To achieve a coordination/structuring of the Nanoscience research groups spread in most faculties of the TUM, nanoTUM was founded on initiative of the TU president Prof. Dr. W. Herrmann. It is organised as virtual institute with more than 40 joining groups from several faculties and central institutes as members. As interdisciplinary “umbrella” institute it shall position all activities in the field of Nanotechnology more efficiently. Synergetic effects will be developed by taking advantage of the creation of a communication platform. Thus, internal as well as external collaboration projects with partners from university or industry are much easier to be initiated. In addition, the nanoTUM is a central contact address for larger research projects e.g. for the application and coordination of national DFG funded “Sonderforschungsbereichen” or EU projects.
Seven faculties and four central institutes are integrated in the nanoTUM. The members are:
- Faculty of Physics
- Faculty of Chemistry
- Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology
- Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
- Faculty of Life and Food Science “Ernährung, Landnutzung und Umwelt“ at the research centre Weihenstephan (WZW)
- Faculty of Medicine
- Faculty of Informatics and Computational Science
- Walter Schottky Institut (WSI)
- Catalysis Research Centre (CRC)
- Walther-Meißner-Institut (WMI), an institute of the Bavarian Academy of Science which is associated with the TUM

Some research groups and departments in the nanoTUM are concomitant members in the cluster of Excellence “Nanosystems Initiative Munich (NIM)”. In such way a cross-linking to the nanotechnology activities in the greater Munich area is provided.