International Symposium FOR 2033 The hematopoietic Niches May 10th-11th, 2019

Dear colleagues,
Somatic stem cells are critical to maintain highly regenerative tissues. Hematopoietic stem cells (HSC) are the best understood somatic stem cells and their transplantable activity has been used for clinical regenerative therapies for several decades. The HSC niche comprises various cell types, which together control the balance between HSC self-renewal and differentiation and may control HSC dormancy and proliferation. In this symposium, experts in the field and contributors to the DFG Research Unit FOR 2033 will present progress in unraveling the complex and dynamic HSC-niche interactions that are active during homeostasis, stress and disease. Insights from the HSC-niche field will not only serve as a model for many other less advanced somatic stem cells, but will also help to better understand and possibly treat various hematological diseases.
With kind regards, Prof. Dr. Robert Oostendorp, Chairman
Dr. Marieke Essers, Co-Chairman
Prof. Dr. Claudia Waskow, Co-Chairman
Theresa Sippenauer, Organization
For the DFG Research Unit FOR 2033 Klinikum rechts der Isar Technical University of Munich