Peter Böni is chair of the institute Experimental Physics E21. His research is dedicated to the magnetic and superconducting properties of condensed matter systems of all kinds, with additional activities in materials science, artificial multilayers, and selected problems in particle physics. He is particularly interested in the use of polarised neutrons in combination with novel neutron scattering techniques for the study of the structure and the excitations of magnetic and superconducting bulk compounds and thin films. Peter Böni received a Diploma and PhD in Physics at ETH Zürich. Following his PhD he worked at Brookhaven National Laboratory (USA) and at the Paul-Scherrer-Institut (CH), where he was deputy head of the neutron scattering section before being appointed at TUM.
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- Incoherent approximation for neutron up-scattering cross sections and its corrections for slow neutrons and low crystal temperatures. Phys. Rev. C 103, 2021, 054606 mehr…
- Wide-Angle Transmission Analyzer for Polarized Neutrons Using Equiangular Spirals. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment 966, 2020, 163858 mehr…
- Scattering of ultracold neutrons from rough surfaces of metal foils. Physical Review C 102 (6), 2020, 064607 mehr…
- Measured velocity spectra and neutron densities of the PF2 ultracold-neutron beam ports at the Institut Laue–Langevin. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment 953, 2020, 163112 mehr…
- Universal Behavior of the Intermediate Mixed State Domain Formation in Superconducting Niobium. Physical Review B 100, 2019, 064503 mehr…
- Search for Pressure-Induced Tricriticality in Cr. Physical Review B 100, 2019, 035122 mehr…
- Specular and Off-Specular Scattering from Supermirror: Reflection of x-Rays from the Back Side. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment 946, 2019, 162628 mehr…
- Dipolar Interactions in Fe: A Study with the Neutron Larmor Precession Technique MIEZE in a Longitudinal Field Configuration. Physical Review B 99, 2019, 184423 mehr…
- Polarized Inelastic Neutron Scattering of Nonreciprocal Spin Waves in MnSi. Physical Review B 100, 2019, 060404 mehr…
- The Multi-Purpose Three-Axis Spectrometer ({{TAS}}) {{MIRA}} at {{FRM II}}. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment 881, 2018, 60 mehr…
- Neutron Absorption in Supermirror Coatings. Journal of Neutron Research 20, 2018, 127 mehr…
- Neutron Diffractive Imaging of the Skyrmion Lattice Nucleation in {{MnSi}}. Physical Review B 97 (2), 2018, 020406 mehr…
- Variable Focusing System for Neutrons. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1021, 2018, 012023 mehr…
- Design and Realization of a Sputter Deposition System for the in Situ- and in Operando-Use in Polarized Neutron Reflectometry Experiments. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment 883, 2018, 170 mehr…
- Influence of Concentration Fluctuations on Relaxation Processes in Spin Glasses. Quantum Beam Science 2, 2018, 26 mehr…
- Non-Reciprocal Magnons in Non-Centrosymmetric {{MnSi}}. arXiv:1805.08750 [cond-mat], 2018 mehr…
- Field Dependence of Nonreciprocal Magnons in Chiral {{MnSi}}. Physical Review B 97 (22), 2018, 224403 mehr…
- Nano-Metric Self-Diffusion of {{Fe}}: Effect of Grain Size. RSC Advances 7 (16), 2017, 9573 mehr…
- Dipolar Effects on the Critical Fluctuations in {{Fe}}: {{Investigation}} by the Neutron Spin-Echo Technique {{MIEZE}}. Physical Review B 95 (1), 2017, 014429 mehr…
- Transverse Acoustic Phonon Anomalies at Intermediate Wave Vectors in ${\mathrm{MgV}}_{2}{\mathrm{O}}_{4}$. Physical Review B 96 (18), 2017, 184301 mehr…
- Reciprocal Space Mapping of Magnetic Order in Thick Epitaxial {{MnSi}} Films. arXiv:1710.00544 [cond-mat], 2017 mehr…
- Realizing Topological Stability of Magnetic Helices in Exchange-Coupled Multilayers for All-Spin-Based System. Scientific Reports 6, 2016, 33986 mehr…
- {{RESPECT}}: {{Neutron}} Resonance Spin-Echo Spectrometer for Extreme Studies. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment 837, 2016, 123 mehr…
- Morphology of {{Fe}} Nanolayers with {{Pt}} Overlayers on Low-Temperature Annealing. Journal of Applied Crystallography 49 (5), 2016, 1682 mehr…
- Morphology of {{Fe}} Nanolayers with {{Pt}} Overlayers on Low-Temperature Annealing. Journal of Applied Crystallography 49 (5), 2016, 1682 mehr…
- The New Neutron Grating Interferometer at the {{ANTARES}} Beamline: Design, Principles and Applications. Journal of Applied Crystallography 49 (5), 2016, 1488 mehr…
- Neutron {{Dark}}-{{Field Imaging}} of the {{Domain Distribution}} in the {{Intermediate State}} of {{Lead}}. Journal of Low Temperature Physics 182 (3), 2016, 107 mehr…
- Neutron {{Optics}}: {{Towards Applications}} for {{Hot Neutrons}}. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 746, 2016, 012024 mehr…
- Neutron Depolarization Imaging of the Hydrostatic Pressure Dependence of Inhomogeneous Ferromagnets. Applied Physics Letters 108 (20), 2016, 202402 mehr…
- Takin: {{An}} Open-Source Software for Experiment Planning, Visualisation, and Data Analysis. SoftwareX 5, 2016, 121 mehr…
- Compact Turnkey Focussing Neutron Guide System for Inelastic Scattering Investigations. Applied Physics Letters 107 (25), 2015, 253505 mehr…
- Compact Turnkey Focussing Neutron Guide System for Inelastic Scattering Investigations. Applied Physics Letters 107 (25), 2015, 253505 mehr…
- Scattering cross sections of liquid deuterium for ultracold neutrons: Experimental results and a calculation model. Physical Review B 91 (21), 2015 mehr…
- Scattering Cross Sections of Liquid Deuterium for Ultracold Neutrons: {{Experimental}} Results and a Calculation Model. Physical Review B 91 (21), 2015, 214309 mehr…
- Quality of {{Heusler}} Single Crystals Examined by Depth-Dependent Positron Annihilation Techniques. Applied Physics A 119 (3), 2015, 997 mehr…
- Quality of {{Heusler}} Single Crystals Examined by Depth-Dependent Positron Annihilation Techniques. Applied Physics A 119 (3), 2015, 997 mehr…
- Neutron Spin Echo Spectroscopy under 17 {{T}} Magnetic Field at {{RESEDA}}. EPJ Web of Conferences 83, 2015, 03008 mehr…
- Band Structure of Helimagnons in {{MnSi}} Resolved by Inelastic Neutron Scattering. Physical Review Letters 115 (9), 2015, 097203 mehr…
- Band {{Structure}} of {{Helimagnons}} in {{MnSi Resolved}} by {{Inelastic Neutron Scattering}}. Physical Review Letters 115 (9), 2015, 097203 mehr…
- Exchange-Bias-like Coupling in a {{Cu}}-Diluted-{{Fe}}/{{Tb}} Multilayer. Physical Review B 91 (10), 2015, 104419 mehr…
- Visualizing the Morphology of Vortex Lattice Domains in a Bulk Type-{{II}} Superconductor. Nature Communications 6 (1), 2015 mehr…
- Spin Dynamics and Spin Freezing at Ferromagnetic Quantum Phase Transitions. The European Physical Journal Special Topics 224 (6), 2015, 1041 mehr…
- Spin Dynamics and Spin Freezing at Ferromagnetic Quantum Phase Transitions. The European Physical Journal Special Topics 224 (6), 2015, 1041 mehr…
- Spin-Resolved Fermi Surface of the Localized Ferromagnetic Heusler Compound ${\mathrm{Cu}}_{2}\mathrm{MnAl}$ Measured with Spin-Polarized Positron Annihilation. Physical Review Letters 115 (20), 2015, 206404 mehr…
- The Effect of Regularization on the Reconstruction of {{ACAR}} Data. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 505, 2014, 012047 mehr…
- Versatile Module for Experiments with Focussing Neutron Guides. Applied Physics Letters 105 (12), 2014, 123505 mehr…
- Versatile Module for Experiments with Focussing Neutron Guides. Applied Physics Letters 105 (12), 2014, 123505 mehr…
- High {{Intensity Neutron Beams}} for {{Small Samples}}. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 502 (1), 2014, 012047 mehr…
- Positron Beam Optics for the {{2D}}-{{ACAR}} Spectrometer at the {{NEPOMUC}} Beamline. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 505, 2014, 012041 mehr…
- Critical Spin-Flip Scattering at the Helimagnetic Transition of {{MnSi}}. Physical Review B 89 (18), 2014, 180408 mehr…
- Critical Spin-Flip Scattering at the Helimagnetic Transition of {{MnSi}}. Physical Review B 89 (18), 2014, 180408 mehr…
- Neutron Resonance Spin Flippers: {{Static}} Coils Manufactured by Electrical Discharge Machining. Review of Scientific Instruments 85 (7), 2014, 073902 mehr…
- Superparamagnetic Regular Nanopillar-like Structures Studied by Grazing-Incidence {{X}}-Ray Scattering: Effect of Vertical Correlation. Journal of Applied Crystallography 47 (3), 2014, 1065 mehr…
- Structural, Electronic and Magnetic Properties of {{YMnO3}}/{{La0}}.{{7Sr0}}.{{3MnO3}} Heterostructures. Journal of Applied Crystallography 47 (3), 2014, 1054 mehr…
- Data Fusion in Neutron and {{X}}-Ray Computed Tomography. Journal of Applied Physics 116 (16), 2014, 163104 mehr…
- An Open-Source Software Package for Data Treatment in a {{MIEZE}} Experiment. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 528 (1), 2014, 012034 mehr…
- Self-Organization of {{Fe}} Clusters on Mesoporous {{TiO2}} Templates. Journal of Applied Crystallography 47 (6), 2014, 1921 mehr…
- First Measurements with the {{Munich 2D}}-{{ACAR}} Spectrometer on {{Cr}}. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 443 (1), 2013, 012094 mehr…
- Fluctuation-Induced First-Order Phase Transition in {{Dzyaloshinskii}}-{{Moriya}} Helimagnets. Physical Review B 87 (13), 2013, 134407 mehr…
- Erratum: {{Topological Hall Effect}} in the $A$ {{Phase}} of {{MnSi}} [{{Phys}}. {{Rev}}. {{Lett}}. 102, 186602 (2009)]. Physical Review Letters 110 (20), 2013, 209902 mehr…
- Erratum: {{Topological Hall Effect}} in the $A$ {{Phase}} of {{MnSi}} [{{Phys}}. {{Rev}}. {{Lett}}. 102, 186602 (2009)]. Physical Review Letters 110 (20), 2013, 209902 mehr…
- Change in Interface Magnetism of an Exchange-Coupled System Due to the Presence of Nonmagnetic Spacers. Physical Review B 87 (1), 2013, 014431 mehr…
- Interfacial Smoothening of Polymer Multilayers with Molecules: A New Approach in Growing Supramolecular Layer Structures. Soft Matter 9 (42), 2013, 10117 mehr…
- First {{2D}}-{{ACAR Measurements}} on {{Cu}} with the New {{Spectrometer}} at {{TUM}}. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 443 (1), 2013, 012092 mehr…
- New Diluted Ferromagnetic Semiconductor with {{Curie}} Temperature up to 180 {{K}} and Isostructural to the `122' Iron-Based Superconductors. Nature Communications 4, 2013, 1442 mehr…
- Tests of Modulated Intensity Small Angle Scattering in Time of Flight Mode. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment 667, 2012, 1 mehr…
- Neutron-Spin-Echo from Polarizing Samples. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 340 (1), 2012, 012030 mehr…
- Optical Floating Zone Growth of High-Quality {{Cu2MnAl}} Single Crystals. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment 688, 2012, 66 mehr…
- Direct Manipulation of the Uncompensated Antiferromagnetic Spins in Exchange Coupled System by {{GeV}} Ion Irradiation. Applied Physics Letters 100 (25), 2012, 253102 mehr…
- Symmetric Magnetization Reversal in Polycrystalline Exchange Coupled Systems via Simultaneous Processes of Coherent Rotation and Domain Nucleation. Physical Review B 86 (9), 2012, 094420 mehr…
- The New Polarizer Devices at {{RESEDA}}. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 340 (1), 2012, 012036 mehr…
- Long-{{Range Crystalline Nature}} of the {{Skyrmion Lattice}} in {{MnSi}}. Physical Review Letters 107 (21), 2011, 217206 mehr…
- Inelastic Neutron and X-Ray Scattering from Incommensurate Magnetic Systems. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 23 (25), 2011, 254209 mehr…
- Turn-Key Module for Neutron Scattering with Sub-Micro-{{eV}} Resolution. Applied Physics Letters 98 (7), 2011, 073505 mehr…
- Neutron Halo Isomers in Stable Nuclei and Their Possible Application for the Production of Low Energy, Pulsed, Polarized Neutron Beams of High Intensity and High Brilliance. Applied Physics B 103 (2), 2011, 485 mehr…
- Detection of High Frequency Intensity Oscillations at {{RESEDA}} Using the {{CASCADE}} Detector. Review of Scientific Instruments 82 (4), 2011, 045101 mehr…
- Time-Resolved Stroboscopic Neutron Scattering of Vortex Lattice Dynamics in Superconducting Niobium. Physical Review B 83 (18), 2011, 184502 mehr…
- Time-Resolved Stroboscopic Neutron Scattering of Vortex Lattice Dynamics in Superconducting Niobium. Physical Review B 83 (18), 2011, 184502 mehr…
- Neutron Depolarisation Imaging: {{Stress}} Measurements by Magnetostriction Effects in {{Ni}} Foils. Physica B: Condensed Matter 406 (12), 2011, 2412 mehr…
- Skyrmion {{Lattice Domains}} in {{Fe}} 1- x {{Co}} x {{Si}}. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 200 (3), 2010, 032001 mehr…
- Skyrmion {{Lattice Domains}} in {{Fe}} {\textsubscript{ 1- {\emph{x}} }} {{Co}} {\textsubscript{ {\emph{x}} }} {{Si}}. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 200 (3), 2010, 032001 mehr…
- Magnetization of {{Pd}} 1- x {{Ni}} x near Quantum Criticality. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 200 (1), 2010, 012036 mehr…
- Magnetization of {{Pd}} {\textsubscript{ 1- {\emph{x}} }} {{Ni}} {\textsubscript{ {\emph{x}} }} near Quantum Criticality. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 200 (1), 2010, 012036 mehr…
- Neutron Resonance Spin Echo Spectroscopy on Split Modes. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 211 (1), 2010, 012028 mehr…
- Spatially Resolved Positron Annihilation Spectroscopy on Friction Stir Weld Induced Defects. Science and Technology of Advanced Materials 11 (2), 2010, 025001 mehr…
- Helimagnon Bands as Universal Excitations of Chiral Magnets. Physical Review B 81 (21), 2010, 214436 mehr…
- Helimagnon Bands as Universal Excitations of Chiral Magnets. Physical Review B 81 (21), 2010, 214436 mehr…
- Helimagnons in the Skyrmion Lattice of {{MnSi}}. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 200 (3), 2010, 032026 mehr…
- Helimagnons in the Skyrmion Lattice of {{MnSi}}. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 200 (3), 2010, 032026 mehr…
- F. {{Jonietz}}, {{S}}. {{M̈uhlbauer}}, {{C}}. {{Pfleiderer}}, {{A}}. {{Neubauer}}, {{W}}. {{M̈unzer}}, {{A}}. {{Bauer}}, {{T}}. {{Adams}}, {{R}}. {{Georgii}}, {{P}}. {{B̈oni}}, {{RA Duine}}, {{K}}. {{Everschor}}, {{M}}. {{Garst}}, and {{A}}. {{Rosch}}, {{Science}} 330, 1648 (2010). Science 330, 2010, 1648 mehr…
- Spin {{Transfer Torques}} in {{MnSi}} at {{Ultralow Current Densities}}. Science 330 (6011), 2010, 1648 mehr…
- Spin {{Transfer Torques}} in {{MnSi}} at {{Ultralow Current Densities}}. Science 330 (6011), 2010, 1648 mehr…
- Neutron Tomography Using an Elliptic Focusing Guide. Journal of Applied Physics 108 (3), 2010, 034905 mehr…
- Measurement of Strong Phonon Softening in {{Cr}} with and without {{Fermi}}-Surface Nesting by Inelastic x-Ray Scattering. Physical Review B 82 (19), 2010, 195121 mehr…
- Is {{There}} an {{Intrinsic Limit}} to the {{Charge}}-{{Carrier}}-{{Induced Increase}} of the {{Curie Temperature}} of {{EuO}}? Physical Review Letters 105 (25), 2010, 257206 mehr…
- Skyrmion Lattice in the Doped Semiconductor ${\text{Fe}}_{1\ensuremath{-}x}{\text{Co}}_{x}\text{Si}$. Physical Review B 81 (4), 2010, 041203 mehr…
- Skyrmion Lattice in the Doped Semiconductor ${\text{Fe}}_{1\ensuremath{-}x}{\text{Co}}_{x}\text{Si}$. Physical Review B 81 (4), 2010, 041203 mehr…
- Skyrmion Lattice in the Doped Semiconductor ${\text{Fe}}_{1\ensuremath{-}x}{\text{Co}}_{x}\text{Si}$. Physical Review B 81 (4), 2010, 041203 mehr…
- Skyrmion Lattices in Metallic and Semiconducting {{B20}} Transition Metal Compounds. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 22 (16), 2010, 164207 mehr…
- Skyrmion Lattices in Metallic and Semiconducting {{B20}} Transition Metal Compounds. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 22 (16), 2010, 164207 mehr…
- Search for {{Electronic Phase Separation}} at {{Quantum Phase Transitions}}. Journal of Low Temperature Physics 161 (1), 2010, 167 mehr…
- Search for {{Electronic Phase Separation}} at {{Quantum Phase Transitions}}. Journal of Low Temperature Physics 161 (1), 2010, 167 mehr…
- High {{Performance Supermirrors}} on {{Metallic Substrates}}. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 251, 2010, 012082 mehr…
- High {{Performance Supermirrors}} on {{Metallic Substrates}}. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 251 (1), 2010, 012082 mehr…
- Elastic Torsion Effects in Magnetic Nanoparticle Diblock-Copolymer Structures. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 22 (34), 2010, 346008 mehr…
- Comparison of {{Polarizers}} for {{Neutron Radiography}}. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 251 (1), 2010, 012068 mehr…
- Comparison of {{Polarizers}} for {{Neutron Radiography}}. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 251 (1), 2010, 012068 mehr…
- Towards a Tomographic Reconstruction of Neutron Depolarization Data. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 211 (1), 2010, 012025 mehr…
- Towards a Tomographic Reconstruction of Neutron Depolarization Data. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 211 (1), 2010, 012025 mehr…
- Polarized Neutron Radiography with a Periscope. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 200 (11), 2010, 112009 mehr…
- Polarized Neutron Radiography with a Periscope. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 200 (11), 2010, 112009 mehr…
- Instrumentation with Polarized Neutrons. Physica B: Condensed Matter 404 (17), 2009, 2620 mehr…
- Skyrmion {{Lattice}} in a {{Chiral Magnet}}. Science 323 (5916), 2009, 915 mehr…
- Intrinsic Bulk Vortex Dynamics Revealed by Time Resolved Small Angle Neutron Scattering. Physica B: Condensed Matter 404 (19), 2009, 3231 mehr…
- Intrinsic Bulk Vortex Dynamics Revealed by Time Resolved Small Angle Neutron Scattering. Physica B: Condensed Matter 404 (19), 2009, 3231 mehr…
- Morphology of the {{Superconducting Vortex Lattice}} in {{Ultrapure Niobium}}. Physical Review Letters 102 (13), 2009, 136408 mehr…
- Topological {{Hall Effect}} in the $A$ {{Phase}} of {{MnSi}}. Physical Review Letters 102 (18), 2009, 186602 mehr…
- Topological {{Hall Effect}} in the $A$ {{Phase}} of {{MnSi}}. Physical Review Letters 102 (18), 2009, 186602 mehr…
- Hall Effect and Magnetoresistance in {{MnSi}}. Physica B: Condensed Matter 404 (19), 2009, 3163 mehr…
- New Angles on the Border of Antiferromagnetism in {{NiS2}} and {{URu2Si2}}. Physica B: Condensed Matter 404 (19), 2009, 2955 mehr…
- New Angles on the Border of Antiferromagnetism in {{NiS2}} and {{URu2Si2}}. Physica B: Condensed Matter 404 (19), 2009, 2955 mehr…
- Quantum Order in the Chiral Magnet {{MnSi}}. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 21 (16), 2009, 164215 mehr…
- Quantum Order in the Chiral Magnet {{MnSi}}. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 21 (27), 2009, 279801 mehr…
- A Neutron Optical Periscope Used for Neutron Imaging. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment 605 (1-2), 2009, 40 mehr…
- Focusing of Cold Neutrons: {{Performance}} of a Laterally Graded and Parabolically Bent Multilayer. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment 610 (2), 2009, 530 mehr…
- A Polarizing Neutron Periscope for Neutron Imaging. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment 605 (1-2), 2009, 43 mehr…
- Energy-Dependent Neutron Imaging with a Double Crystal Monochromator at the {{ANTARES}} Facility at {{FRM II}}. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment 605 (1-2), 2009, 33 mehr…
- {{ENS RRFM}} 2008 Transactions 2.3 - 5.3 2008, {{Hamburg}}, {{Germany}}. , 2008 mehr…
- New Concepts for Neutron Instrumentation. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment 586 (1), 2008, 1 mehr…
- New Concepts for Neutron Instrumentation. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment 586 (1), 2008, 1 mehr…
- {{RESEDA}}: Double and Multi-Detector Arms for Neutron Resonance Spin Echo Spectrometers. Measurement Science and Technology 19 (3), 2008, 034015 mehr…
- Vortex Structures in Ultra High Purity Niobium Revealed by Neutron Scattering. Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft 43 (1), 2008 mehr…
- Field and Temperature Dependence of the Magnetization in Ferromagnetic {{EuO}} Thin Films. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 20 (10), 2008, 104230 mehr…
- Elliptic Neutron Guides\textemdash{}Focusing on Tiny Samples. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment 586 (1), 2008, 77 mehr…
- Heat Capacity of a Mixed-Valence Manganese Oxide {{Pb}} {\textsubscript{3}} {{Mn}} {\textsubscript{7}} {{O}} {\textsubscript{15}}. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 20 (44), 2008, 445214 mehr…
- Chiral Quantum Excitations in the Anisotropic Antiferromagnet {{CsCoBr3}}. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 310 (2, Part 2), 2007, 1194 mehr…
- Magnetic Dynamics in Correlated Electron Metals Poised between Localization and Itinerancy. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 444-445, 2007, 292 mehr…
- Scientific {{Review}}: {{MIRA}}: {{Very Cold Neutrons}} for {{New Methods}}. Neutron News 18 (2), 2007, 25 mehr…
- {{MIRA}}\textemdash{{A}} Flexible Instrument for {{VCN}}. Physica B: Condensed Matter 397 (1-2), 2007, 150 mehr…
- {{RESEDA}}\textemdash{{The}} New Resonance Spin Echo Spectrometer Using Cold Neutrons at the {{FRM}}-{{II}}. Physica B: Condensed Matter 397 (1-2), 2007, 112 mehr…
- {{RESEDA}}\textemdash{{The}} New Resonance Spin Echo Spectrometer Using Cold Neutrons at the {{FRM}}-{{II}}. Physica B: Condensed Matter 397 (1-2), 2007, 112 mehr…
- Spherical Neutron Polarimetry with {{MuPAD}}. Physica B: Condensed Matter 397 (1-2), 2007, 125 mehr…
- Non-{{Fermi Liquid Metal Without Quantum Criticality}}. Science 316 (5833), 2007, 1871 mehr…
- Epitaxial Integration of the Highly Spin-Polarized Ferromagnetic Semiconductor {{EuO}} with Silicon and {{GaN}}. Nature Materials 6 (11), 2007, 882 mehr…
- Phase Separation and Suppression of Critical Dynamics at Quantum Phase Transitions of {{MnSi}} and ({{Sr}}{\textsubscript{1-{\emph{x}}}}{{Ca}}{\textsubscript{{\emph{x}}}}){{RuO}}{\textsubscript{3}}. Nature Physics 3 (1), 2007, 29 mehr…
- Phase Separation and Suppression of Critical Dynamics at Quantum Phase Transitions of {{MnSi}} and ({{Sr}}{\textsubscript{1-{\emph{x}}}}{{Ca}}{\textsubscript{{\emph{x}}}}){{RuO}}{\textsubscript{3}}. Nature Physics 3 (1), 2007, 29 mehr…
- Intrinsic Magnetic Inhomogeneity of {{Eu}} Substituted {{La0}}.{{7Pb0}}.{{3Mno3}} Single Crystals. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 309 (1), 2007, 1 mehr…
- Magnetic {{Excitations}} in {{Metallic Ferro}}- and {{Antiferromagnets}}. Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 75 (11), 2006, 111002 mehr…
- Magnetic-Field Induced Instability Surrounding the {{A}}-Phase of {{MnSi}}: {{Bulk}} and {{SANS}} Measurements. Physica B: Condensed Matter 385-386, 2006, 385 mehr…
- Magnetic-Field Induced Instability Surrounding the {{A}}-Phase of {{MnSi}}: {{Bulk}} and {{SANS}} Measurements. Physica B: Condensed Matter 385-386, 2006, 385 mehr…
- Performance of an Elliptically Tapered Neutron Guide. Physica B: Condensed Matter 385-386, 2006, 1247 mehr…
- Polarizing Neutron Monochromator with Reduced Higher-Order Contributions. Applied Physics Letters 89 (25), 2006, 253111 mehr…
- Multilayers with Tailored Blurred Interfaces. Applied Physics Letters 89 (11), 2006, 113123 mehr…
- Interface and Magnetic Characterization of {{FeCoV}}/{{NiO}}/{{FeCoV}} Trilayers. The Physics of Metals and Metallography 101 (1), 2006, S73 mehr…
- {{INTERFACE AND MAGNETIC CHARACTERIZATION OF FM}}/{{AF}}/{{FM MULTILAYERS}}. Smart {{Materials}} for {{Ranging Systems}} (NATO Science Series II: Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry), Springer Netherlands, 2006 mehr…
- Magnetic and Transport Properties of ({{La0}}.{{4Eu0}}.6)0.{{7Pb0}}.{{3MnO3}} Single Crystal: {{The}} Key Role of Intrinsic Inhomogeneity. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 300 (1), 2006, e179 mehr…
- Heavy Ion Irradiation of {{U}}\textendash{{Mo}}/{{Al}} Dispersion Fuel. Journal of Nuclear Materials 357 (1), 2006, 191 mehr…
- Design and Advanced Preparation of Multilayer Converters for Ultracold-Neutron Detectors. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment 561 (1), 2006, 45 mehr…
- Emergence of Soliton Chirality in a Quantum Antiferromagnet. Nature Physics 1 (3), 2005, 159 mehr…
- Critical Fluctuations in {{MnSi}} near ${T}_{C}$: {{A}} Polarized Neutron Scattering Study. Physical Review B 72 (13), 2005, 134420 mehr…
- Characterization of a Focusing Parabolic Guide Using Neutron Radiography Method. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment 542 (1-3), 2005, 248 mehr…
- Magnetic Depth Profiling of {{FM}}/{{AF}}/{{FM}} Trilayers by {{PNR}}. Physica B: Condensed Matter 356 (1-4), 2005, 46 mehr…
- Magnetization Reversal in {{FM}}/{{AF}}/{{FM}} Trilayers: Dependence of {{AF}} Thickness. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 286, 2005, 484 mehr…
- Classical and Quantum-Mechanical Picture of {{NRSE}}\textemdash{}Measuring the Longitudinal {{Stern}}\textendash{{Gerlach}} Effect by Means of {{TOF}} Methods. Physics Letters A 327 (1), 2004, 21 mehr…
- Anti-Renormalization of Paramagnetic Fluctuations in {{CsMnBr3}}. Physica B: Condensed Matter 350 (1-3), 2004, 59 mehr…
- Mapping of Magnetic Excitations in Single-{{Q}} Chromium. Physica B: Condensed Matter 350 (1-3), 2004, E67 mehr…
- Critical Small-Angle Scattering of Polarised Neutrons in {{MnSi}}. Physica B: Condensed Matter 350 (1-3), 2004, 45 mehr…
- Focusing Parabolic Guide for Very Small Samples. Physica B: Condensed Matter 350 (1-3), 2004, 166 mehr…
- Polarized Neutron Reflectivity of {{FeCoV}}/{{Ti}} Multilayers. Physica B: Condensed Matter 350 (1-3), 2004, E241 mehr…
- The Spin Chirality in {{MnSi}} Single Crystal Probed by Small Angle Scattering with Polarized Neutrons. Physica B: Condensed Matter 350 (1-3), 2004, E323 mehr…
- Novel Monochromator Design. Physica B: Condensed Matter 345 (1-4), 2004, 262 mehr…
- Influence of {{Mo}} in the {{Ni}} Sublayers on the Magnetization of {{Ni}}/{{Ti}} Neutron Supermirrors. Physica B: Condensed Matter 350 (1-3), 2004, E237 mehr…
- Some Applications of Polarized Inelastic Neutron Scattering in Magnetism. Pramana 63 (1), 2004, 125 mehr…
- Magnetic Field Dependence of Chiral Fluctuations in {{MnSi}}. Physica B: Condensed Matter 345 (1-4), 2004, 124 mehr…
- Advanced Geometries for Ballistic Neutron Guides. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment 529 (1-3), 2004, 63 mehr…
- Investigation of Magnetization Reversal in {{FeCoV}}/{{Ti}} Multilayers. Physica B: Condensed Matter 350 (1-3), 2004, E221 mehr…
- Antireflection Foils with Multi-Layer Converter for Ultracold Neutron Detectors. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment 521 (1), 2004, 242 mehr…
- Reinvestigation of Magnetic Excitations in the Spin Density Wave of Chromium. Physical Review B 67 (6), 2003, 064423 mehr…
- Implementation of a Zero-Field Spin-Echo Option at the Three-Axis Spectrometer {{IN3}} ({{ILL}}, {{Grenoble}}) and First Application for Measurements of Phonon Line Widths in Superfluid {{4He}}. Physica B: Condensed Matter 335 (1-4), 2003, 188 mehr…
- Upward {{Renormalization}} of {{Fluctuations}} in ${\mathrm{C}\mathrm{s}\mathrm{M}\mathrm{n}\mathrm{B}\mathrm{r}}_{3}$ with {{Increasing Temperature}}. Physical Review Letters 91 (15), 2003, 157203 mehr…
- Perpendicular Magnetic Anisotropy, Hysteresis and Structural Properties of Nanostructured {{FeCoV}}/{{Ti}} Multilayers. Physica B: Condensed Matter 325, 2003, 401 mehr…
- Analytical Solution to {{Matthews}}' and {{Blakeslee}}'s Critical Dislocation Formation Thickness of Epitaxially Grown Thin Films. Journal of Crystal Growth 241 (1-2), 2002, 231 mehr…
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- Magnetic Anisotropy in {{Ce}}/{{Fe}} and {{Ce}}/{{FeCoV}} Multilayers. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 13 (43), 2001, 9699 mehr…
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