Group Seminar Summer Term 2018

Format: Presentation and discussion of interesting literature, numerical or technical facts, tools and fundamental questions of science. Informal scientific get-together with coffee and biscuits

Date: Tuesdays, 4:00 pm (16:00), unless stated otherwise

Room: CH 63214 (Seminar Room TUM.computational)

For appointment requests please contact Simon Rittmeyer or Harald Oberhofer.

Date Speaker Title
10.04.2018 Daniel Schreck (Universität Innsbruck) Dissociative chemisorption of H2O on different TiO2 surfaces in rutile modification (PhD position application talk)
23.04.2018 (Mo, 14:30) Dr. Craig Plaisance Beyond Computational Catalyst Screening of Electrocatalytic Materials – Strategies for Atomic-scale Active Site Engineering for the Oxygen Evolution Reaction on Transition Metal Oxides
24.04.2018 Dr. Volker Deringer (University of Cambridge) Machine-learning-based interatomic potentials as new tools for solid-state and materials chemistry
08.05.2018 Max Falkowski (Munich University of Applied Sciences) Lead-free ferroelectrica based on HfO2 and ZrO2
15.05.2018 Dr. Vanessa J. Bukas (Stanford University) Experimental and theoretical evidence for the mechanism of efficient hydrogen peroxide formation on mildly reduced graphene oxide
12.06.2018 Christoph Hille Parameterization of an Implicit Solvation Model for Non-Aqueous Solvents (Presentation of M.Ed. Thesis)
14.06.2018 (Thu, 3pm) Artur Engelmann The generation of pairwise interatomic potentials from arbitrary structures - A machine learning approach with application in DFTB (M. Sc. Defense)
19.06.2018 Prof. Jochen Blumberger (University College London) Charge transport in organic materials from non-adiabatic molecular dynamics simulation
22.06.2018 (Fri, 11.30) Arobendo Mondal (TU Berlin) First-principles computations of NMR shifts for extended paramagnetic solids: significant effects beyond the contact shifts
26.06.2018 Sina Stocker Parameterization of a Polarizable Force Field for Glass-Amorphous Li3OCl (Presentation of M.Sc. Thesis)
26.06.2018 Simon Wengert Validation of a Polarizable Atomistic Force Field for the Solid State Ion Conductor LATP (Presentation of M.Sc. Thesis)
27.07.2018 (Fr, 11:00am) Maxi Iglhaut Quantum chemical investigation of the reaction kinetics of rearrangement reactions regarding the formation of ethanol from syngas (Presentation of B.Sc. Thesis)
27.07.2018 (Fr, 11:00am) Robin Feldmann Towards Understanding Semiconductivity in Metal–Organic Frameworks – on the Effective Mass Tensor (Presentation of B.Sc. Thesis)
27.07.2018 (Fr, 11:00am) Sebastian Pios Barrierfree CO2 photoreduction reaction with carbon nitrides: Mechanistic insights from excited state ab initio calculations (Presentation of M.Sc. Internship)
07.08.2018 Johannes Lechner Wulff construction of anatase TiO2 nanoparticles (Presentation of B.Sc. thesis)
07.09.2018 (Fr, 11:30am) Katrine Svane (DTU) Tuning the properties of hybrid organic-inorganic materials
11.09.2018 Nicolas Bergmann Evaluation of bandlike charge carrier mobility in organic semiconductors (Presentation of B.Sc. Thesis)