Group Seminar Summer Semester 2011

Format: Presentation and discussion of interesting literature,
numerical or technical facts, tools and fundamental questions of science
Informal scientific get-together with coffee and biscuits

Date: Tuesdays, 11:30 am

Room: CH 62116

Date Speaker Title
12.09.2012 -2pm Dr. Johan Carlsson Investigating realistic graphene in-silico: simulating the effects of grain boundaries in grapheme.
04.10.2012 -3pm Benedikt Brandes Presentation of Bachelors project
16.10.2012 Sandra Döpking Presentation of Bachelors project
  Chen Zheng Presentation of Masters lab project
23.10.2012 Johanna Obst Presentation of Masters project
13.11.2012 Francesco Nattino Ab initio molecular dynamics of H2/CHD3 reacting on Cu(111)
21.11.2012 - 4pm Fabio Busnengo Theoretical study of the structure of self-assembled monolayers of short alkylthiolates on Au(111) and Ag(111): the role of induced substrate reconstruction and chain-chain interactions.
22.11.2012 - 11am Christoph Schober Acetylene and Cyclooctyne on the Si(001) surface - A theoretical study of adsorption geometries and chemical bonding
27.11.2012 Farnaz Sotoodeh Dehydrogenation kinetics and catalysis of organic heteroaromatics: A H2 storage application
04.12.2012 Vanessa Bukas Adsorption & Dissociation of O2 on Ag(100): How much do we really know?
10.12.2012 - 5pm Christian Carbogno TBA
15.01.2013 Simon Rittmeyer Presentation of Masters lab project
15.01.2013 Martin Ludwig Presentation of Masters lab project
22.01.2013 Stefan Ringe TBA
29.01.2013 Tongyu Wang Auto-catalytic creation of active sites?! Step formation during NO reduction at Pt(110)
05.02.2013 Johannes Frenzel Methanol synthesis on ZnO from molecular dynamics
19.02.2013 Yeliz Gurdal TBA
19.03.2013 - 2pm Thomas Stecher Reaction rates from RPMD and FREe Energies from Bayesian reconstruction of Umbrella Samples (FREEBUS)
19.03.2013 Simone Köcher Presentation of Masters Lab project
19.03.2013 Thomas Heydenreich Presentation of Masters Lab project
22.03.2013 -2pm Andriy Kovalenko Self-consistent field coupling of electronic structure (OFE) KS-DFT with statistical-mechanical 3D-RISM molecular theory of solvation for multiscale modeling of chemistry in solution