Group Seminar Winter Semester 2013/14

Format: Presentation and discussion of interesting literature, 
numerical or technical facts, tools and fundamental questions of science
Informal scientific get-together with coffee and biscuits

Date: Tuesdays, 4:00 pm (16:00), unless stated otherwise

Room: CH 62116 (New Seminar Room)

Date Speaker Title
15.10.2013 Simon Rittmeyer Non-adiabatic vibrational damping for O2@Ag(100): Implications for light-enhanced heterogeneous catalysis (Presentation of Master's thesis)
22.10.2013 Eli Pollak Introduction to Rate Theories: beyond harmonic TST
29.10.2013 Helmut Hofmann Dissipation and Transport in Nuclear Physics
04.11.2013 - 4pm Jose Barquera-Lozada Topology of Electron Density and Related Properties of Agostic Complexes
06.11.2013 - 3pm Karsten Reuter How-To on Abstract Writing
08.11.2013 - 2pm Ana Gamiz-Hernandez Computation of pH dependent redox potential in proteins: Rieske and Hydrogenase
12.11.2013 Juan Manuel Lorenzi Comments on DFT-Based Tight Binding Models
13.11.2013 - 3pm Gabriel Marchand Photoisomerization Dynamics of Molecular Switches and Motors
19.11.2013 Chiara Panosetti Adsorption and reactivity of halogenated hydrocarbons on metal and semiconductor surfaces
25.11.2013 - 2pm Jan Mitschker Surface Photo Chemistry from First Principles
03.12.2013 - 11am Prof. Dage Sundholm Magnetically Induced Current Densities in Molecules
03.12.2013 - 3:45pm Thomas Stecher Using Nested Sampling to calculate the volume of basins of attraction
10.12.2013 Martin Ludwig Excited core electrons on magnetic surfaces (Presentation of Master's thesis)
17.12.2013 - 1pm Stefan Huber Towards a physically sound description of ZnO and ZnO-water systems from a multiscale perspective
07.01.2014 Norina Richter Importance of Space-Charge Effects for Concentration and Charge State of Defects at Metal-Oxide Surfaces
14.01.2014 - 11am Chen Zheng Thermodynamics of defects at the aspirin-water interface (Presentation of Master's thesis)
21.01.2014 Markus Sinstein Theoretical investigations on the photo-switching of Azobenzene-based SAMs (Presentation of Master's thesis)
28.01.2014 - 11:30am Julian Schneider TBA