Claudia Mendes
Claudia Mendes holds a M.A. in European Urban Studies from the Universities of Brussels (VUB & ULB), Vienna, Copenhagen and Madrid (Autónoma & Complutense). She has been working in the field of public participation before joining the MCTS in 2016. In her PhD project she examines economisations for collective concerns in the H2020 smart city project “Smarter Together“, where she is also involved in the design and implementation of instants of co-creation between experts and citizens.
Research Priorities
- STS & urban studies
- participatory urbanism and digitalization
- markets for collective concerns
- European technopolics
European Association for the Study of Science and Technology (EASST)
Farias, I. & Mendes, C. (2018). 'A smart equivocation: co-laboration and subsidiarity in Munich’s smart city consortium' in: A. Karvonen, F. Cugurullo & F. Caprotti (eds.). 'Inside Smart Cities. Place, Politics and Urban Innovation. London: Routledge, 182-196
Mendes, C., & Peters, P. (2017). 'Review of The Experimental City by J. Evans, A. Karvonen and R. Raven (eds.)' in TecnoScienza 8 (2)
Conference papers:
Smarter Together? Business models in an EU smart city project. At EASST Conference 2018: Meetings - Making Science, Technology and Society together. 25 - 28 July 2018. Lancaster University, UK.
Smart city publics. Negotiating digital commons in the data-driven city. At ISA RC10 Conference: Democracy and Participation in the 21st century. 12 - 15 July 2017. ISEG, Lisbon, Portugal.
Thinking with sensors: Prototyping publics for technical democracy. Interactive Session at Sensor Publics: The Politics of Sensing and Data Infrastructures. 5 – 7 April 2017. TUM, Munich, Germany.
Co-design of smart city infrastructures - Towards an agenda. At 4S/EASST Conference 2016: Science + technology by other means. 31 August - 4 September 2016. Barcelona, Spain.