

Professur für Protein Modelling
Technische Universität München
Emil-Erlenmeyer-Forum 8
D-85354 Freising


Email Secretary:

How to find us:

Location on campus:

Find our location on the Campus Map.

Public transport:

Take the train to "Freising Bahnhof", then transfer to Bus 638 and take the bus to "Weihenstephan" (Bus schedule). 


From any highway in the vicinity of Munich, follow the signs to "Munich Airport". They will lead you onto A92 in the direction of "Deggendorf", follow A92 until the exit "Freising Mitte" (first exit AFTER exit "Munich Airport", do not take exit "Munich Airport"!), turn off the highway at "Freising Mitte" and follow the directions in the map.