Soil processes at the nano scale
Prof. Dr. Ingrid Kögel-Knabner
Particles with submicron grain sizes are substantial constituents of the inorganic soil matrix. Of particular importance are Fe oxides (goethite, ferrihydrite), short range order Al silicates (allophan, imogolite) and pedogenic clay minerals (kaolinite, smectite, vermiculite). A very high reactivity of these minerals results from their high specific surface areas in combination with a high density of surface functional groups or permanent charge sites. Representing the most important adsorbents in soil they may control transport of nutrients and pollutants, regulate organic matter fixation or catalyse precipitation of new mineral phases. Characterisation of these particles and their surface properties thus seems to be a major pre-requisite for further research. Besides inorganic particles, also organic particles (e.g. plant debris) are of major interest for sorption and nutrient exchange processes. Especially the properties of charred plant residues are of relevance for long term carbon stabilization and retention of pollutants. Additional to our focus on single particles, the study of the nanoscale constituents in-situ in intact soil structures is of fundamental interest in the future. With the new NanoSIMS 50 L, funded by the DFG and run by the Lehrstuhl für Bodenkunde since March 2010, we are able to unravel processes at lateral resolutions of up to 50 nm. Using the nanoscale secondary ion mass spectrometry we aim to unravel sorption, diffusion and microbial processes at scales never resolved before in soil science.

NanoSIMS image (20 µm x 20 µm) of 16O- and 12C14N- distribution and 15N/14N and 13C/12C isotope deviation map on aggregated particulate organic matter 2 days after label application (incubated with 15N and 13C enriched amino acids), the arrow (1) indicates a line scan with a rectangular scanning area (2). The 15N/14N (12C15N-/12C14N-) and 13C/12C (13C-/12C-) ratios along the scanning line on the aggregate surface are given in the graph. The difference in 15N/14N and 13C/12C indicates spatial heterogeneities in sorption and/or microbial processes on the surface of this organic particle.