: Integrating Usage Data into the Planning of Product-Service Systems. 2016 IEEE International Conference on Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM 2016) , IEEE, 2016 mehr…
Kammerl, Daniel; Winkler, Stefan; Schmidt, Danilo Marcello; Mörtl, Markus: Model-based support for Product-Service System planning. 14th International Design Conference DESIGN 2016, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, 2016 mehr…
Kattner, Niklas; Wang, Tianyi, Lindemann, Udo: Performance Metrics in Engineering Change Management – Key Performance Indicators and Engineering Change Performance Levels. 2016 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM) , IEEE, 2016, 1180 - 1184 mehr…
Kellner, A. ; Ahrens, M.; Friedl, M.; Hehenberger, P.; Weingartner, L.; Zeman, K.; Kernschmidt, K.; Feldmann, Stefan; Vogel-Heuser, B: Challenges in integrating requirements in model based development processes in the machinery and plant building industry. 2nd IEEE International Symposium on Systems Engineering (ISSE), 2016 mehr…
Kugler, K. G., Gerhardinger, F., & Brodbeck, F. C.: Characteristics of Effective Leadership in Multiteam Systems. Conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology 2016Anaheim, USAmehr…
Olcay, E.: Betrachtung von soziotechnischen Systemen unter systemtheoretischen Aspekten. 12. Regelungstechnischer Workshop Schloss Hirschberg , 2016 mehr…
Omer, Mayada; Venkataraman, Srinivasan; Wilberg, Julian; Hollauer, Christoph: A knowledge management framework for identifying innovation potentials from use phase information. 14th International Design Conference , The Design Society, 2016, 1905-1914 mehr…
Passoth, Jan-Hendrik; Rammert, Werner: Fragmentale Differenzierung und die Praxis der Innovation: Wie immer mehr Innovationsfelder entstehen. In: Innovationsgesellschaft heute. Springer, 2016, 39-67 mehr…
Plehn, Christian; Stein, Florian; de Neufville, Richard; Reinhart, Gunther: Assessing the Impact of Changes and their Knock-on Effects in Manufacturing Systems. Procedia CIRP 57, 2016, 479-486 mehr…
Rosner, Andreas; Hollauer, Christoph; Kammerl, Daniel; Omer, Mayada; Mörtl, Markus: Evaluation of life cycle analysis case studies: Findings for application and further development. 14th International Design Conference , The Design Society, 2016, 453-462 mehr…
Schmidt, Danilo Marcello; Braun, Felix; Schenkl, Sebastian Alexander; Mörtl, Markus: Interview study: How can Product-Service Systems increase customer acceptance of innovations? CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology 1 (1), 2016, 001-012 mehr…
Schmidt, Danilo Marcello; Breyer, Manuel; Lindemann, Udo: Servitizationof on-campus mobility - A sharing system for electric skateboards. 5th Korea Conference on Service Design, Sungkyunkwan University, Creative Design Institute, 2016 mehr…
Schmidt, Danilo Marcello; Brüderle, Peter; Mörtl, Markus: Focusing Aspects of Customer Acceptance for Planning Product-Service Systems – A Case Study from Construction Machines Industry. 26th CIRP Design Conference, Elsevier, 2016, 830-835 mehr…
Schmidt, Danilo Marcello; Hübner, Daniel; Mörtl, Markus: Product-Service Systems for Increasing Customer Acceptance Concerning Perceived Complexity. 4th International Conference on Serviceology, Society for Serviceology, 2016, 001-006 mehr…
Schultz, Cedric; Braunreuther, Stefan; Reinhart, Gunther: Method for an Energy-oriented Production Control. Procedia CIRP 48, 2016, 248-253 mehr…
Schönmann, Alexander; Gerigk, Michael; Reinhart, Gunther; Intra, Carsten; Sander, Florian; Kraus, Philip: Identifikation technologischer Modernisierungspotenziale in der Produktion - Ein Beitrag zur Bewertung des Technologie- und Betriebsmittelbestands. Zeitschrift für wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb ZWF 111 (9), 2016, 535-539 mehr…
Schönmann, Alexander; Kozlowski, Fabian; Reinhart, Gunther; Intra, Carsten: Zyklenorientierte Planung von Produktionstechnologien. Vorausschau und Technologieplanung, HNI-Verlagsschriftenreihe Paderborn, 2016, 177-192 mehr…
Schönmann, Alexander; Greitemann, Josef; Reinhart, Gunther: Proactive Management of Production Technologies: A Conceptual Framework. Procedia CIRP 52, 2016, 198-203 mehr…
Schönmann, Alexander; Ulverich, Michael; Intra, Carsten; Reinhart, Gunther: Considering External and Internal Cycles of a Manufacturer for Planning and Evaluating Production Technologies. Procedia CIRP 55, 2016, 47-52 mehr…
Vogel-Heuser, Birgit; Biffl, Stefan;: Cross-discipline modeling and its contribution to automation. at - Automatisierungstechnik 64 (3), 2016, 165 mehr…
Wilberg, Julian; Maisenbacher, Sebastian; Lindemann, Udo: Proactive Cost Management: Integrating Use Phase Data to Reduce Uncertainty. NordDesign 2016, 2016 mehr…
Wilberg, Julian; Preißner, Stephanie; Dengler, Christian; Füller, Kathrin; Gammel, Josef; Kernschmidt, Konstantin ; Kugler, Katharina; Vogel-Heuser, Birgit: Performance measurement in interdisciplinary innovation processes – Transparency through structural complexity management. 18th International Dependency and Structure Modelling Conference, DSM 2016, 2016, 11-22 mehr…
Wilberg, Julian; Preißner, Stephanie; Dengler, Christian; Füller, Kathrin; Gammel, Josef; Kernschmidt, Konstantin; Kugler, Katharina; Vogel-Heuser, Birgit: Performance measurement in interdisciplinary innovation processes – Transparency through structural complexity management. 18th International Dependency and Structure Modelling Conference, DSM 2016, 2016Entwicklungsprozessemehr…
Bauer, Wolfgang; Bosch, Patrik; Chucholowski, Nepomuk; Elezi, Fatos; Maisenbacher, Sebastian; Lindemann, Udo; ; Maurer, Maik: Complexity Costs Evaluation in Product Families by Incorporating Change Propagation. 9th Annual IEEE International Systems Conference , IEEE, 2015SysCon 2015, 37-43 mehr…
Bauer, Wolfgang; Elezi, Fatos; Roth, Michael; Maurer, Maik: Determination of the Required Product Platform Flexibility from a Change Perspective. 2015 9th Annual IEEE International Systems Conference (SysCon), IEEE, 2015, 20-26 mehr…
Dengler, Christian: Stabilitätsanalyse und Abschätzen des Einzugsbereichs von polynomialen Fuzzy-Systemen mittels SOS-Polynomen. Regelungtechnischer Workshop Erlangen-München, Schloss Hirschberg, 2015 mehr…
Feldmann, S., S. J. I. Herzig, K. Kernschmidt, T. Wolfenstetter, D. Kammerl, A. Qamar, U. Lindemann, H. Krcmar, C. J. J. Paredis, and B. Vogel-Heuser: Towards Effective Management of Inconsistencies in Model-Based Engineering of Automated Production Systems. 2015 IFAC Symposium on Information Control in Manufacturing (INCOM 2015), 2015 mehr…
Feldmann, Stefan; Herzig, Sebastian; Kernschmidt, Konstantin; Wolfenstetter, Thomas; Kammerl, Daniel; Qamar, Ahsan; Lindemann, Udo; Krcmar, Helmut; Paredis, Christiaan J.J.; Vogel-Heuser, Birgit;: Towards Effective Management of Inconsistencies in Model-Based Engineering of Automated Production Systems. 15th IFAC Symposium on Information Control Problems in Manufacturing — INCOM 2015, 2015Ottawa, Candamehr…
Feldmann, Stefan; Herzig, Sebastian; Kernschmidt, Konstantin; Wolfenstetter, Thomas; Kammerl, Daniel; Qamar, Ahsan; Lindemann, Udo; Krcmar, Helmut; Paredis, Christiaan; Vogel-Heuser, Birgit;: A Comparison of Inconsistency Management Approaches Using a Mechatronic Manufacturing System Design Case Study. International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering , 2015Gothenburg, Swedenmehr…
Feldmann, Stefan; Herzig, Sebastian; Kernschmidt, Konstantin; Wolfenstetter, Thomas; Kammerl, Daniel; Qamar, Ahsan; Lindemann, Udo; Krcmar, Helmut; Paredis, Christiaan J.J.; Vogel-Heuser, Birgit: A Comparison of Inconsistency Management Approaches Using a Mechatronic Manufacturing System Design Case Study. 10th IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE), 2015 mehr…
Feldmann, Stefan; Legat, Christoph; Vogel-Heuser, Birgit: An Analysis of Challenges and State of the Art for Modular Engineering in the Machine and Plant Manufacturing Domain. 2nd IFAC Conference on Embedded Systems, Computational Intelligence and Telematics in Control, 2015 mehr…
Fink, S., Kasperek, D., Reif, J. A. M., Kugler, K. G., Brodbeck, F. C., & Maurer, M.: Application of DSM in the field Organizational Psychology. International Dependency and Structure Modeling Conference, 2015 mehr…
Füller, Kathrin; Ramanath, Ranjitha; Böhm, Markus; Krcmar, Helmut: Decision Support for the Selection of Appropriate Customer Integration Methods. Proceedings der 12. Internationalen Tagung Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI 2015), 2015Osnabrückmehr…
Greitemann, J., Stahl, B., Schönmann, A., Lohmann, B., Reinhart, G.: Strategic production technology planning using a dynamic technology chain calendar. Production Engineering, 2015 mehr…
Großmann, Daniel J.; Kasperek, Daniel; Stahl, Benjamin; Lohmann, Boris; Maurer, Maik: Supporting PSS Innovation Processes by an Integrating Model Grid. 7th Industrial Product-Service Systems Conference - PSS, industry transformation for sustainability and business, 2015 mehr…
Hirth, Nicco; Maisenbacher, Sebastian; Kasperek, Daniel; Hollauer, Christoph; Maurer, Maik: An Approach to Reveal Starting Points for PSS Design Support with Dynamic Models. 7th Industrial Product-Service Systems Conference - PSS, Industry Transformation for Sustainability and Business, Elsevier, 2015, 462-467 mehr…
Hollauer, Christoph; Venkataraman, Srinivasan; Omer, Mayada: A Model to describe use phase of socio-technical sphere of product-service systems. 20th International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED15), The Design Society, 2015 mehr…
Hollauer, Christoph; Wilberg, Julian; Maisenbacher, Sebastian; Omer, Mayada: Towards a meta-model for the description of the sociotechnical perspective on Product-Service Systems. 7th Industrial Product-Service Systems Conference - PSS, industry transformation for sustainability and business , Elsevier , 2015 mehr…
Hollauer, Christoph; Wilberg, Julian; Omer, Mayada: A Matrix-based Framework to Support Dynamic Modelign of Sociotechnical Systems. Modeling and managing complex systems, Carl Hanser Verlag , 2015 mehr…
Hollauer, Christoph; Zäpfel, Martin; Kammerl, Daniel; Omer, Mayada; Lindemann, Udo: Sustainability Indicators - Overview, Synthesis and future Research Directions. EcoDesign 2015 - Sustainability Through lnnovation in Product Life Cycle Design, Springer , 2015 mehr…
Kammerl, Daniel; Malaschewski, Oliver; Schenkl, Sebastian A.; Mörtl, Markus: Decision uncertainties in the planning of Product-Service System portfolios. ICoRD’15 – Research into Design Across Boundaries Volume 2, Springer, 2015, 39-48 mehr…
Kasperek, Daniel; Berger, Sandra; Maisenbacher, Sebastian; Lindemann, Udo; Maurer, Maik: Structure-based System Dynamics Analysis - A Case Study of Benchmarking Process Optimization. 20th International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED15), Design Society, 2015 mehr…
Kasperek, Daniel; Bermond, Lukas; Zaggl, Michael A.; Raasch, Christina; Maurer, Maik S: Structure-based System Dynamics Analysis – A Case Study of Line Process Optimization. 2015 IEEE International Systems Conference (SysCon 2015) , 2015 mehr…
Kasperek, Daniel; Lichtenberg, Christian; Hollauer, Christoph; Omer, Mayada; Maurer, Maik S: Structure-based System Dynamics Analysis of Engineering Design Processes - A case study. 2015 IEEE International Systems Conference (SysCon 2015), 2015 mehr…
Kernschmidt, Konstantin; Vogel-Heuser, Birgit; Preissner, Stephanie; Christina, Raasch: From selling products to providing user oriented product-service systems -- Exploring service orientation in the German machine and plant manufacturing industry. 12th IFIP International Conference on Product Lifecycle Management, 2015 mehr…
Kugler, K. G., Preißner, S., Zaggl, M. A., Reif, J. A. M., Schweisfurth, T. G., Raasch, C., & Brodbeck, F. C.: Absorptive Capacity und Koordination von Teams und vernetzten Individuen. 9. Fachgruppentagung der Arbeits- Organisations- und Wirtschaftspsychologie, 2015 mehr…
Kugler, K. G., Reif, J. A. M., Ponschab, A., Gonnermann, I., & Brodbeck, F. C.: Managing time in teams implicitly and explicitly: the interaction between shared temporal mental models and temporal leadership. 17th Congress of the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology, 2015 mehr…
Kugler, K. G., Stengel, A. A., Reif, J. A. M., & Brodbeck, F. C.: Development and validation of a German scale for the measurement of team processes according to Marks et al. (2001). 17th Congress of the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology, 2015 mehr…
Moser, Uwe; Maisenbacher, Sebastian; Kasperek, Daniel; Maurer, Maik: Definition of an Approach for the Development of Product-Service Systems. 7th Industrial Product-Service Systems Conference - PSS, Industry Transformation for Sustainability and Business, Elsevier, 2015, 18-23 mehr…
Plehn, C., Koch, J., Diepold, K., Stahl, B., Lohman, B., Reinhart, G., Zäh, M.F.: Modeling and analyzing dynamic cycle networks for manufacturing planning. 3rd CIRP Global Web Conference on Production Engineering Research: Advancement Beyond State of the Art, CIRPe 2014, 2015 mehr…
Reif, J. A. M., Kugler, K. G., & Brodbeck, F. C.: Koordination zyklischer Dynamik in Organisationen – Überprüfung eines theoretischen Modells. 9. Fachgruppentagung der Arbeits- Organisations- und Wirtschaftspsychologie, 2015 mehr…
Reif, J. A. M., Kugler, K. G., & Brodbeck, F. C.: Managing cyclical dynamics in organizations – foundations of a theoretical model. 17th Congress of the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology, 2015 mehr…
Schmidt, Danilo Marcello; Kammerl, Daniel; Preuß, Alexander; Mörtl, Markus: Decision Methodology for Planning Product-Service Systems. International Conference on Business, Information, and Service Science, 2015 mehr…
Schmidt, Danilo Marcello; Kammerl, Daniel; Schultz, Bernhard; Schenkl, Sebastian Alexander; Mörtl, Markus: Identification of Knowledge and Processes in Design Projects. 20th International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED15), 2015, 283-292 mehr…
Schmidt, Danilo Marcello; Malaschewski, Oliver; Fluhr, Daniel; Mörtl, Markus: Customer-oriented Framework for Product-Service Systems. 7th Industrial Product-Service Systems Conference - PSS, industry transformation for sustainability and business, Elsevier, 2015, 289-292 mehr…
Schmidt, Danilo Marcello; Malaschewski, Oliver; Jaugstetter, Matthias; Mörtl, Markus: Service Classification to Support Planning Product-Service Systems. Asian Design Engineering Workshop (A-DEWS), 2015, 34-39 mehr…
Schmidt, Danilo Marcello; Malaschewski, Oliver; Mörtl, Markus: Decision-making process for Product Planning of Product-Service Systems. 7th Industrial Product-Service Systems Conference - PSS, industry transformation for sustainability and business, Elsevier, 2015, 468-473 mehr…
Schmidt, Danilo Marcello; Mörtl, Markus: Product-Service Systems for Increasing Customer Acceptance Concerning Perceived Complexity. Asian Design Engineering Workshop (A-DEWS), 2015, 77-82 mehr…
Schmidt, Danilo Marcello; Preißner, Stephanie; Hermosillo Martínez, José Alonso; Quiter, Michael; Mörtl, Markus; Raasch, Christina: Integration of User Knowledge Across the Lifecycle of Integrated Product-Service Systems - An Empirical Analysis of the Relevance for PSS Development and Management. 20th International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED15), 2015, 199-208 mehr…
Schönmann, Alexander; Becker, Tom; Reinhart, Gunther: Unterstützung bei der Vorauswahl alternativer Produktionstechnologien - Das Technologieradar als Kommunikationswerkzeug. Vorausschau und Technologieplanung, HNI-Verlagsschriftenreihe , 2015, 243-258 mehr…
Schönmann, Alexander; Panzer, Nils; Reinhart, Gunther; Intra, Carsten; Wildmoser, Thomas: Bewertung des Einsatzes von Lasertechnologien in der Nutzfahrzeugindustrie. Zeitschrift für wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb ZWF 110 (11), 2015, 725-729 mehr…
Thomas Wolfenstetter, Simon Bründl, Markus Böhm, Helmut Krcmar: Why Product Service Systems Development is Special. International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Systems Management, 2015Sevillamehr…
Vogel-Heuser, Birgit; Fay, Alexander; Schäfer, Ina; Tichy, Matthias: Evolution of software in automated production systems - Challenges and Research Directions. Journal of Systems and Software (JSS) 110, 2015, 54--84 mehr…
Weidmann, Dominik; Maisenbacher, Sebastian; Kasperek, Daniel; Maurer, Maik: Product-Service System Development with Discrete Event Simulation. 2015 IEEE International Systems Conference (SysCon 2015), IEEE, 2015 mehr…
Wickel, Martina; Lindemann, Udo: How to integrate information about past Engineering Changes in new change processes ? 20th International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED15), Design Society, 2015, 229-238 mehr…
Wickel, Martina; Lindemann, Udo: How to build up an Engineering Change dependency model based on past change data? Modeling and managing complex systems, Carl Hanser Verlag, 2015, 221-231 mehr…
Wilberg, Julian; Hollauer, Christoph; Omer, Mayada: Supporting the Performance Assessment of Product-Service Systems during the Use Phase. 7th Industrial Product-Service Systems Conference - PSS, industry transformation for sustainability and business, Elsevier, 2015, 203–208 mehr…
Wolfenstetter, Thomas; Bründl, Simon; Füller, Kathrin; Böhm, Markus; Krcmar, Helmut;: Towards a Requirements Traceability Reference Model for Product Service Systems. International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Systems Management, 2015Sevillamehr…
Wolfenstetter, Thomas; Floerecke, Sebastian; Böhm, Markus; Krcmar, Helmut;: Analyse der Eignung domänenspezifischer Methoden der Anforderungsverfolgung für Produkt-Service-Systeme. 12. Internationale Tagung Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI2015), 2015Osnabrückmehr…
Wolfenstetter, Thomas; Zitzelsberger, Jonas; Böhm, Markus; Krcmar, Helmut;: Traceability von Anforderungen und Tests in agilen Softwareentwicklungsprojekten. Software Engineering & Management 2015, Gesellschaft für Informatik, 2015Dresdenmehr…
d'Albert H., Venkataraman S., Omer M.: Application of System Dynamics for Modeling Product-Service Systems. ICETA 2015, 2015 mehr…
Barbieri, G.; Kernschmidt, K.; Fantuzzi, C.; Vogel-Heuser, B.: A SysML based design pattern for the high-level development of mechatronic systems to enhance re-usability. 19th IFAC World Congress, 2014 mehr…
Barbieri, Giacomo; Kernschmidt, Konstantin; Fantuzzi, Cesare; Vogel-Heuser, Birgit: A SysML based design pattern for the high-level development of mechatronic systems to enhance re-usability. 19th IFAC World Congress (IFAC 2014), 2014 mehr…
Bauer, W.: Application of Structural Domain-Spanning Criteria in an Industrial Case-Study. 16th International Dependency And Structure Modelling Conference, DSM 2014, 2014 mehr…
Bauer, W.; Braun, F.; Elezi, F.; Maurer, M.: Monetary Evaluation of Platform Strategies - From Variant Costs Assessment to Economic Value Added. IEEE International Systems Conference (SysCon 2014). Ottawa, Canada., 2014 mehr…
Bauer, W.; Werner, C.; Elezi, F.; Maurer, M.: Forecasting of Future Developments Based on Historic Analysis. International Design Conference - Design 2014, 2014 mehr…
Brodbeck, F. C.; Woschée, R.; Kugler, K. G.: Reciprocal effects of follower proactivity and LMX: a longitudinal analysis. The 29th Annual Conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 2014 mehr…
Chucholowski, Nepomuk; Wolfenstetter, Thomas; Wickel, Martina; Krcmar, Helmut; Lindemann, Udo: Towards Cycle-Oriented Traceability in Engineering Change Management. DS 77: Proceedings of the DESIGN 2014 13th International Design Conference, Design Society, 2014Cavtat - Dubrovnik, Croatiamehr…
Feldmann, S.; Kernschmidt, K.; Vogel-Heuser, B.: Combining a SysML-based modeling approach and semantic technologies for analyzing change influences in manufacturing plant models. 47th CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems (CMS 2014), April 28-30, 2014, Windsor, Ontario, Canada, 2014 mehr…
Feldmann, Stefan; Kernschmidt, Konstantin; Vogel-Heuser, Birgit: Combining a SysML-based modeling approach and semantic technologies for analyzing change influences in manufacturing plant models. 47th CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems (CMS 2014), 2014 mehr…
Füller, Kathrin; Engel, Tobias; Benz, Maximilian; Goswami, Suparna; Krcmar, Helmut: A matrix for selecting appropriate customer integration methods. POMS International Conference, 2014Singaporemehr…
Füller, Kathrin; Goswami, Suparna; Helmut, Krcmar: Web-Based Customer Integration for Product Design: The Role of Hedonic vs Utilitarian Customer Experience. Twenty Second European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), 2014Tel Avivmehr…
Füller, Kathrin; Schenkl, Sebastian; Schneider, Franz-Xaver; Hutterer, Philipp; Mörtl, Markus; Krcmar, Helmut: Verification of Quality Criteria by Customer Integration. 13th INTERNATIONAL DESIGN CONFERENCE - DESIGN 2014, 2014Dubrovnik, Croatiamehr…
Gambardella, A., Raasch, C., von Hippel, E. A.: The User Innovation Paradigm: Impacts on Markets and Welfare. SSRN Electronic Journal, 2014 mehr…
Georganta, Eleni; Kugler, Katharina G; Brodbeck, Felix C; Reif, Julia A M: Team Adaptation: An empirical test of the dynamic process. Small Group Meeting of the European Association for Work and Organizational Psychology, Lisbon, October, 2014, 2014 mehr…
Greitemann, J.; Christ, E.; Matzat, A.; Reinhart, G.: Strategic Evaluation of Technological Capabilities, Competencies and Core-Competencies of Manufacturing Companies. Robust Manufacturing Conference (RoMaC) 2014, 2014 mehr…
Greitemann, J.; Stahl, B.; Michels, N. V.; Lohmann, B.; Reinhart, G.: Quantitative Model of the Technology Lifecycle for Forecasting the Maturity of Manufacturing Technologies. 7th IEEE International Conference on Management of Innovation and Technology (ICMIT), 2014 mehr…
Hagenmaier, M., Zaggl, M., Raasch, C.: Disentangling Users' Preferences for Uniqueness in Product Customization. 12th Open and User Innovation Workshop, Boston, USA, 2014 mehr…
Hollauer, Christoph; Wickel, Martina; Lindemann, Udo: Learning from past changes - towards a learning-oriented engineering change management. Proceedings of the 2014 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, IEEE, 2014 mehr…
Kammerl, Daniel; Bauer, Wolfgang, Mörtl, Markus: Identifikation der Informationsflüsse zwischen Produkt- und Produktionstechnologieplanung. 10. Symposium für Vorausschau und Technologieplanung, 2014 mehr…
Kammerl, Daniel; Enseleit, Martin; Orawski, Robert; Mörtl, Markus: Depicting Product-Service Systems in the early phase of the product development. IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, 2014 mehr…
Kasperek, D.; Fink, S.; Maisenbacher, S.; Bauer, W.; Maurer, M.: Assessing the Informative Value of Complexity Metrics Within Design Structure Matrices in Early Development Phases of Complex Systems. IEEE International Systems Conference (SysCon 2014). Ottawa, Canada., 2014 mehr…
Kasperek, D.; Maisenbacher, S.; Maurer, M.: Structure-based Analysis of Dynamic Engineering Process Behavior. IEEE International Systems Conference (SysCon 2014). Ottawa, Canada., 2014 mehr…
Kernschmidt, K.; Behncke, F. G. H.; Chucholowski, N.; Wickel, M. C.; Bayrak, G.; Lindemann, U.; Vogel-Heuser, B: An integrated approach to analyze change-situations in the development of production systems. 47th CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems (CMS 2014), April 28-30, 2014, Windsor, Ontario, Canada, 2014 mehr…
Kernschmidt, K.; Feldmann, S.; Vogel-Heuser, B.: Analyse von Änderungsauswirkungen in langlebigen Automatisierungssystemen. 1st Collaborative Workshop on Evolution and Maintenance of Long-Living Systems (EMLS), 2014 mehr…
Kernschmidt, Konstantin; Behncke, Florian; Chucholowski, Nepomuk; Wickel, Martina; Bayrak, Gülden; Lindemann, Udo; Vogel-Heuser, Birgit: An integrated approach to analyze change-situations in the development of production systems. 47th CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems (CMS 2014), 2014 mehr…
Kernschmidt, Konstantin; Vogel-Heuser, Birgit; Barbieri, Giacomo; Fantuzzi, Cesare: Interdisziplinäre modellbasierte Entwicklung mechatronischer Systeme basierend auf SysML zur Steigerung der Wiederverwendung. VDI-Kongress Automation (VDI KA 2014), 2014 mehr…
Kindsmüller, T. M.; Behncke, F. G. H.; Stahl, B.; Diepold, K. J.; Wickel, M. C.; Kammerl, D.; Kernschmidt, K.: Mitigating the effort for engineering changes in product development using a fuzzy expert system. 2014 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, 2014 mehr…
Koch, J.; Maisenbacher, S.; Maurer, M.; Reinhart, G.; Zäh, M. F.: Structural modeling of extended manufacturing systems – an approach to support changeability by reconfiguration planning. 47th CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems (CMS 2014), April 28-30, 2014, Windsor, Ontario, Canada, 2014 mehr…
Kugler, K. G., Kaschner, T., Reif, J. A. M., & Brodbeck, F. C.: Gender Differences in the Propensity to Initiate Negotiations: A Meta-Analysis. 29th Annual Conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 2014 mehr…
Kugler, Katharina; Stahl, Benjamin; Diepold, K. J.; Reif, Julia; Lohmann, B.; Brodbeck, Felix: Zyklische Teamprozesse und Innovationsleistung – eine auf Fuzzy Logik basierte Modellierung wechselseitiger Beziehungen verschiedener Prozessphasen. Conference of the German Psychological Society, September 2014 in Bochum, Germany, 2014 mehr…
Leppla, B.; Pohl, J.: Modellierung von Produktionsstrukturadaptionen. ZWF - Zeitschrift für wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb 109 (3), 2014, 121--124 mehr…
Maisenbacher, Sebastian; Weidmann, Dominik; Kasperek, Daniel; Omer, Mayada: Applicability of Agent-Based Modeling for Supporting Product-Service System Development. Proceedings of the 6th CIRP Conference on Industrial Product-Service Systems, 2014 mehr…
Omer, Mayada; Ganguly, Anirban; Behncke, Florian G H; Hollauer, Christoph: A Complexity Driven Approach for Risk Evaluation in Use-Oriented Product- Service Systems Supply Chains An Integrated Supply Chain for Usage Oriented PSS. IEEE 9th International Conference on Systems of Systems Engineering, Adelaide, Australia., 2014 mehr…
Plehn, C.; Koch, J.; Diepold, K.; Stahl, B.; Lohmann, B.; Reinhart, G.; Zäh, M. F.: Modeling and analyzing dynamic cycle networks for manufacturing planning. Procedia CIRP - 3rd CIRP Global Web Conference on Production Engineering Research: Advancement beyond state of the art, 2014 mehr…
Preiss ner, S., Raasch, C.: Exploring the Functional Sources of Disruptive Innovation. 21st International Product Development Management Conference, Limerick, Ireland, 2014 mehr…
Preiss ner, S., Raasch, C.: Exploring the Functional Sources of Disruptive Innovation. 12th Open and User Innovation Workshop, Boston, USA, 2014 mehr…
Reinhart, G.; Greitemann, J.; Reisen, K.; Rester, N.: Technologie-Screening. Bewertung produktionsbezogener Risiken innovativer Produkte am Beispiel der Elektromobilität. wt Werkstattstechnik online 104 (4), 2014, 217--223 mehr…
Reisen, K.; Greitemann, J.; Rester, N.; Reinhart, G.: Production Technology Screening for Innovative Products. IEEE International Technology Management Conference (ITMC), 2014 mehr…
Roht, O.; Engel, T.; Wolfenstetter, T.; Goswami, S.; Krcmar, H.: An Analysis of Synergy Effects between Closed Loop Supply Chains and Product-Service Systems. 25th Annual Conference of the Production and Operations Management Society (POMS), 2014 mehr…
Roht, Olga; Engel, Tobias; Wolfenstetter, Thomas; Goswami, Suparna; Krcmar, Helmut: An Analysis of Synergy Effects between Closed Loop Supply Chains and Product-Service Systems. 25th Annual Conference of the Production and Operations Management Society (POMS), 2014Atlanta, Georgia, USAmehr…
Schmidt, Danilo Marcello; Bauer, Paul; Mörtl, Markus: Product-Service Systems for Influencing Customer Barriers and Customer Acceptance. International Conference on Business Marketing and Management, IACSIT Press, 2014, 213-217 mehr…
Schmidt, Danilo Marcello; Schenkl, Sebastian Alexander; Munkhart, Eduard; Nilsson, Susanne; Mörtl, Markus: Interview Study: Decisions and Decision Criteria for Development in Industry. IEEE - International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2014 mehr…
Vogel-Heuser, Birgit; Kernschmidt, Konstantin: Modellbasiertes disziplinübergreifendes Management von IT-Zyklen in Innovationsprozessen. In: Vogel-Heuser, Birgit (Hrsg.): Innovationsprozesse zyklenorientiert managen - Verzahnte Entwicklung von Produkt-Service Systemen. Springer, Berlin, Germany, 2014, 30-44 mehr…
Wolfenstetter, T.; Kernschmidt, K.; Münzberg, C.; Kammerl, D.; Goswami, S.; Lindemann, U.; Vogel-Heuser, B.; Krcmar, H.: Supporting the cross-disciplinary development of product-service systems through model transformations. 2014 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, 2014 mehr…
Wolfenstetter, Thomas; Kernschmidt, Konstantin; Münzberg, Christoph; Kammerl, Daniel; Goswami, Suparna; Lindemann, Udo; Vogel-Heuser, Birgit; Krcmar, Helmut: Supporting the Cross-disciplinary Development of Product-service Systems Through Model Transformations. Proceedings of the 2014 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, Meeting Matters International, 2014Kuala Lumpurmehr…
Zaggl, M.A., Raasch, C.: Explaining the performance of norms-based IP systems – An agent-based model. Medical User Innovation & Medical Knowledge Commons Workshop, New York University, May 15-17 2014, 2014 mehr…
Zaggl, M.A., Raasch, C.: Exploring the contingencies of private-collective innovation – An agent-based model. DRUID , Copenhagen Business School, 2014 mehr…
Zaggl, M.A., Raasch, C.: Does rivalry preclude free revealing? – An agent-based model of private-collective innovation systems. Open User Innovation Workshop, Harvard Business School, 2014 mehr…
Zaggl, M.A., Raasch, C.: Does rivalry preclude free revealing? – An agent-based model of private-collective innovation systems. Academy of Management Junior Faculty Consortium, 2014 mehr…
de Jong, Jeroen P.J., von Hippel, E. A., Gault, F., Kuusisto, J. H., & Raasch, C.: The Diffusion of Consumer-Developed Innovations: Patterns in Finland. SSRN Electronic Journal, 2014 mehr…
Bauer, W.; Elezi, F.; Homann, F.; Maurer, M.: The Identification of Limiting and Enabling factors of the Organization on the Development of Platform-based Products. International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM) 2013, Bangkok, Thailand, 2013 mehr…
Bauer, W.; Elezi, F.; Maurer, M.: An Approach for Cycle-Robust Platform Design. International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED), 2013 mehr…
Bauer, W.; Elezi, F.; Maurer, M.: Application of DSMs for Analyzing Product and Organizational Structures. 15th International Dependency And Structure Modelling Conference, DSM 2013, 2013 mehr…
Bayrak, G.; Kernschmidt, K.; Vogel-Heuser, B.: Vom Produkthersteller zum Anbieter von Produkt-Service – Systemen : Entwicklung eines innovativen E-Bike-Sharing-Systems. VDE MINT AKADEMIE Mobilität der Zukunft, 2013 mehr…
Behncke, F.; Mauler, S.; Lindemann, U.: Supporting the decision process of engineering changes through the computational process synthesis. International Conference on Research into Design, 2013 mehr…
Chucholowski, N.; Langer, S.; Behncke, F. G. H.; Lindemann, U.: Comparison of engineering change cause analysis in literature and industrial practice. 19th International Conference on Engineering Design 2013 (ICED13). Seoul, Korea, 2013 mehr…
Diepold, K. J.; Pieczona, S. J.: Abschätzung des Einzugsbereiches für T-S Systeme : Beachtung des Gültigkeitssektors. 23 Workshop Computational Intelligence, Dortmund, 5.-6.12.2013, 2013 mehr…
Diepold, K. J.; Pieczona, S. J.: Tracking control with adaptively Allocated Maximum Input Amplitudes and Enlarged Domain of Attraction for linear systems. 52nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (2), 2013, 2090--2096 mehr…
Elezi, Fatos; Resch, David; Tommelein, Iris D; Lindemann, Udo: Improving Organizational Design and Diagnosis by Supporting Viable System Model Application with Structural Complexity Management. 15th International Dependency And Structure Modelling Conference, DSM 2013, 2013 mehr…
Greitemann, J.; Plehn, C.; Koch, J.; Reinhart, G.: Strategic Screening of Manufacturing Technologies. 5th International Conference on Changeable, Agile, Reconfigurable and Virtual Production (CARV), Munich, Germany, 6th-9th October, pp. 321-326., 2013 mehr…
Hepperle, C.: Planung lebenszyklusgerechter Leistungsbündel. Lehrstuhl für Produktentwicklung, Technische Universität München, 2013, mehr…
Herzberger, P.; Behncke, F. G. H.; Schenkl, S.; Lindemann, U.: Interactive Modeling and Evaluation of Product-Service-Systems. 19th International Conference on Engineering Design 2013 (ICED13). Seoul, Korea, 2013 mehr…
Kammerl, D.; Gast, D.; Orawski, R.; Schenkl, S. A.; Mörtl, M.: Analysis of Product-Service System models as a basis for a modeling framework. 16th International Conference on Quality and Service Sciences (QMOD-ICQSS), 2013 mehr…
Kasperek, D.; Maurer, M.: Coupling Structural Complexity Management and System Dynamics to represent the Dynamic Behavior of Product Development Processes. TU München, 2013, mehr…
Kasperek, D.; Kohn, A.; Maurer, M.: Identifying Uncertainties within Structural Complexity Management. 19th International Conference on Engineering Design 2013 (ICED13)., 2013 mehr…
Kasperek, D.; Peters, K.; Maisenbacher, S.; Maurer, M.: Development of an Assessment Procedure for the Problem-Specific Selection of Most Suitable Modeling Methods for Complex Systems. Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management Conference (IEEM) 2013. Bangkok, Thailand., 2013 mehr…
Kernschmidt, K.; Vogel-Heuser, B.: An interdisciplinary SysML based modeling approach for analyzing change influences in production plants to support the engineering. 9th IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE), 2013 mehr…
Kernschmidt, K.; Wolfenstetter, T.; Münzberg, C.; Kammerl, D.; Goswami, S.; Lindemann, U.; Krcmar, H.; Vogel-Heuser, B.: Concept for an Integration-Framework to enable the crossdisciplinary Development of Product-Service Systems. Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management Conference (IEEM) 2013. Bangkok, Thailand., 2013 mehr…
Koch, J.; Greitemann, J.; Plehn, C.; Reinhart, G.: Cycle oriented Quality Management at the Interface of Product Development and Production Planning. Product Lifecycle Management for Society: 10th IFIP WG 5.1 International Conference, PLM 2013, Nantes, France, July 8-10, 2013, Proceedings, 2013 mehr…
Koch, J.; Plehn, C.; Reinhart, G.; Zäh, M. F.: Cycle Management for Continuous Manufacturing Planning. CARV 2013 – 5th International Conference on Changeable, Agile, Reconfigurable and Virtual Production, 2013 mehr…
Kohn, A.; Reif, J.; Wolfenstetter, T.; Kernschmidt, K.; Goswami, S.; Krcmar, H.; Brodbeck, F.; Vogel-Heuser, B.; Lindemann, U.; Maurer, M.: Improving Common Model Understanding Within Collaborative Engineering Design Research Projects. In: ICoRD'13 Global Product Development. Springer India, 2013 mehr…
Kugler, Katharina; Reif, Julia; Behncke, Florian; Brodbeck, Felix; Lindemann, Udo: Business processes in complex environments. Proceedings of the 16th EAWOP Congress 2013, 2013 mehr…
Lichtenberg, C.; Kasperek, D.; Maisenbacher, S.; Maurer, M.: Strukturbasierte Modellierung und Bewertung von Entwicklungsprozessen von Produkt-Service Systemen. Tag des Systems Engineering 2013. Stuttgart, Germany., 2013 mehr…
Maisenbacher, S.; Kernschmidt, K.; Kasperek, D.; Vogel-Heuser, B.; Maurer, M.: Using DSM and MDM methodologies to analyze structural SysML models. International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM) 2013, Bangkok, Thailand, 2013 mehr…
Orawski, R.; Hein, C.; Polenov, D.; Holle, M.; Schenkl, S.; Mörtl, M.; Lindemann, U.: Reuse of Requirements: An Approach with a Generic Requirements Pool. International Conference on Engineering Design 2013,ICED13., 2013 mehr…
Pellegrini, E.; Spirk, S.; Diepold, K. J.; Dessort, R.; Lohmann, B.: Nonlinear Control of a Semi-Active Suspension System Considering Actuator and State constraints Using Methods of Optimal Control. American Control Conference (ACC), 2013 mehr…
Schenkl, S. A., Behncke, F. G. H., Hepperle, C., Langer, S., Lindemann, U.: Managing Cycles of Innovation Processes of Product-Service Systems. 2013 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, 2013 mehr…
Schenkl, S. A., Bruse, F., Lindemann, U.: Wissensgetriebene Entwicklung nachahmungsrobuster Produkt-Service Systeme. Stuttgarter Symposium für Produktentwicklung 2013, 2013 mehr…
Schenkl, S. A., Schneider, F.-X., Kammerl, D., Orawski, R., Hutterer, P., Mörtl, M.: Methodical Deployment of Quality Criteria. 16th International Conference on Quality and Service Sciences (QMOD-ICQSS), 2013 mehr…
Schenkl, S. A., Spörl, S., Behncke, F. G. H., Orawski, R., Mörtl, M.: Deploying decision criteria in a cyclical decision process for the product planning phase. 19th International Conference on Engineering Design 2013 (ICED13), 2013 mehr…
Stahl, B.; Diepold, K. J.: Strategische Produktionstechnologieplanung mit transitionsadaptiver, rekurrenter Fuzzy Logik. 23 Workshop Computational Intelligence, Dortmund, 5.-6.12.2013, 2013 mehr…
Stahl, B.; Diepold, K. J.; Pohl, J.; Greitemann, J.; Plehn, C.; Koch, J.; Lohmann, B.; Reinhart, G.: Modeling Cyclic Interactions within a Production Environment using Transition Adaptive Recurrent Fuzzy Systems. IFAC Conference on Manufacturing Modelling, Management, and Control (MIM), 2013 mehr…
Wickel, M. C.; Behncke, F. G. H.; Lindemann, U.: When to check for deviations in the design process - an approach to determine a systematic checkpoint schedule. 19th International Conference on Engineering Design 2013 (ICED13). Seoul, Korea, 2013 mehr…
Behncke, F.G.H; Wickel, M.; Lindemann, U.: Managing the economic performance of research - driven initiatives in the fiel d of transdisciplinary research. IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM), 2012 mehr…
Biedermann, W., Diepold, K. J., Lindemann, U.,Lohmann, B.: Delimiting structural and dynamical system analysis in engineering management. International Design Conference - Design 2012, 2012 mehr…
Biedermann, W., Lindemann, U.: Correlation of structural characteristics of product design structure matrices. International Design Conference - Design 2012, 2012 mehr…
Biedermann, W.; Lindemann, U.: Correlation of Structural Characteristica of Product Design Structure Matrices. International Design Conference DESIGN , 2012 mehr…
Diepold, K.J.; Pieczona, S.J.: Ein Ansatz für ein Fuzzy-Führungsfilter zur Berücksichtigung von Stellgrößenbeschränkungen beim Arbeitspunktwechsel. GMA-FA 5.14 - Workshop on Computational Intelligence, 2012 mehr…
Diepold, K.J.; Pieczona, S.J.: Recurrent Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy interpolation for switched linear systems and hybrid automata. 2012 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, 2012 mehr…
Gürtler, M.; Kortler, S.; Helms, B.; Berkovich, M.; Leimeister, J.M.; Krcmar, H.; Shea, K.; Lindemann, U.; Maurer M.: Von Anforderungslisten zum konzeptionellen Design – Funktionsbasierte Analyse von Anforderungen an Product-Service Systems. In: Dienstleistungsmodellierung 2012 . Springer, 2012 mehr…
Hepperle, C.; Lachner, F.; Mört, M.; Lindemann, U.: Compatibility evaluation of future product concepts. 18th International ICE Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovation (ICE), 2012 mehr…
Hepperle, C.; Lachner, F.; Mörtl, M.; Lindemann, U.: Compatibility evaluation of future product concepts. 18th International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovation (ICE), 2012 mehr…
Karl, F.; Reinhart, G.; Zäh, M. F.: Strategic Planning of Reconfigurations on Manufacturing Resources. Procedia CIRP 3 (2012), 2012 mehr…
Karl, F.; Reinhart, G.; Zäh, M. F.: Rekonfigurationsfähigkeit von Betriebsmitteln. wt Werkstattstechnik online 102 (4), 2012 mehr…
Kernschmidt, K., Bayrak, G., Vogel-Heuser, B.: A port-based approach for modelling the structure of mechatronic modules. Proceedings of 14th International Dependency and Structure Modelling Conference, 2012 mehr…
Kernschmidt, K., Hepperle, C., Mörtl, M., Vogel-Heuser, B.: Lifecycle oriented planning of mechatronic products and corresponding services. IFIP WG 5.1 9th International Conference on Product Lifecycle Management (PLM12), 2012 mehr…
Klendauer, R.; Berkovich, M.; Gelvin, R.; Leimeister, J. M.; Krcmar, H.: Towards a competency model for requirements analysts. Information Systems Journal , 2012 mehr…
Kohn, A., Lutter-Günther, M., Hagg, M., Maurer, M.: Handling product information - towards an improved use of product models in engineering design. International Design Conference - Design 2012, 2012 mehr…
Kugler, K. G.; Bezler, T.; Winkler, M.; Reif, J. A. M.; Brodbeck, F. C.: Multiteam Systems from the Members’ Point of View. Small Group Meeting of the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology, 2012 mehr…
Li, F., Bayrak, G., Kernschmidt, K., Vogel-Heuser, B.: Specification of the Requirements to Support Information Technology-Cycles in the Machine and Plant Manufacturing Industry. 14th IFAC Symposium on Information Control Problems in Manufacturing (INCOM12), 2012 mehr…
Li, F.; Bayrak, G.; Kernschmidt, K.; Vogel-Heuser, B.;: Specification of the Requirements to Support Information Technology-Cycles in the Machine and Plant Manufacturing Industry. 14th IFAC Symposium on Information Control Problems in Manufacturing, 2012 mehr…
Orawski, R., Hepperle, C., Schenkl, S., Mörtl, M., Lindemann, U.: Life-cycle oriented requirement formalization and traceability. TU München, Springer-Verlag, 2012, mehr…
Orawski, R., Kammerl, D., Schenkl, S. A., Hepperle, C. and Mörtl, M.: Element Visualization ElViz: Graphical Representation of Planning-Relevant Dependencies between PSS-Elements. TU München, 2012, mehr…
Reinhart, G.; Greitemann, J.; Schindler, S.: Strategische Frühaufklärung und Auswahl von Technologieketten für die Produktion. 8. Symposium für Vorausschau und Technologieplanung, Berlin, 6./7. Dezember 2012, 2012 mehr…
Schenkl, S. A., Schneider, D., Mörtl, M. and Lindemann, U.: PSS For Preventing Product Imitation. In: The Philosopher's Stone for Sustainability. Springer, 2012 mehr…
Scherer, Anne, Wünderlich, Nancy V. and v. Wangenheim, Florian: Understanding the impact of technology-based self-services on customer relationships. TU München, 2012, mehr…
Stahl, Benjamin, Diepold, Klaus J., Pohl, Johannes, Greitemann, Josef, Plehn, Christian, Koch, Jonas, Lohmann, Boris, Reinhart, Gunther and Zäh, Michael F.: Modeling Cyclic Interactions within the Production Environment using Transition Adaptive Recurrent Fuzzy Systems. TU München, 2012, mehr…
Wünderlich, N. V.; Schumann, J. H.; v. Wangenheim, F.; Holzmüller, H. H.: Management und Marketing ferngesteuerter Dienstleistungen: Konzeptionelle Verortung, betriebswirtschaftliche Herausforderungen und künftige Forschungsaufgaben. Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaft, 2012 mehr…
Wünderlich, Nancy V., v. Wangenheim, Florian and Bitner, Mary Jo: High Tech and High Touch: A Framework for Understanding User Attitudes and Behaviors Related to Smart Interactive Services. Journal of Service Research, 2012 mehr…
Behncke, F. G. H.; Lindemann, U.: Indicating the criticality of changes during the product life cycle. 18th International Conference on Engineering Design, 2011 mehr…
Behncke, F.; Gabriel, F.; Langer, S.; Hepperle, C.; Lindemann, U.; Karl, F.; Pohl, J.; Schindler, S.; Gunther, R.; Zaeh, M.: Analysis of information flows at interfaces between strategic product planning, product development and production planning to support process management - A literature based approach. IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics - SMC, 2011 mehr…
Berkovich, M.; Esch, S.; Mauro, C.; Leimeister, J. M.; Krcmar, H.: Towards an artifact model for requirements to IT-enabled product service systems. 10. Internationale Tagung Wirtschaftsinformatik, WI , 2011 mehr…
Berkovich, M.; Hoffmann, A.; Leimeister, J. M.; Krcmar, H.: Analysis of Requirements Engineering Techniques for IT-enabled Product-Service-Systems. International Requirements Engineering Conference , 2011 mehr…
Berkovich, M.; Leimeister, J.; Krcmar, H.: Requirements Engineering für Product Service Systems. WIRTSCHAFTSINFORMATIK 53 (6), 2011, S. 357-370 mehr…
Berkovich, M.; Mauro, C.; Leimeister, J. M.; Krcmar, H.: Towards Cycle-oriented requirements engineering. 10. Internationale Tagung Wirtschaftsinformatik, WI, 2011 mehr…
Biedermann, W.; Lindemann, U.: On the Applicability of Structural Criteria in Complexity Management. International Conference on Engineering Design, 2011 mehr…
Biedermann, W.; Lindemann, U.: Designing Consistent Structural Analysis Scenarios. 18th International Conference on Engineering Design, 2011 mehr…
Biedermann, W.; Lindemann, U.: Prediction of Communication Structures Based on Product Structures. 13th International DSM Conference, 2011 mehr…
Böhm, F.; Fähling, J.; Huber, M.; Leimeister, J. M.; Krcmar, H.: Scenario planning for innovation development: an overview of different innovation domains. R&D Management Conference, 2011 mehr…
Chakrabarti, A., Shea, K., Stone, R., Cagan, J., Campbell, M., Vargas-Hernandez., Wood, K.: Computer-based Design Synthesis Research: An Overview. Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering, 2011 mehr…
Diepold, K.; Eid, R.: Guard-based model order reduction for switched linear systems. In: Methoden und Anwendungen der Regelungstechnik. Shaker, 2011 mehr…
Diepold, K.; Schmidt-Colinet, J.; Lohmann, B.; Vogel-Heuser, B.: Intelligent probabilistic recurrent fuzzy control of human-machine systems. 18th IFAC World Congress, 2011 mehr…
Eckjans, D.; Fähling, J.; Leimeister, J. M.; Krcmar, H.: Mobile customer integration: a smartphone application prototype for conducting mobile conjoint studies. 10th International Conference on Mobile Business, 2011 mehr…
Elezi, F.; Graebsch, M.; Hellenbrand, D.; Lindemann, U.: Application of Multi-Domain Matrix Waste Reduction Methodology. International Conference on Research into Design, 2011 mehr…
Elezi, F.; Pechuan, A.; Langer, S.; Herberg, A.; Behncke, F. G. H.; Lindemann, U.: Iteration Management by Identification of Value Stream in Product Development Processes. 13th International DSM Conference , 2011 mehr…
Elezi, F.; Pechuan, A.; Mirson, A.; Kortler, S.; Biedermann, W.; Lindemann, U.: Supporting Cycle Management by Structural Analysis of the Organisational Domain in Multi-Project Environment. 18th International Conference on Engineering Design, 2011 mehr…
Evanschitzky, H.; v. Wangenheim, F.; Woisetschläger, D.: Service & solution innovation: overview and research agenda. Industrial Marketing Management, 2011 mehr…
Fischer, Josef A; Fischer, Dorothee; Heinze, Jörg; Brandl, Jürgen; Kugler, Katharina G; Brodbeck, Felix C: Up the ladder – enhancing performance in dissent groups through differentiation and integration. 16th General Meeting for the European Association for Social Psychology, 16 July 2011, Stockholm, 2011 mehr…
Friedrich, M. O.: Funktionsorientiertes Konzept zur Unterstützung früher Phasen der Produktentwicklung in der Informationstechnik. Technische Universität München, 2011, mehr…
Fähling, J.; Blohm, I.; Leimeister, J. M.; Krcmar, H.; Fischer, J.: Accelerating customer integration into innovation processes using pico jobs. International Journal of Technology Marketing, 2011 mehr…
Fähling, J.; Langer, S.; Schölkopf, J. M.; Leimeister, J. M.; Krcmar, H.; Lindemann, U.: Enhancing the selection of methods for customer integration in innovation processes through a processoriented description framework. International Conference on Research into Design, ICORD, 2011 mehr…
Fähling, J.; Leimeister, J. M.; Krcmar, H.: Collaboration engineering for innovation design processes using the outcome-driven approach. Hawaii International Conference on System Science, 2011 mehr…
Hepperle, C.; Biedermann, W.; Böcker, A.; Lindemann, U.: Design for X-Guidelines and Lifecycle Phases with Relevance for Product Planning - An MDM-Based Approach. 13TH INTERNATIONAL DEPENDENCY AND STRUCTURE MODELLING CONFERENCE, DSM’11, 2011 mehr…
Hepperle, C.; Förg, A.; Mörtl, M.; Lindemann, U.: Consideration of goal interrelations in lifecycle-oriented product planning. 18th International Conference on Engineering Design, 2011 mehr…
Hepperle, C.; Orawski, R.; Langer, S.; Mörtl, M.; Lindemann, U.: Temporal aspects in lifecycle-oriented planning of product-service-systems. International Conference on Research into Design, 2011 mehr…
Hoisl, F.; Shea, K.: An interactive, visual approach to developing and applying parametric three-dimensional spatial grammars. Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Design, Analysis and Manufacturing (25), 2011, S. 333-356 mehr…
Johnson, L.; Diepold, K.; Mathieson, J.: World Cup Soccer ABM Simulation: Demonstrating a Hybrid Multi-Scale CAS for Real-World Dynamics. Eighth International Conference on Complex Systems, 2011 mehr…
Kortler, S.; Helms, B.; Shea, K.; Lindemann, U.: A More Flexible Way of Modelling Structure With Multiple Domains. 13th International DSM Conference, 2011 mehr…
Kortler, S.; Lindemann, U.: A Meta Model of the Innovation Process to Support the Decision Making Process Using Structural Complexity Management. 18th International Conference on Engineering Design, 2011 mehr…
Langer, S.; Herberg, A.; Körber, K.; Lindemann, U.: Integrated system and context modeling of iterations and changes in development processes. 18th International Conference on Engineering Design, 2011 mehr…
Li, F.; Gilz, T.; Steinhauer, M.; Vogel-Heuser, B.; Eigner, M.; Shea, K.: Supporting the multi-domain plant engineering process using engineering knowledge from formalized model-based libraries. International Conference on Production Research, ICPR, 2011 mehr…
Orawski, R.; Hepperle, C.; Mörtl, M.; Lindemann, U.: Reoccurring Cyclic Consideration of End-of-Life Requirements During Product Planning. International Conference on Research into Design, 2011 mehr…
Orawski, R.; Krollmann, J.; Mörtl, M.; Lindemann, U.: Generic Model of the Early Phase of an Innovation Process regarding Different Degrees of Product Novelty. 18th International Conference on Engineering Design, 2011 mehr…
Reinhart, G., Schindler, S., Krebs, P.: Strategic Evaluation of Manufacturing Technologies. 18th CIRP International Conference on Life Cycle Engineering, 2011 mehr…
Reinhart, G.; Pohl, J.: Production structure calendar – a strategic planning tool. 44th CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems, 2011 mehr…
Reinhart, G.; Schindler, S: Strategic Evaluation of Technology Chains for Producing Companies. 4th International Conference on Changeable, Agile, Reconfigurable and Virtual Production, CARV, 2011 mehr…
Reinhart, G.; Schindler, S.; Krebs, P.: Bewertung von Produktionstechnologien aus strategischer Sicht. Tagungsband zum 7. Symposium für Vorausschau und Technologie, 2011 mehr…
Reinhart, G.; Schindler, S.; Krebs, P.: Strategic Evaluation of Manufacturing Technologies Glocalized Solutions for Sustainability in Manufacturing. In: Strategic Evaluation of Manufacturing Technologies Glocalized Solutions for Sustainability in Manufacturing. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2011 mehr…
Schenkl, Sebastian A., Orawski, Robert, Elezi, Fatos and Lindemann, Udo: Towards a Lifecycle-oriented Planning of a Platform Portfolio. IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM), 2011 mehr…
Scherer, A.; Wünderlich, N.; v. Wangenheim, F.: Keep it personal! – New service developments and their impact on customer relationships. American Marketing Association (AMA) Winter Educator’s Conference, 2011 mehr…
v. Wangenheim, F.; Wünderlich, N.: Linking relationship marketing and technology acceptance variables to predict customer retention of smart services. American Marketing Association (AMA) Winter Educator’s Conference, 2011 mehr…
Berkovich, M.: Requirements engineering for IT-enabled product service systems. 18th IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference, 2010 mehr…
Berkovich, M.; Esch, S.; Leimeister, J. M.; Krcmar, H.: Towards Requirements Engineering for “Software as a Service”. Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik, MKWI, 2010 mehr…
Berkovich, M.; Leimeister, J. M.; Krcmar, H.: Ein Bezugsrahmen für Requirements Engineering hybrider Produkte. Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik, MKWI, 2010 mehr…
Biedermann, W.; Diepold, K.; Lindemann, U.: Modellabstufungen zur Betrachtung struktureller und dynamischer Komplexität. Tag des Systems Engineering, 2010 mehr…
Biedermann, W.; Strelkow, B.; Karl, F.; Lindemann, U.; Zaeh, M. F.: Reducing data acquisition effort by hierarchical system modelling. 2nd International Dependency and Structure Modelling Conference, 2010 mehr…
Buerger, S.; Lohmann, B.; Merz, M.; Vogel-Heuser, B.; Hallmannsegger, M.: Multi-objective optimization of hybrid electric vehicles considering fuel consumption and dynamic performance. Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference (VPPC), 2010 IEEE, 2010 mehr…
Deflorian, M.; Klöpper, F.; Rückert, J.: Online dynamic black box modelling and adaptive experiment design in combustion engine calibration. 6th IFAC Symposium Advances in Automotive Control, 2010 mehr…
Demmelmair, M.; v. Wangenheim, F.; Arnold, A.: Service productivity and its links to firm performance: Interplay and trade-offs between operational and customer oriented metrics. 19th Annual Frontiers in Service Conference, 2010 mehr…
Diepold, K.; Biedermann, W.; Eben, K.; Kortler, S.; Lohmann, B.; Lindemann, U.: Combining structural complexity management and hybrid dynamical system modelling. 11th International DESIGN Conference, 2010 mehr…
Diepold, K.; Lohmann, B.: Transient probabilistic recurrent fuzzy systems. IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, SMC, 2010 mehr…
Diepold, K.; Winkler, F.; Lohmann, B.: Discrete-modelling of process components interactions using the design structure matrix. 6th Vienna International Conference on Mathematical Modelling, 2010 mehr…
Diepold, K.; Winkler, F.; Lohmann, B.: Systematical hybrid state modelling of complex dynamical systems: The quad-I/HS framework. Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Dynamical Systems 16 (4), 2010, S. 347-371 mehr…
Ebner, W.; Leimeister, J. M.; Krcmar, H.: Community engineering for innovation: ideas competition as method to nurture a virtual community for innovations. R&D Management, 2010, S. 342–356 mehr…
Elezi, F.; Graebsch, M.; Lindemann, U.: Reducing waste in product development by use of Multi-Domain Matrix methodology. 11th International Design Conference DESIGN, 2010 mehr…
Friedrich, M.; Naß, A.; Schmidt-Colinet, J.: Funktionsorientierte Modellierung von Wirkzusammenhängen zur Beherrschung von Veränderungen mechatronischer Produkte. Fachtagung Entwurf komplexer Automatisierungssysteme, EKA, 2010 mehr…
Fähling, J.; Blohm, I.; Leimeister, J. M.; Krcmar, H.; Fischer, J.: Accelerating customer integration into innovation processes using Pico-Jobs. XXII ISPIM Conference The Dynamics of Innovation, 2010 mehr…
Fähling, J.; Köbler, F.; Leimeister, J. M.; Krcmar, H.: From products to product-service systems: IT driven transformation of a medical equipment manufacturer to an integrated solution provider. International Conference on Information Systems, ICIS, 2010 mehr…
Helms, B.; Shea, K.: booggie - an object-oriented graph-grammar implementation for engineering design synthesis. Fourth International Conference on Design Computing and Cognition , 2010 mehr…
Helms, B.; Shea, K.: Object-oriented concepts for computational design synthesis. 11th International Design Conference DESIGN, 2010 mehr…
Hepperle, C.; Bradford, N.; Costantino, F.; Orawski, R.; Langer, S.; Lindemann, U.: Calculating lifecycle interdependencies based on Eco-Design strategies. IEEE IEEM 2010 - Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, 2010 mehr…
Hepperle, C.; Langer, S.; Scherer, A.; Schwetz, P.; Lindemann, U.: Consideration of factors influencing the time of launching new products. 11th International Design Conference DESIGN , 2010 mehr…
Hepperle, C.; Orawski, R.; Nolte, B. D.; Mörtl, M.; Lindemann, U.: An integrated lifecycle model of product-service-systems. 2nd CIRP Industrial Product-Service Systems Conference, 2010 mehr…
Herberg, A.; Langer, S.; Lindemann, U.: Characterizing triggers of reactive cycles within design processes based on process observation. IEEE IEEM 2010 - Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, 2010 mehr…
Herberg, A.; Langer, S.; Lindemann, U.: Ontogeny and transformation of product models - analysis based on development project documentation. 11th International Design Conference DESIGN, 2010 mehr…
Hiraoka, C.; v. Wangenheim, F.: Kundengewinnung und Kundenbindung bei technologievermittelten Dienstleistungen - das Beispiel BMW ConnectedDrive. International Symposium on Service Science (ISSS), 2010 mehr…
Hoisl, F.; Shea, K.: Interactive, Visual 3D Spatial Grammars. Fourth International Conference on Design Computing and Cognition DCC', 2010 mehr…
Kortler, S.; Diepold, K.; Lindemann, U.: Structural complexity management using domainspanning structural criteria. 11th International DESIGN Conference, 2010 mehr…
Kortler, S.; Helms, B.; Berkovich, M.; Lindemann, U.; Shea, K.; Leimeister, J. M.; Krcmar, H.: Using MDM-methods in order to improve managing of iterations in design processes. 12th International dependency and structure modelling conference, 2010 mehr…
Kreimeyer, M.; Bradford, N.; Langer, S.; Biedermann, W.; Lindemann, U.: Systematic aggregation of dependency models - principles and forms of aggregating several domains. . 8th International Symposium on Tools and Methods of Competitive Engineering, 2010 mehr…
Langer, P.; Köbler, F.; Berkovich, M.; Weyde, F.; Leimeister, J. M.; Krcmar, H.: Vorgehensmodelle für die Entwicklung hybrider Produkte – eine Vergleichsanalyse. Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik, 2010 mehr…
Langer, S.; Herberg, A.; Körber, K.; Lindemann, U.: Development of an Explanatory Model of Cycles within Development Processes by Integrating Process and Context Perspective. IEEE IEEM 2010 - Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, 2010 mehr…
Langer, S.; Knoblinger, C.; Lindemann, U.: Analysis of dynamic changes and iterations in the development process of an electrically powered go-kart. 11th International Design Conference DESIGN, 2010 mehr…
Orawski, R.; Hepperle, C.; Mörtl, M.; Lindemann, U.: A framework for a product-service-system portfolio: managing the early planning. 11th International Design Conference DESIGN 2010, 2010 mehr…
Orawski, R.; Hepperle, C.; Mörtl, M.; Lindemann, U.: Matching product flexibility on the integrated portfolio of a product-service-system. 2nd CIRP Industrial Product-Service Systems Conference, 2010 mehr…
Reinhart, G.; Pohl, J.: Production structure monitoring – a neurologic based approach. International Conference on Manufacturing and Industrial Engineering, ICMIE, 2010 mehr…
Reinhart, G.; Schindler, S.: A strategic evaluation approach for defining the maturity of manufacturing technologies. International Conference on Engineering and Technology Management, ICETM, 2010 mehr…
Reinhart, G.; Schindler, S.: Reife von Produktionstechnologien – Konzeptionelle Bestimmung des Entwicklungsstadiums von Fertigungsverfahren und -prozessen. Zeitschrift für wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb (ZWF) 105 (7-8), 2010, S. 710–714. mehr…
Scherer, A.; Wünderlich, N.; Fähling, J.; v. Wangenheim, F.; Leimeister, J. M.; Krcmar, H.: Listening to customers for solution innovations: the case of the printing industry. Frontiers in Service Pre-Conference on Solution Innovations, 2010 mehr…
Schmidt-Colinet, J.; Braun, S.; Friedrich, M. O.: Produkte mit Semantic Web beschreiben. Automatisierungstechnische Praxis (atp) 6 (52), 2010, S. 60-70 mehr…
Schumann, J. H.; Wünderlich, N. V.; v. Wangenheim, F.: Technology mediation in service delivery: a new typology and an agenda for managers and academics. Technovation 32 (2), 2010 mehr…
Vogel-Heuser, B.: Usability-Evaluation von modellbasiertem Engineering in der Automatisierungstechnik - Ergebnisse und Kriterien. 6. Dagstuhl Workshop der GI (MBEES): Modellbasierte Entwicklung eingebetteter Systeme, 2010 mehr…
Wolf, T.; Lohmann, B.; Eid, R.; Kotyczka, P.: Passivity and structure preserving order reduction of linear Port-Hamiltonian systems using Krylov subspaces. European Journal of Control 16 (4), 2010, S. 401-406 mehr…
Wünderlich, N.: Acceptance of remote services – long-term adoption of interactive services among business customers. Academy of Marketing Science (AMS) Annual Conference, 2010 mehr…
Zäh, M. F.; Reinhart, G.; Karl, F.: Zyklenorientierte Montagebetriebsmittelbewertung. wt Werkstattstechnik online 100 (9), 2010, S. 653–658 mehr…
Zäh, M.F.; Reinhart, G.; Lindemann, U.; Karl, F.; Biedermann, W.: Evaluating the innovation ability of manufacturing resources. International Conference on Manufacturing Systems Engineering, ICMSE’10, 2010 mehr…
v. Wangenheim, F.; Scherer, A.; Wünderlich, N.: Do self-services really pay off? A longitudinal analysis of consequences of self-service usage on customer relationships. Frontiers in Service Conference, 2010 mehr…
Berkovich, M.; Esch, S.; Leimeister, J. M.; Krcmar, H.: Requirements engineering for hybrid products as bundles of hardware, software and service elements – a literature review. 9. Internationale Tagung Wirtschaftsinformatik, WI , 2009 mehr…
Berkovich, M.; Krcmar, H.; Leimeister, J. M.: Suitability of product development methods for hybrid products as bundles of classic products, software and serivce elements. International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, IDETC/CIE, 2009 mehr…
Berkovich, M.; Leimeister, J. M.; Krcmar, H.: An empirical exploration of requirements engineering for hybrid products. XVIIth European Conference on Information Systems, ECIS, 2009 mehr…
Biedermann, W.; Kreimeyer, M.; Lindemann, U.: Measurement System to Improve Data Acquisition Workshops. 11th International DSM Conference, 2009 mehr…
Diepold, K.; Winkler, F.; Lohmann, B.; Kortler, S.: A framework for DSM-based pre-modelling analysis of complex systems. 11th International DSM Conference, 2009 mehr…
Helms, B.; Eben, K.; Shea, K.; Lindemann, U.: Graph Grammars - A Formal Method for Dynamic Structure Transformation. 11th International DSM Conference, 2009 mehr…
Helms, B.; Shea, K.; Hoisl, F.: A Framework for Computational Design Synthesis Based on Graph-Grammars and Function-Behavior-Structure. ASME 2009 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, 2009 mehr…
Hepperle, C.; Thanner, S.; Mörtl, M.; Lindemann, U.: An integrated product lifecycle model and interrelations in-between the lifecycle phases. 6th International Conference on Product Lifecycle Management, 2009 mehr…
Hoffmann, H.; Fähling, J.; Leimeister, J. M.; Krcmar, H.: Kundenintegration in die Innovationsprozesse bei hybriden Produkten. Eine Bestandsaufnahme. Informatik 2009 Im Focus das Leben, 2009 mehr…
Kortler, S.; Kreimeyer, M.; Lindemann, U.: A Planarity-Based Complexity Metric. 17th International Conference on Engineering Design, 2009 mehr…
Köbler, F.; Fähling, J.; Vattai, A.; Leimeister, J. M.; Krcmar, H.: Analysis of value creation by product-service-systems in the german medical engineering industry. 1st International Symposium of Service Sciences, ISSS, 2009 mehr…
Langer, S.; Lindemann, U.: Managing Cycles in Development Processes - Analysis and Classification of External Context Factors. 17th International Conference on Engineering Design, 2009 mehr…
Leimeister, J. M.; Huber, M.; Bretschneider, U.; Krcmar, H.: Leveraging crowdsourcing – activationsupporting components for IT-based idea competitions. Journal of Management Information Systems 26 (1), 2009, S. 187–224 mehr…
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Sim, T.; Li, F.; Vogel-Heuser, B.: Benefits of an interdisciplinary modular concept in automation of machine and plant manufacturing. 3th IFAC Symposium on Information Control Problems in Manufacturing, INCOM, 2009 mehr…
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Wünderlich, N.; v. Wangenheim, F.: Measuring interactive remote service acceptance – a quantitative study on B2B-Service adoption. American Marketing Association (AMA) Summer Educator’s Conference, 2009 mehr…
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Wübben, M.; v. Wangenheim, F: Instant customer base analysis – managerial heuristics often „get it right‟. Journal of Marketing 72 (3), 2008, S. 82–93 mehr…
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Vogel-Heuser, B.; Sim, T. Y.; Katzke, U.; Wannagat, A.; Jochem, R.: Evaluation und Anwendung von Variantenmodellierung im Maschinen- und Anlagenbau zur Verbesserung der Modulstruktur und Erhöhung der Wiederverwendung. GMA-Kongress 2007, 2007 mehr…
Wübben, M.; v. Wangenheim, F.: Fortune telling – taking customer base analysis to the next level by applying support Vector Machines. 16th Annual Frontiers in Service Conference, 2007 mehr…
v. Wangenheim, F.; T., Bayón: Behavioral consequences of overbooking service capacity. Journal of Marketing 71 (4), 2007, S. 36–47 mehr…
Schulz-Hardt, S.; Brodbeck, F.; Mojzisch, A.; Kerschreiter, R.; Frey, D.: Group decision making in hidden profile situations: dissent as a facilitator for Decision Quality. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 91 (6), 2006, S. 1080–1093 mehr…
v. Wangenheim, F.: Lifetime value prediction at early customer relationship stages. Science Institute (MSI) Series 2006 (1), 2006, S. 101–124 mehr…