Group Seminar Winter Semester 2017/2018

Format: Presentation and discussion of interesting literature, 
numerical or technical facts, tools and fundamental questions of science
Informal scientific get-together with coffee and biscuits

Date: Tuesdays, 4:00 pm (16:00), unless stated otherwise

Room: CH 63214 (Seminar Room TUM.computational)

For appointment requests please contact Simon Rittmeyer.

Date Speaker Title
17.10.2017 Martin Deimel Multi-Dimensional Parameter Optimization of an Implicit Solvent Model for Non-Aqueous Solvents (Presentation of M.Sc. thesis)
17.10.2017 Marvin Lechner Extension of a Poisson-Boltzmann Continuum Solvation Model to Periodic Boundary Conditions (Presentation of M.Sc. thesis)
18.10.2017 Michael Scherbela (TU Graz) Killing 10^5 birds with 100 stones - The power of machine learning for structure prediction at interfaces (PhD position application talk)
24.10.2017 Simon Rittmeyer Non-Adiabatic Effects in Gas-Surface Dynamics (PhD thesis defense talk)
07.11.2017 Karsten Reuter How to write an abstract
14.11.2017 Jakob Filser Fun with Pseudopotentials (Presentation of M.Sc. thesis)
21.11.2017 Thomas Schaupp (Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg) Correlated electron-nuclear dissociation dynamics: classical versus quantum motion (PhD position application talk)
12.12.2017 Artur Engelmann Gaussian Process Regression (machine learning fit method)
19.12.2017 (9:30 am) Juan Manuel Lorenzi Ab Initio Modeling of Heterogeneous Catalysis: Multiscale Analysis of Interacting Reaction Pathways (PhD thesis defense talk)
19.12.2017 (4:00 pm) Sebastian Matera (FU Berlin) Coupling atomistic kinetic models with continuum level theories for heterogeneous and photo-catalysis
18.01.2018 (4:00 pm) Zhu Liu Response properties at dynamic liquid-liquid interfaces (PhD thesis defense talk)
30.01.2018 Karsten Reuter The art of presenting a talk (some dos and don'ts)
06.02.2018 Payam Kaghazchi (FU Berlin) Ab initio-based Simulation of Energy Storages
21.02.2018 (4:00pm) Markus Sinstein Phd thesis defense talk
27.02.2018 Double feature: Thomas Schulte-Herbrüggen & Maximilian Huber System Algebras and Symmetries of Controlled Systems with Lindblad Dissipators (Maxi), "Symmetry in Quantum Systems Theory -- Sketch of a Lie-Framework for Closed and Open Markovian Systems" (TOSH)