Ph. D. Laurie Waller
Postdoctoral Researcher in Participatory Technology Design
Co-editor of Demonstrations: Journal for Experiments in Social Studies of Technology
PhD in Sociology from Goldsmiths, University of London
Research Priorities
- Science and technology studies
- Sociology
- Participation and political theory
- Controversy analysis
- Inventive methods and public experiment
- PhD scholarship from Goldsmiths, University of London (2010 - 2013)
- Visiting Research Fellow on 'Innovation Society Today' programme at TU Berlin (2014)
- European Association for the Social Studies of Science [EASST]
- Society for the Social Study of Science
Publications (Selection)
- Waller, L (2016) Curating actor-netowrk theory: Testing object-oriented sociology in a science museum, Museums & Society 14(1)
- Waller, L (2015) 'Rediscovering Daphne Oram's home-studio: Experimenting between art, technology and domesticity' in Farias, I & Wilkie, A ed. Studio Studies: Operations, Topologies, Displacements, Routledge
- Waller, L (2014) 'Review of The Oxford Handbook of Sound Studies by Trevor Pinch and Karin Bijsterveldt' in Science & Technology Studies 27 (3)